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Forked from jbobrow/colorGrowth.ino
Last active February 12, 2018 01:51
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* Take on the color of the dominant Blink attached
byte myState = 0;
Color colors[] = { BLUE, RED, YELLOW, ORANGE, GREEN};
const byte myState_count = COUNT_OF (colors);
bool errorFlag[ FACE_COUNT ];
void clearErrors() {
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// Sin in degrees ( standard sin() takes radians )
float sin_d( uint16_t degrees ) {
return sin( ( degrees / 360.0F ) * 2.0F * PI );
// Returns a number 0-255 that throbs in a sin over time
const word throb_duration_ms=500; // How long one throb takes
byte throbbing(void) {
word offset_ms = millis() % throb_duration_ms;
// offset range [0,throb_duration_ms)
float phase = (float) offset_ms / (float) throb_duration_ms;
// phase range [0,1)
float wave = sin( phase * 2.0 * PI );
// wave range [-1,1]
byte wave_byte = ( (wave + 1.0) * (255.0/2) ); // Note: NOT times 128! that would overflow byte!
// wave_byte range [0,255]
return wave_byte;
// Returns the circular maxiumum of the two values
// I define this as being the one that is larger looking
// from the perspective they are closer togther than farther
// appart. Make sense?
// To keep myself freom getting confused, I
// first figure out i,j where i<=j<count
// next we figure out x,y,z which are...
// x=distance from 0 to i
// y=distance from i to j
// z-distace from j to count
byte circularMax( byte a , byte b , byte count ) {
byte i,j;
if ( b > a ) {
i = a;
j = b;
} else {
i = b;
j = a;
// Ok, i and j are now sorted out, so we can compute our number line...
byte x=i;
byte y=j-i;
byte z=count-j;
* |-----|-----|-----|
* 0 i j count
* <-x-> <-y-> <-z->
if ( y < (x + z) ) {
return j;
// In ambiguous cases, b wins
return i;
// This map() functuion is now in Arduino.h in /dev
// It is replicated here so this skect can compile on older API commits
long map_m(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if ( buttonSingleClicked() ) {
if (myState >= myState_count ) {
myState = 0;
if ( !isValueReceivedOnFaceExpired( f ) ) {
// update to the value we see, if the value is already our value, do nothing
byte neighborState = getLastValueReceivedOnFace( f );
if (neighborState >= myState_count) {
errorFlag[f] = true;
} else {
myState = circularMax( neighborState , myState , myState_count );
// We put this check here as a defense from out of bounds incoming data (and the normal click wrap)
//setColor(dim( colors[myState], 190 + 55 * sin_d( (millis()/10) % 360)));
byte brightness = map_m( throbbing() , 0, 255 , 1 , 255 ); // Don't go all the way down to 0 brightness.
setColor( dim( colors[myState] , brightness ) );
if (errorFlag[f]) {
setFaceColor( f , WHITE );
setValueSentOnAllFaces( myState );
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