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  • Brooklyn, NY
  • 13:45 (UTC -05:00)
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import Data.Buffer
-- Redefining this here to modify it
%foreign "scheme:blodwen-new-buffer"
prim_newBuffer' : Int -> PrimIO Buffer
newBuffer' : HasIO io => (bytes : Int) -> io Buffer
newBuffer' size = primIO $ prim_newBuffer' size
-- No Maybe, if we can't allocate memory then die.
module Network.Curl.Prim
import Data.Bytes.Lazy
import Control.App
import Network.Curl.Types
import Network.Curl.Option
import Data.Bytes.Strict
import Data.Word.Word8
--Roughly based on by Gabriel Gonzalez et al.
data Expr = Star | Box | Var Int | Lam Int Expr Expr | Pi Int Expr Expr | App Expr Expr deriving (Show, Eq)
subst v e (Var v') | v == v' = e
subst v e (Lam v' ta b ) | v == v' = Lam v' (subst v e ta) b
subst v e (Lam v' ta b ) = Lam v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e b )
subst v e (Pi v' ta tb) | v == v' = Pi v' (subst v e ta) tb
subst v e (Pi v' ta tb) = Pi v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e tb)
subst v e (App f a ) = App (subst v e f ) (subst v e a )