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reproductive rights are human rights

D. Ben Knoble benknoble

reproductive rights are human rights
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benknoble / code-percent
Last active December 11, 2024 03:02
Percent of Racket/Racket by file at 4d5ddce14b (fix name in blame object for contract-in, 2024-11-26)
RowNumber File PercentTotal CumulativePercentTotal
1 racket/src/bc/src/ 61.3411 61.3411
2 racket/src/cs/schemified/expander.scm 60.7638 122.105
3 racket/src/cs/schemified/schemify.scm 31.6651 153.77
4 racket/src/cs/schemified/io.scm 24.5839 178.354
5 racket/src/ChezScheme/unicode/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt 22.6329 200.987
6 racket/src/bc/foreign/libffi/configure 14.0329 215.02
7 racket/src/ChezScheme/unicode/UNIDATA/Normalizat
benknoble / return.rkt
Created February 2, 2022 19:25
REPL with return
#lang racket
(define-namespace-anchor this-module)
(displayln 'start)
(displayln `(repl ,(call/ec (λ (return-k)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (namespace-anchor->namespace this-module)])
(namespace-set-variable-value! 'return return-k #f (current-namespace) #t)
(displayln 'end)
benknoble /
Last active September 22, 2021 19:00
Beeswax breaks when/splice in templates
  • beeswax-render-*.html produced by
raco beeswax render *.pmd
for f in {,b,c}article.html; do mv "$f" "beewswax-render-$f"; done
  • pollen-render-*.html produced by
mv pollen.rkt .pollen.rkt
raco pollen render *.pmd
benknoble / config.rkt
Last active June 22, 2021 21:23
using info.rkt for configuration in Racket
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require setup/getinfo)
(define config?-v1 (get-info/full "."))
(config?-v1 'name) ;=> "Games"
(config?-v1 'gracket-launcher-libraries) ;=> '("main.rkt")
(config?-v1 'gracket-launcher-names) ;=> '("PLT Games")
benknoble / parens.clj
Last active February 13, 2020 03:18
Balanced parentheses checker in a balanced parentheses language
(ns parens)
(defn mk-balanced?
"makes a balanced? checker from table, which maps closing characters to
opening characters.
see also: balanced?"
(fn [s]
(let [opens (set (vals table))
benknoble /
Last active November 23, 2022 17:41 — forked from g0xA52A2A/
Vim autoreply

A modified version of George's gist which I recommend checking out.

A modified version of Romain's gist which I recomend checking out.

Instead we pull the last line from the command history with ~~~histget()~~~ getcmdline() and use fullcommand() to get the command name. This gives us the proper command name which we can match against literally.

Also rather than always having to return a carriage return and whatever else in an expression I've opted to use an autocmd.

This also fixes what could be considered a minor bug at the time of writting in the original the dlist and ilist mapping. The pattern may have spaces so rather than increment the cursor backwards move it to the start then increment it forwards to the correct destination.

benknoble / # clisp - 2019-08-28_21-01-23.txt
Created August 29, 2019 01:13
clisp on macOS 10.14.5 - Homebrew build logs
Homebrew build logs for clisp on macOS 10.14.5
Build date: 2019-08-28 21:01:23
2019-08-14T00:13:39.8387490Z Current runner version: '2.156.4'
2019-08-14T00:13:39.8405601Z Prepare workflow directory.
2019-08-14T00:13:39.8826457Z Prepare all required actions.
2019-08-14T00:13:40.8625549Z action.yml for action: '/home/runner/work/_actions/actions/checkout/v1/action.yml'.
2019-08-14T00:13:41.0275685Z Start tracking orphan processes.
2019-08-14T00:13:41.1403114Z ##[group]Run set +e
2019-08-14T00:13:41.1476329Z set +e
2019-08-14T00:13:41.1476490Z command -v ruby
2019-08-14T00:13:41.1476643Z command -v ruby2.3.7
2019-08-14T00:13:41.1476757Z command -v ruby2.4.6
benknoble / 00workflow.png
Last active October 2, 2024 21:00
benknoble / 00tools.jpg
Last active October 2, 2024 20:53