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Last active August 6, 2024 15:00
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Name Hex Red Green Blue RGB
alice blue,AliceBlue #f2f9ff 242 249 255 {62194, 63993, 65535}
antique white,AntiqueWhite #fbeede 251 238 222 {64507, 61166, 57054}
AntiqueWhite1 #fff1e1 255 241 225 {65535, 61937, 57825}
AntiqueWhite2 #f1e5d5 241 229 213 {61937, 58853, 54741}
AntiqueWhite3 #d6cbbd 214 203 189 {54998, 52171, 48573}
AntiqueWhite4 #9c958a 156 149 138 {40092, 38293, 35466}
aquamarine,Aquamarine #8dfcdc 141 252 220 {36237, 64764, 56540}
aquamarine2 #84eed0 132 238 208 {33924, 61166, 53456}
aquamarine4 #549b87 84 155 135 {21588, 39835, 34695}
azure,Azure #f2feff 242 254 255 {62194, 65278, 65535}
azure2 #e5f1f1 229 241 241 {58853, 61937, 61937}
azure3 #ccd6d6 204 214 214 {52428, 54998, 54998}
azure4 #959c9c 149 156 156 {38293, 40092, 40092}
beige #f7f6e2 247 246 226 {63479, 63222, 58082}
bisque,Bisque #ffe8ce 255 232 206 {65535, 59624, 52942}
bisque2 #f1dcc3 241 220 195 {61937, 56540, 50115}
bisque3 #d6c3ad 214 195 173 {54998, 50115, 44461}
bisque4 #9c8f7e 156 143 126 {40092, 36751, 32382}
black,Black #000000 0 0 0 {0, 0, 0}
blanched almond,BlanchedAlmond #ffeed6 255 238 214 {65535, 61166, 54998}
blue violet,BlueViolet #9d4be7 157 75 231 {40349, 19275, 59367}
blue,Blue #0432ff 4 50 255 {1028, 12850, 65535}
blue2 #032ff1 3 47 241 {771, 12079, 61937}
blue4 #011a9c 1 26 156 {257, 6682, 40092}
brown,Brown #aa7941 170 121 65 {43690, 31097, 16705}
brown1 #ff5950 255 89 80 {65535, 22873, 20560}
brown2 #f3534a 243 83 74 {62451, 21331, 19018}
brown3 #d84941 216 73 65 {55512, 18761, 16705}
brown4 #9e332e 158 51 46 {40606, 13107, 11822}
burlywood #e5c498 229 196 152 {58853, 50372, 39064}
burlywood1 #ffdaaa 255 218 170 {65535, 56026, 43690}
burlywood2 #f2cfa1 242 207 161 {62194, 53199, 41377}
burlywood3 #d7b78f 215 183 143 {55255, 47031, 36751}
burlywood4 #9d8567 157 133 103 {40349, 34181, 26471}
cadet blue,CadetBlue #70adaf 112 173 175 {28784, 44461, 44975}
CadetBlue1 #a5f6ff 165 246 255 {42405, 63222, 65535}
CadetBlue2 #9ce9f1 156 233 241 {40092, 59881, 61937}
CadetBlue3 #8aced6 138 206 214 {35466, 52942, 54998}
CadetBlue4 #64979c 100 151 156 {25700, 38807, 40092}
chartreuse #8cf900 140 249 0 {35980, 63993, 0}
chartreuse2 #84ec00 132 236 0 {33924, 60652, 0}
chartreuse3 #75d100 117 209 0 {30069, 53713, 0}
chartreuse4 #539900 83 153 0 {21331, 39321, 0}
chocolate #dc7d26 220 125 38 {56540, 32125, 9766}
chocolate1 #ff922e 255 146 46 {65535, 37522, 11822}
chocolate2 #f38a2a 243 138 42 {62451, 35466, 10794}
chocolate3 #d87a25 216 122 37 {55512, 31354, 9509}
chocolate4,saddle brown,SaddleBrown #9d5717 157 87 23 {40349, 22359, 5911}
coral,Coral #ff9362 255 147 98 {65535, 37779, 25186}
coral1 #ff8868 255 136 104 {65535, 34952, 26728}
coral2 #f38062 243 128 98 {62451, 32896, 25186}
coral3 #d87056 216 112 86 {55512, 28784, 22102}
coral4 #9e513d 158 81 61 {40606, 20817, 15677}
cornflower blue,CornflowerBlue #76a8f0 118 168 240 {30326, 43176, 61680}
cornsilk,Cornsilk #fff8e2 255 248 226 {65535, 63736, 58082}
cornsilk2 #f1ecd6 241 236 214 {61937, 60652, 54998}
cornsilk3 #d6d1be 214 209 190 {54998, 53713, 48830}
cornsilk4 #9c998a 156 153 138 {40092, 39321, 35466}
cyan,Cyan #00fcff 0 252 255 {0, 64764, 65535}
cyan2 #00eff1 0 239 241 {0, 61423, 61937}
cyan3 #00d4d6 0 212 214 {0, 54484, 54998}
cyan4 #009b9c 0 155 156 {0, 39835, 40092}
dark goldenrod,DarkGoldenrod #c59606 197 150 6 {50629, 38550, 1542}
dark green,DarkGreen #007400 0 116 0 {0, 29812, 0}
dark khaki,DarkKhaki #c8c27d 200 194 125 {51400, 49858, 32125}
dark olive green,DarkOliveGreen #677c3d 103 124 61 {26471, 31868, 15677}
dark orange,DarkOrange #ff9d00 255 157 0 {65535, 40349, 0}
dark orchid,DarkOrchid #ab4fd5 171 79 213 {43947, 20303, 54741}
dark salmon,DarkSalmon #eea78c 238 167 140 {61166, 42919, 35980}
dark sea green,DarkSeaGreen #9fc6a0 159 198 160 {40863, 50886, 41120}
dark slate blue,DarkSlateBlue #5a529c 90 82 156 {23130, 21074, 40092}
dark slate gray,dark slate grey,DarkSlateGray,DarkSlateGrey #3c6161 60 97 97 {15420, 24929, 24929}
dark turquoise,DarkTurquoise #00d5d9 0 213 217 {0, 54741, 55769}
dark violet,DarkViolet #a630db 166 48 219 {42662, 12336, 56283}
DarkGoldenrod1 #ffc30b 255 195 11 {65535, 50115, 2827}
DarkGoldenrod2 #f2b90a 242 185 10 {62194, 47545, 2570}
DarkGoldenrod3 #d7a407 215 164 7 {55255, 42148, 1799}
DarkGoldenrod4 #9d7703 157 119 3 {40349, 30583, 771}
DarkOliveGreen1 #d2fb82 210 251 130 {53970, 64507, 33410}
DarkOliveGreen2 #c6ee7a 198 238 122 {50886, 61166, 31354}
DarkOliveGreen3 #b0d36c 176 211 108 {45232, 54227, 27756}
DarkOliveGreen4 #809a4d 128 154 77 {32896, 39578, 19789}
DarkOrange2 #f38900 243 137 0 {62451, 35209, 0}
DarkOrange3 #d87a00 216 122 0 {55512, 31354, 0}
DarkOrange4 #9d5700 157 87 0 {40349, 22359, 0}
DarkSeaGreen1 #cafccc 202 252 204 {51914, 64764, 52428}
DarkSeaGreen2 #bfefc1 191 239 193 {49087, 61423, 49601}
DarkSeaGreen3 #a9d4ab 169 212 171 {43433, 54484, 43947}
DarkSeaGreen4 #7b9b7c 123 155 124 {31611, 39835, 31868}
DarkSlateGray1 #a4fdff 164 253 255 {42148, 65021, 65535}
DarkSlateGray2 #9bf0f1 155 240 241 {39835, 61680, 61937}
DarkSlateGray3 #89d5d6 137 213 214 {35209, 54741, 54998}
DarkSlateGray4 #629b9c 98 155 156 {25186, 39835, 40092}
deep pink,DeepPink #ff39a3 255 57 163 {65535, 14649, 41891}
deep sky blue,DeepSkyBlue #00caff 0 202 255 {0, 51914, 65535}
DeepPink2 #f4359a 244 53 154 {62708, 13621, 39578}
DeepPink3 #d82e88 216 46 136 {55512, 11822, 34952}
DeepPink4 #9e1e62 158 30 98 {40606, 7710, 25186}
DeepSkyBlue2 #00bff1 0 191 241 {0, 49087, 61937}
DeepSkyBlue3 #00aad6 0 170 214 {0, 43690, 54998}
DeepSkyBlue4 #007b9c 0 123 156 {0, 31611, 40092}
dim gray,dim grey,DimGray,DimGrey #7c7c7c 124 124 124 {31868, 31868, 31868}
dodger blue,DodgerBlue #1ea4ff 30 164 255 {7710, 42148, 65535}
DodgerBlue2 #1c9af1 28 154 241 {7196, 39578, 61937}
DodgerBlue3 #1789d6 23 137 214 {5911, 35209, 54998}
DodgerBlue4 #0d629c 13 98 156 {3341, 25186, 40092}
firebrick #c1352c 193 53 44 {49601, 13621, 11308}
firebrick1 #ff493d 255 73 61 {65535, 18761, 15677}
firebrick2 #f34438 243 68 56 {62451, 17476, 14392}
firebrick3 #d83b31 216 59 49 {55512, 15163, 12593}
firebrick4 #9e2921 158 41 33 {40606, 10537, 8481}
floral white,FloralWhite #fffaf3 255 250 243 {65535, 64250, 62451}
forest green,ForestGreen #24992c 36 153 44 {9252, 39321, 11308}
gainsboro #e2e2e2 226 226 226 {58082, 58082, 58082}
ghost white,GhostWhite #f9f9ff 249 249 255 {63993, 63993, 65535}
gold,Gold #ffdc00 255 220 0 {65535, 56540, 0}
gold2 #f2d000 242 208 0 {62194, 53456, 0}
gold3 #d6b800 214 184 0 {54998, 47288, 0}
gold4 #9d8600 157 134 0 {40349, 34438, 0}
goldenrod #e2b228 226 178 40 {58082, 45746, 10280}
goldenrod1 #ffca2f 255 202 47 {65535, 51914, 12079}
goldenrod2 #f2bf2b 242 191 43 {62194, 49087, 11051}
goldenrod3 #d7a924 215 169 36 {55255, 43433, 9252}
goldenrod4 #9d7b18 157 123 24 {40349, 31611, 6168}
gray,grey #c9c9c9 201 201 201 {51657, 51657, 51657}
green yellow,GreenYellow #b8fa3c 184 250 60 {47288, 64250, 15420}
green,Green #00f900 0 249 0 {0, 63993, 0}
green2 #00eb00 0 235 0 {0, 60395, 0}
green3 #00d100 0 209 0 {0, 53713, 0}
green4 #009800 0 152 0 {0, 39064, 0}
honeydew #f2fef3 242 254 243 {62194, 65278, 62451}
honeydew2 #e5f0e6 229 240 230 {58853, 61680, 59110}
honeydew3 #cbd5cc 203 213 204 {52171, 54741, 52428}
honeydew4 #959c95 149 156 149 {38293, 40092, 38293}
hot pink,HotPink #ff83c1 255 131 193 {65535, 33667, 49601}
HotPink1 #ff87c1 255 135 193 {65535, 34695, 49601}
HotPink2 #f383b5 243 131 181 {62451, 33667, 46517}
HotPink3 #d878a1 216 120 161 {55512, 30840, 41377}
HotPink4 #9e4f75 158 79 117 {40606, 20303, 30069}
indian red,IndianRed #d8726e 216 114 110 {55512, 29298, 28270}
IndianRed1 #ff817c 255 129 124 {65535, 33153, 31868}
IndianRed2 #f37a75 243 122 117 {62451, 31354, 30069}
IndianRed3 #d86b67 216 107 103 {55512, 27499, 26471}
IndianRed4 #9e4d4a 158 77 74 {40606, 19789, 19018}
ivory,Ivory #fefef3 254 254 243 {65278, 65278, 62451}
ivory2 #f1f1e6 241 241 230 {61937, 61937, 59110}
ivory3 #d6d6cc 214 214 204 {54998, 54998, 52428}
ivory4 #9c9c95 156 156 149 {40092, 40092, 38293}
khaki #f3e99d 243 233 157 {62451, 59881, 40349}
khaki1 #fff59f 255 245 159 {65535, 62965, 40863}
khaki2 #f1e896 241 232 150 {61937, 59624, 38550}
khaki3 #d6ce85 214 206 133 {54998, 52942, 34181}
khaki4 #9c9660 156 150 96 {40092, 38550, 24672}
lavender #eaebfb 234 235 251 {60138, 60395, 64507}
lavender blush,LavenderBlush #fff3f7 255 243 247 {65535, 62451, 63479}
LavenderBlush2 #f1e6ea 241 230 234 {61937, 59110, 60138}
LavenderBlush3 #d6cccf 214 204 207 {54998, 52428, 53199}
LavenderBlush4 #9c9598 156 149 152 {40092, 38293, 39064}
lawn green,LawnGreen #89f700 137 247 0 {35209, 63479, 0}
lemon chiffon,LemonChiffon #fffad6 255 250 214 {65535, 64250, 54998}
LemonChiffon2 #f1ecca 241 236 202 {61937, 60652, 51914}
LemonChiffon3 #d6d2b3 214 210 179 {54998, 53970, 46003}
LemonChiffon4 #9c9a83 156 154 131 {40092, 39578, 33667}
light blue,LightBlue #badfeb 186 223 235 {47802, 57311, 60395}
light coral,LightCoral #f49592 244 149 146 {62708, 38293, 37522}
light cyan,LightCyan #e5feff 229 254 255 {58853, 65278, 65535}
light goldenrod yellow,LightGoldenrodYellow #fafada 250 250 218 {64250, 64250, 56026}
light goldenrod,LightGoldenrod #f1e193 241 225 147 {61937, 57825, 37779}
light gray,light grey,LightGray,LightGrey #dbdbdb 219 219 219 {56283, 56283, 56283}
light pink,LightPink #ffc4cc 255 196 204 {65535, 50372, 52428}
light salmon,LightSalmon #ffb08c 255 176 140 {65535, 45232, 35980}
light sea green,LightSeaGreen #1bbdb8 27 189 184 {6939, 48573, 47288}
light sky blue,LightSkyBlue #97d7fb 151 215 251 {38807, 55255, 64507}
light slate blue,LightSlateBlue #9689ff 150 137 255 {38550, 35209, 65535}
light slate gray,light slate grey,LightSlateGray,LightSlateGrey #899aa9 137 154 169 {35209, 39578, 43433}
light steel blue,LightSteelBlue #bdcfe4 189 207 228 {48573, 53199, 58596}
light yellow,LightYellow #fefee5 254 254 229 {65278, 65278, 58853}
LightBlue1 #c9f1ff 201 241 255 {51657, 61937, 65535}
LightBlue2 #bee5f1 190 229 241 {48830, 58853, 61937}
LightBlue3 #a9cbd6 169 203 214 {43433, 52171, 54998}
LightBlue4 #7a959c 122 149 156 {31354, 38293, 40092}
LightCyan2 #d9f1f1 217 241 241 {55769, 61937, 61937}
LightCyan3 #c0d5d6 192 213 214 {49344, 54741, 54998}
LightCyan4 #8c9c9c 140 156 156 {35980, 40092, 40092}
LightGoldenrod1 #ffee9c 255 238 156 {65535, 61166, 40092}
LightGoldenrod3 #d6c882 214 200 130 {54998, 51400, 33410}
LightGoldenrod4 #9c925e 156 146 94 {40092, 37522, 24158}
LightSalmon2 #f2a684 242 166 132 {62194, 42662, 33924}
LightSalmon3 #d79474 215 148 116 {55255, 38036, 29812}
LightSalmon4 #9d6a53 157 106 83 {40349, 27242, 21331}
LightSkyBlue1 #bce7ff 188 231 255 {48316, 59367, 65535}
LightSkyBlue2 #b2dbf1 178 219 241 {45746, 56283, 61937}
LightSkyBlue3 #9dc2d6 157 194 214 {40349, 49858, 54998}
LightSkyBlue4 #728d9c 114 141 156 {29298, 36237, 40092}
LightSteelBlue1 #d3e7ff 211 231 255 {54227, 59367, 65535}
LightSteelBlue2 #c7dbf1 199 219 241 {51143, 56283, 61937}
LightSteelBlue3 #b0c2d6 176 194 214 {45232, 49858, 54998}
LightSteelBlue4 #808d9c 128 141 156 {32896, 36237, 40092}
LightYellow2 #f1f0d9 241 240 217 {61937, 61680, 55769}
LightYellow3 #d6d5c1 214 213 193 {54998, 54741, 49601}
LightYellow4 #9c9c8c 156 156 140 {40092, 40092, 35980}
lime green,LimeGreen #35d140 53 209 64 {13621, 53713, 16448}
linen #fbf2ea 251 242 234 {64507, 62194, 60138}
magenta,Magenta #ff40ff 255 64 255 {65535, 16448, 65535}
maroon,Maroon #bf4673 191 70 115 {49087, 17990, 29555}
medium aquamarine,MediumAquamarine #75d4b8 117 212 184 {30069, 54484, 47288}
medium blue,MediumBlue #0228d6 2 40 214 {514, 10280, 54998}
medium orchid,MediumOrchid #c871db 200 113 219 {51400, 29041, 56283}
medium purple,MediumPurple #a488e2 164 136 226 {42148, 34952, 58082}
medium sea green,MediumSeaGreen #46bd84 70 189 132 {17990, 48573, 33924}
medium slate blue,MediumSlateBlue #8e81f1 142 129 241 {36494, 33153, 61937}
medium spring green,MediumSpringGreen #00f6aa 0 246 170 {0, 63222, 43690}
medium turquoise,MediumTurquoise #53d7d5 83 215 213 {21331, 55255, 54741}
medium violet red,MediumVioletRed #d33397 211 51 151 {54227, 13107, 38807}
midnight blue,MidnightBlue #212983 33 41 131 {8481, 10537, 33667}
mint cream,MintCream #f6fefb 246 254 251 {63222, 65278, 64507}
misty rose,MistyRose #ffe9e6 255 233 230 {65535, 59881, 59110}
MistyRose2 #f1ddda 241 221 218 {61937, 56797, 56026}
MistyRose3 #d6c4c1 214 196 193 {54998, 50372, 49601}
MistyRose4 #9c8f8d 156 143 141 {40092, 36751, 36237}
moccasin #ffe8c1 255 232 193 {65535, 59624, 49601}
navajo white,NavajoWhite #ffe3ba 255 227 186 {65535, 58339, 47802}
NavajoWhite2 #f1d7b0 241 215 176 {61937, 55255, 45232}
NavajoWhite3 #d6bf9c 214 191 156 {54998, 49087, 40092}
NavajoWhite4 #9d8b71 157 139 113 {40349, 35723, 29041}
navy,navy blue,NavyBlue #011892 1 24 146 {257, 6168, 37522}
old lace,OldLace #fdf6ea 253 246 234 {65021, 63222, 60138}
olive drab,OliveDrab #7d9c2d 125 156 45 {32125, 40092, 11565}
OliveDrab1 #c9fa4e 201 250 78 {51657, 64250, 20046}
OliveDrab2 #beed49 190 237 73 {48830, 60909, 18761}
OliveDrab3,yellow green,YellowGreen #a8d240 168 210 64 {43176, 53970, 16448}
OliveDrab4 #7b992c 123 153 44 {31611, 39321, 11308}
orange red,OrangeRed #ff5d00 255 93 0 {65535, 23901, 0}
orange,Orange #ff9200 255 146 0 {65535, 37522, 0}
orange1 #ffb300 255 179 0 {65535, 46003, 0}
orange2 #f2a900 242 169 0 {62194, 43433, 0}
orange3 #d79600 215 150 0 {55255, 38550, 0}
orange4 #9d6c00 157 108 0 {40349, 27756, 0}
OrangeRed2 #f35700 243 87 0 {62451, 22359, 0}
OrangeRed3 #d84c00 216 76 0 {55512, 19532, 0}
OrangeRed4 #9e3500 158 53 0 {40606, 13621, 0}
orchid #e289dd 226 137 221 {58082, 35209, 56797}
pale goldenrod,PaleGoldenrod #f1ebb8 241 235 184 {61937, 60395, 47288}
pale green,PaleGreen #a5f8a8 165 248 168 {42405, 63736, 43176}
pale turquoise,PaleTurquoise #bbf0f1 187 240 241 {48059, 61680, 61937}
pale violet red,PaleVioletRed #e387a3 227 135 163 {58339, 34695, 41891}
PaleGreen1 #a7fbaa 167 251 170 {42919, 64507, 43690}
PaleGreen2 #9eeea1 158 238 161 {40606, 61166, 41377}
PaleGreen3 #8cd38e 140 211 142 {35980, 54227, 36494}
PaleGreen4 #659a66 101 154 102 {25957, 39578, 26214}
PaleTurquoise1 #c5feff 197 254 255 {50629, 65278, 65535}
PaleTurquoise2 #baf0f1 186 240 241 {47802, 61680, 61937}
PaleTurquoise3 #a5d5d6 165 213 214 {42405, 54741, 54998}
PaleTurquoise4 #789c9c 120 156 156 {30840, 40092, 40092}
papaya whip,PapayaWhip #fff1dc 255 241 220 {65535, 61937, 56540}
peach puff,PeachPuff #ffe0c5 255 224 197 {65535, 57568, 50629}
PeachPuff2 #f2d4ba 242 212 186 {62194, 54484, 47802}
PeachPuff3 #d6bca5 214 188 165 {54998, 48316, 42405}
PeachPuff4 #9d8978 157 137 120 {40349, 35209, 30840}
pink,Pink #ffccd4 255 204 212 {65535, 52428, 54484}
pink1 #ffc3cf 255 195 207 {65535, 50115, 53199}
pink2 #f2b9c4 242 185 196 {62194, 47545, 50372}
pink3 #d7a3ad 215 163 173 {55255, 41891, 44461}
pink4 #9d777f 157 119 127 {40349, 30583, 32639}
plum #e4b2e3 228 178 227 {58596, 45746, 58339}
powder blue,PowderBlue #bce5eb 188 229 235 {48316, 58853, 60395}
purple,Purple #932092 147 32 146 {37779, 8224, 37522}
red,Red #ff2600 255 38 0 {65535, 9766, 0}
red2 #f42300 244 35 0 {62708, 8995, 0}
red3 #d81e00 216 30 0 {55512, 7710, 0}
red4 #9e1200 158 18 0 {40606, 4626, 0}
rosy brown,RosyBrown #c8a1a0 200 161 160 {51400, 41377, 41120}
RosyBrown1 #ffcdcc 255 205 204 {65535, 52685, 52428}
RosyBrown2 #f2c2c1 242 194 193 {62194, 49858, 49601}
RosyBrown3 #d7acab 215 172 171 {55255, 44204, 43947}
RosyBrown4 #9d7c7c 157 124 124 {40349, 31868, 31868}
royal blue,RoyalBlue #5181e7 81 129 231 {20817, 33153, 59367}
RoyalBlue1 #598eff 89 142 255 {22873, 36494, 65535}
RoyalBlue2 #5386f1 83 134 241 {21331, 34438, 61937}
RoyalBlue3 #4976d6 73 118 214 {18761, 30326, 54998}
RoyalBlue4 #33549c 51 84 156 {13107, 21588, 40092}
salmon #fc9584 252 149 132 {64764, 38293, 33924}
salmon1 #ff9f7b 255 159 123 {65535, 40863, 31611}
salmon2 #f39574 243 149 116 {62451, 38293, 29812}
salmon3 #d78466 215 132 102 {55255, 33924, 26214}
salmon4 #9d5f49 157 95 73 {40349, 24415, 18761}
sandy brown,SandyBrown #f7b372 247 179 114 {63479, 46003, 29298}
sea green,SeaGreen #379a6a 55 154 106 {14135, 39578, 27242}
SeaGreen1 #5efaae 94 250 174 {24158, 64250, 44718}
SeaGreen2 #58eda4 88 237 164 {22616, 60909, 42148}
SeaGreen3 #4dd292 77 210 146 {19789, 53970, 37522}
seashell,Seashell #fff7f1 255 247 241 {65535, 63479, 61937}
seashell2 #f1eae4 241 234 228 {61937, 60138, 58596}
seashell3 #d6cfca 214 207 202 {54998, 53199, 51914}
seashell4 #9c9794 156 151 148 {40092, 38807, 38036}
sienna #b1653a 177 101 58 {45489, 25957, 14906}
sienna1 #ff9558 255 149 88 {65535, 38293, 22616}
sienna2 #f38d52 243 141 82 {62451, 36237, 21074}
sienna3 #d87c48 216 124 72 {55512, 31868, 18504}
sienna4 #9d5a31 157 90 49 {40349, 23130, 12593}
sky blue,SkyBlue #96d7ef 150 215 239 {38550, 55255, 61423}
SkyBlue1 #97d7ff 151 215 255 {38807, 55255, 65535}
SkyBlue2 #8ecbf1 142 203 241 {36494, 52171, 61937}
SkyBlue3 #7db5d6 125 181 214 {32125, 46517, 54998}
SkyBlue4 #5b839c 91 131 156 {23387, 33667, 40092}
slate blue,SlateBlue #7d73d6 125 115 214 {32125, 29555, 54998}
slate gray,slate grey,SlateGray,SlateGrey #8292a1 130 146 161 {33410, 37522, 41377}
SlateBlue1 #9589ff 149 137 255 {38293, 35209, 65535}
SlateBlue2 #8d80f1 141 128 241 {36237, 32896, 61937}
SlateBlue3 #7c72d6 124 114 214 {31868, 29298, 54998}
SlateBlue4 #59519c 89 81 156 {22873, 20817, 40092}
SlateGray1 #cfe8ff 207 232 255 {53199, 59624, 65535}
SlateGray2 #c4dbf1 196 219 241 {50372, 56283, 61937}
SlateGray3 #aec3d6 174 195 214 {44718, 50115, 54998}
SlateGray4 #7e8d9c 126 141 156 {32382, 36237, 40092}
snow,Snow #fffbfb 255 251 251 {65535, 64507, 64507}
snow2 #f1eded 241 237 237 {61937, 60909, 60909}
snow3 #d6d3d3 214 211 211 {54998, 54227, 54227}
snow4 #9c9a9a 156 154 154 {40092, 39578, 39578}
spring green,SpringGreen #00fa91 0 250 145 {0, 64250, 37265}
SpringGreen2 #00ec88 0 236 136 {0, 60652, 34952}
SpringGreen3 #00d279 0 210 121 {0, 53970, 31097}
SpringGreen4 #009956 0 153 86 {0, 39321, 22102}
steel blue,SteelBlue #5595c1 85 149 193 {21845, 38293, 49601}
SteelBlue1 #73c5ff 115 197 255 {29555, 50629, 65535}
SteelBlue2 #6cbbf1 108 187 241 {27756, 48059, 61937}
SteelBlue3 #5fa5d6 95 165 214 {24415, 42405, 54998}
SteelBlue4 #44789c 68 120 156 {17476, 30840, 40092}
tan,Tan #dbc09d 219 192 157 {56283, 49344, 40349}
tan1 #ffb460 255 180 96 {65535, 46260, 24672}
tan2 #f2aa5a 242 170 90 {62194, 43690, 23130}
tan3,peru,Peru #d7974f 215 151 79 {55255, 38807, 20303}
tan4 #9d6d38 157 109 56 {40349, 28013, 14392}
thistle #e0cbdf 224 203 223 {57568, 52171, 57311}
tomato #ff7a58 255 122 88 {65535, 31354, 22616}
tomato2 #f37252 243 114 82 {62451, 29298, 21074}
tomato3 #d86548 216 101 72 {55512, 25957, 18504}
tomato4 #9e4832 158 72 50 {40606, 18504, 12850}
turquoise,Turquoise #48e3d9 72 227 217 {18504, 58339, 55769}
turquoise1 #00f5ff 0 245 255 {0, 62965, 65535}
turquoise2 #00e8f1 0 232 241 {0, 59624, 61937}
turquoise3 #00ced6 0 206 214 {0, 52942, 54998}
turquoise4 #00969c 0 150 156 {0, 38550, 40092}
violet,Violet #f39bf1 243 155 241 {62451, 39835, 61937}
violet red,VioletRed #db3da1 219 61 161 {56283, 15677, 41377}
wheat #f7e3c0 247 227 192 {63479, 58339, 49344}
wheat1 #ffebc6 255 235 198 {65535, 60395, 50886}
wheat2 #f1debb 241 222 187 {61937, 57054, 48059}
wheat3 #d6c5a6 214 197 166 {54998, 50629, 42662}
wheat4 #9c9079 156 144 121 {40092, 37008, 31097}
white smoke,WhiteSmoke #f7f7f7 247 247 247 {63479, 63479, 63479}
white,White #ffffff 255 255 255 {65535, 65535, 65535}
yellow,Yellow #fefb00 254 251 0 {65278, 64507, 0}
yellow2 #f1ed00 241 237 0 {61937, 60909, 0}
yellow3 #d6d300 214 211 0 {54998, 54227, 0}
yellow4 #9c9a00 156 154 0 {40092, 39578, 0}
# Put .colors.csv in your home directory
# Add the following functions to your .bash_profile
# Change colors and fonts of the OSX terminal from the command line:
# $ set_foreground_color lime green
# $ set_font "Oxygen Mono" 12
# Colors for Apple Terminal
function list_colors {
cat ${HOME}/.colors.csv
function grep_apple_color {
grep "$*" ${HOME}/.colors.csv
function get_apple_color {
egrep "(^|,)$*(,|\t)" ${HOME}/.colors.csv | cut -f 6
function set_foreground_color {
color=$(get_apple_color $*)
if [ "$color" != "" ] ; then
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set normal text color of window 1 to ${color}"
echo "Normal test color set to: $*: $color"
function set_background_color {
color=$(get_apple_color $*)
if [ "$color" != "" ] ; then
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set background color of window 1 to ${color}"
echo "Background color set to: $*: $color"
function set_theme {
set_foreground_color $1
set_background_color $2
function set_font {
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set the font name of window 1 to \"$1\""
osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to set the font size of window 1 to $2"
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