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;; i freely admit that i don't holistically grok this; i just transcribed the algorithm into something slightly more clojurish
Algorithm: Vose's Alias Method
Create arrays Alias and Prob, each of size n.
Create two worklists, Small and Large.
Multiply each probability by n.
Possible optional rules to make touch spells interesting. These are not written to keep combat balanced, as I don't enjoy powergaming and basically reject the core activity of D&D :|
* They can be kept coherent and passed between people before being deployed. Doing so taxes the caster. HP? Some other cost?
* This implies that they could perhaps be imbued in objects, temporarily, as traps
* They are somehow intimate; you're messing about in someone's aura space. You can get a bonus to the attack if you tell the target a memory of yours, which passes to them with the spell.
* As an unpleasant corollary, some types of curse are transmissible by touch spells
* Certain spell types are conducted by certain materials. Necromancy=bones? Etc etc. This could affect their deployment in certain environments.
* Or worse they're insulated by certain materials
* You can use touch un-spells to steal enchantments from other people
; this isn't to throw shade at the dev; i just felt java had a lot of incidental complexity and wanted to understand what the code does
(defn fragmentize-chunk [chunk]
(set (map #(take % chunk) [1 2 3])))
(defn fragmentize-word [word]
(->> (range (count word))
(map #(drop % word))
(mapcat fragmentize-chunk)
(map clojure.string/join)))
(defn pick [doors]
(assoc-in doors
[(rand-int 3) :picked] true))
(defn monty [doors]
(let [first-goat (first (filter
(comp (every-pred
(comp #(= :goat %) :contents)
(comp not :picked))
#(nth doors %))
(ns dgn)
(def H 40)
(def W 80)
(def TV " ")
(def TF ".")
(def TW "#")
(def TC "!")
(def TOD "\\")
bbqbaron /
Created February 10, 2018 16:03
Dump of some random Reason utility functions I found myself wanting
* the util file I banged together while working on a project.
* as a result, it's organic, not systematic.
* some are so trivial as not to really need defining.
* i think i'm used to Clojure where a lack of currying
* means that sometimes aliasing trivial partial functions
* is helpful.
bbqbaron / Test.elm
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Elm History?
module Test where
import Html(..)
import Html.Attributes(..)
import Html.Events(..)
import List(..)
import Maybe(..)
import Signal(..)
port initialLocation : String