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Bryan Dady bcdady

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"$schema": "",
"meta": {
"version": "v1.0.0",
"canonical": "",
"theme": "elegant"
"basics": {
"name": "Bryan Dady",
"label": "Engineering Manager at Subsplash",
bcdady / colors.csv
Last active August 6, 2024 15:00 — forked from avillafiorita/.colors.csv
change osx terminal colors and font from the command line
Name Hex Red Green Blue RGB
alice blue,AliceBlue #f2f9ff 242 249 255 {62194, 63993, 65535}
antique white,AntiqueWhite #fbeede 251 238 222 {64507, 61166, 57054}
AntiqueWhite1 #fff1e1 255 241 225 {65535, 61937, 57825}
AntiqueWhite2 #f1e5d5 241 229 213 {61937, 58853, 54741}
AntiqueWhite3 #d6cbbd 214 203 189 {54998, 52171, 48573}
AntiqueWhite4 #9c958a 156 149 138 {40092, 38293, 35466}
aquamarine,Aquamarine #8dfcdc 141 252 220 {36237, 64764, 56540}
aquamarine2 #84eed0 132 238 208 {33924, 61166, 53456}
aquamarine4 #549b87 84 155 135 {21588, 39835, 34695}
# Enumerate files (full path) that have a matching string found within
# In this example, only PowerShell files (*.ps*1) are being searched for the simple wildcard string 'servicegroup'
PS .\> gci -Path .\ -Filter *.ps*1 -Recurse -File | Select-String -SimpleMatch servicegroup | group -Property Path | select -ExpandProperty Name
"{0:N2}" -f ((Get-ChildItem C:\Drivers -recurse | Measure-Object -property length -sum).sum / 1GB) + " GB"
# re:
If you'd like to set this properly in the Registry via cmd/bat, or PowerShell, be sure to specify the key is in HLKM, not HKCU.
Get-Item HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager may succeed, but the other 2 fail if aimed at the Current_User hive.
Presuming what you'd like is for ServerManager to NOT auto open at logon, the following 1-liner (PowerShell) will test if the registry value should be updated, and then update the proper key/value:
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager -Name DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon).DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon -ne 0) { New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\ServerManager -Name DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon -PropertyType DWORD -Value '0x1' –Force }
bcdady / Get-MyAcctGroups.ps1
Created February 25, 2016 04:42
# Get Groups your account is a member of, via WMI
$MyAcctGroups = Get-WmiObject -Query "ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_Account.Name='$env:username',Domain='$env:USERDOMAIN'} WHERE ResultRole=GroupComponent REsultClass=Win32_Account"
$MyAcctGroups | Get-Member
bcdady / Get-WinRMListener.ps1
Last active February 24, 2016 20:56
Test-WSMan alternative, with custom PS Object
$Private:WinRMListener = & winrm e winrm/config/listener; foreach ($line in $Private:WinRMLTokens = $WinRMListener -split '\n') { $Private:lineTokens = $line -split '=';if ($lineTokens[0] -like '*Source*') { $Private:source = $($lineTokens[1]).trim().replace('"','').replace(']','') }; if ($lineTokens[0] -like '*Transport*') { $Private:Transport = $($lineTokens[1]).trim() }; if ($lineTokens[0] -like '*Port*') { $Private:Port = $($lineTokens[1]).trim() }; if ($lineTokens[0] -like '*Enabled*') { $Private:Enabled = $($lineTokens[1]).trim() }; if ($lineTokens[0] -like '*ListeningOn*') { $Private:ListeningOn = $(($lineTokens[1] -split ',')[0]).trim() } }; $Private:properties = [ordered]@{ 'Source' = $source; 'Transport' = $Transport; 'Port' = $Port; 'Enabled' = $Enabled; 'ListeningIP' = $ListeningOn }; $Private:WinRMListenerInfo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties; $WinRMListenerInfo
bcdady / ModuleDrives.ps1
Last active February 3, 2016 04:48
Mount drive letters for each Module Path
$driveIndex = 1
$env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Sort-Object | foreach { New-PSDrive -Name "PSMods$driveIndex" -PSProvider filesystem -Root $PSItem; $driveIndex++ }
Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem
bcdady / group-files.ps1
Last active January 17, 2023 13:44
User PowerShell to List files in a folder, Group by extension, sorted in descending order by most common extension(s)
# -Recurse is optional
Get-ChildItem -Path $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads -Recurse | Group-Object -Property Extension | sort -Descending -Property Count
bcdady / gist:c9fc5e8733f19abf83d7
Created October 20, 2015 21:33
Repeat a string in PowerShell