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Ondra Beneš beny

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bkeating /
Created March 11, 2010 21:36
HOWTO: Using FileMerge (opendiff) with Git on OSX

HOWTO: Using FileMerge (opendiff) with Git on OSX

FileMerge (opendiff) can really come in handy when you need to visually compare merging conflicts. Other times it's just a nice visual way to review your days work.

The following method works by creating a simple bash script ( that sets us up with the proper command line arguments for Git to pass off files to FileMerge.

hramos / manifest.plist
Created January 11, 2011 14:29
Sample manifest file for Over The Air iOS deployment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
unixcharles / Ohhh noes.txt
Created September 19, 2011 14:20
OSX libxml2 error fix
Look like brew libxml2 and the one bundled with osx are fighting
/Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.4/lib/libxml_ruby.bundle: dlsym(0x7ffb44ee7880, Init_libxml_ruby): symbol not found - /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.4/lib/libxml_ruby.bundle (LoadError)
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.4/lib/libxml.rb:9
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in `require'
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:68:in `require'
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in `each'
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:66:in `require'
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.15/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:55:in `each'
from /Users/unixcharles/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/bundler-1.0.1
Jaybles / UIDeviceHardware.h
Created October 28, 2011 19:33
UIDeviceHardware - Determine iOS device being used
// UIDeviceHardware.h
// Used to determine EXACT version of device software is running on.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface UIDeviceHardware : NSObject
- (NSString *) platform;
davidnunez / gist:1404789
Created November 29, 2011 13:20
list all installed packages in android adb shell
pm list packages -f
nicklockwood / ARCHelper.h
Last active November 20, 2018 10:02
ARC Helper
// ARC Helper
// Version 2.2
// Created by Nick Lockwood on 05/01/2012.
// Copyright 2012 Charcoal Design
// Distributed under the permissive zlib license
// Get the latest version from here:
erikh /
Created March 31, 2012 07:02 — forked from DAddYE/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
skeeet /
Created April 12, 2012 13:35 — forked from MaximKeegan/
Create a RAM disk for using with XCode
# Create a RAM disk with same perms as mountpoint
# Script based on with some additions
# Usage: sudo ./ start
adamawolf / Apple_mobile_device_types.txt
Last active March 9, 2025 07:19
List of Apple's mobile device codes types a.k.a. machine ids (e.g. `iPhone1,1`, `Watch1,1`, etc.) and their matching product names
i386 : iPhone Simulator
x86_64 : iPhone Simulator
arm64 : iPhone Simulator
iPhone1,1 : iPhone
iPhone1,2 : iPhone 3G
iPhone2,1 : iPhone 3GS
iPhone3,1 : iPhone 4
iPhone3,2 : iPhone 4 GSM Rev A
iPhone3,3 : iPhone 4 CDMA
iPhone4,1 : iPhone 4S
jtprince / savgol.rb
Created July 9, 2012 16:13
Savitsky-Golay filter for ruby arrays
# do what the heck you want to public license (see doc end)
# gem install ruby-svg # provides SVDMatrix
require 'ruby-svd'
class SVDMatrix < Matrix
def self.[](*rows)
mat =,rows.first.size)
rows.each_with_index {|row,i| mat.set_row(i, row) }