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Forked from g0xA52A2A/
Last active November 23, 2022 17:41
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Vim autoreply

A modified version of George's gist which I recommend checking out.

A modified version of Romain's gist which I recomend checking out.

Instead we pull the last line from the command history with ~~~histget()~~~ getcmdline() and use fullcommand() to get the command name. This gives us the proper command name which we can match against literally.

Also rather than always having to return a carriage return and whatever else in an expression I've opted to use an autocmd.

This also fixes what could be considered a minor bug at the time of writting in the original the dlist and ilist mapping. The pattern may have spaces so rather than increment the cursor backwards move it to the start then increment it forwards to the correct destination.

This now works correctly with any :global command, but to have line numbers show up for jumping you still want to use the # command at the end.

Just throwing this up so I can play around with further modifications.

" taken from
" modified in

if !exists('##CmdlineLeave')

let s:has_replied = v:false

function s:feedkeys(str) abort
  call feedkeys(a:str, 'n')

function! AutoReply(cmdline) abort
  let previous = split(a:cmdline)

  if empty(previous)
    return s:has_replied

  let previous_cmd = fullcommand(a:cmdline)
  let previous_args = previous[1:]

  if empty(previous_cmd)
    return s:has_replied

  if s:has_replied
    let s:has_replied = v:false
    return s:has_replied

  let s:has_replied = v:true

  if previous_cmd ==# 'global'
    call s:feedkeys(':')
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'undolist'
    call s:feedkeys(':undo' . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'oldfiles'
    call s:feedkeys(':edit #<')
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'marks'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! `')

  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'changes'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! g;')
    call s:feedkeys("\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'jumps'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal!' . ' ')
    call s:feedkeys("\<C-O>\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'registers'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! "p')
    call s:feedkeys("\<Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd ==# 'tags'
    call s:feedkeys(':pop')
    call s:feedkeys("\<Home>")

  elseif index(['ls', 'files', 'buffers'], previous_cmd) != -1
    call s:feedkeys(':buffer' . ' ')
  elseif index(['clist', 'llist'], previous_cmd) != -1
    call s:feedkeys(':' . repeat(previous_cmd[0], 2) . ' ')
  elseif index(['dlist', 'ilist'], previous_cmd) != -1
    call s:feedkeys(':' . previous_cmd[0] . 'jump' . ' ' . join(previous_args))
    call s:feedkeys("\<Home>\<S-Right>\<Space>")

    let s:has_replied = v:false

  return s:has_replied

augroup AutoReply
  autocmd CmdlineLeave : call AutoReply(getcmdline())
augroup end
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The cancellable stuff (g:has_replied &co.) doesn't play super well with romainl/vim-cool, but only when using :global, and I can't figure out what's causing it.

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It seems neovim implemented this CmdlineLeave differently because histget('cmd', -1) does not return same thing with vim. I tried to use getcmdline() and as far as I tried, it worked for both vim and neovim. For your information.

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Konfekt commented Nov 23, 2022

The abbreviations of the command names can be checked for by the %[...] expresion, such as:

  if previous_cmd =~# '\v/(#|nu%[mber])$'
    call s:feedkeys(':')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*undol%[ist]'
    call s:feedkeys(':undo' . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*ol%[dfiles]\s*$'
    call s:feedkeys(':edit #<')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*marks\s*(\s\w+)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! `')

  elseif previous_cmd =~# '^\s*changes\s*$'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! g;')
    call s:feedkeys("\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*ju%[mps]'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal!' . ' ')
    call s:feedkeys("\<C-O>\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*reg%[isters]'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! "p')
    call s:feedkeys("\<Left>")

  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(ls|files|buffers)!?\s*(\s[+\-=auhx%#]+)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':buffer' . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(cli|lli)%[st]!?\s*(\s\d+(,\s*\d+)?)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':' . repeat(previous_cmd[0], 2) . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(dli%[st]|il%[ist])!?\s+\S'
    call s:feedkeys(':' . previous_cmd[0] . 'jump' . ' ' . join(previous_args))
    call s:feedkeys("\<Home>\<S-Right>\<Space>")

    let s:has_replied = v:false

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The abbreviations of the command names can be checked for by the %[...] expresion, such as:

  if previous_cmd =~# '\v/(#|nu%[mber])$'
    call s:feedkeys(':')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*undol%[ist]'
    call s:feedkeys(':undo' . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*ol%[dfiles]\s*$'
    call s:feedkeys(':edit #<')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*marks\s*(\s\w+)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! `')

  elseif previous_cmd =~# '^\s*changes\s*$'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! g;')
    call s:feedkeys("\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*ju%[mps]'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal!' . ' ')
    call s:feedkeys("\<C-O>\<S-Left>")
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*reg%[isters]'
    call s:feedkeys(':normal! "p')
    call s:feedkeys("\<Left>")

  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(ls|files|buffers)!?\s*(\s[+\-=auhx%#]+)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':buffer' . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(cli|lli)%[st]!?\s*(\s\d+(,\s*\d+)?)?$'
    call s:feedkeys(':' . repeat(previous_cmd[0], 2) . ' ')
  elseif previous_cmd =~# '\v^\s*(dli%[st]|il%[ist])!?\s+\S'
    call s:feedkeys(':' . previous_cmd[0] . 'jump' . ' ' . join(previous_args))
    call s:feedkeys("\<Home>\<S-Right>\<Space>")

    let s:has_replied = v:false

This is true, but I don’t think it’s necessary with fullcommand

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Konfekt commented Nov 23, 2022

You seem right, thank you! I likely saw the Alias function in and presumed something similar was necessary here, but overlooked what fullcommand() achieves.

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