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Last active January 9, 2022 12:24
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* This gist provides a simple solution for dragging an HTML element
* with a mouse or on a touch screen. It includes a fix for an issue
* specific to React.
* See [plain js implementation](
* [demo](
* See [React implementation](
* [demo](
* ---------------
* Sometimes you want a simple click to perform one action and a drag
* on the same element to perform a different action. You can create two
* methods, (say) startDrag() and clickAction(), and use the following
* function (plus the functions below) to determine which of the two
* actions will be triggered.
* let dragMe = <your draggable element>
* , cancelDrag // set to a function that will cancel dragging
* const drop = () => {
* // Do whatever needs to be done when dragged element is dropped
* }
* const startDrag = (event) => {
* const options = {
* event
* , drop
* }
* startTracking(options)
* }
* const checkForDrag = (event) => {
* event.preventDefault()
* detectMovement(event, 10, 250)
* .then(() => startDrag(event) )
* .catch(clickAction)
* }
* startDrag will be called if the mouse or touch point moves 10 pixels
* or more within 250 milliseconds; clickAction will be called if there
* is no movement within this time, or if the mouse/touch pressure is
* released before this time.
* --------
* When dragging an element, you generally want one function to be
* called for any movement, and another to be triggered when the element
* is dropped. You don't want to have to create separate code for
* mouse events and touch events, even if these events generate
* the current x and y positions in different ways.
* The startTracking() function allows you to provide a starting
* event (mouseDown or touchStart) and two functions that should be
* called: one for mousemove|touchmove and the other for mouseup|
* touchend.
* -------------------
* You can use getPageXY() to get the current mouse position or the
* position of the first touch point, without worrying about whether
* the input is from a mouse or a touch screen.
* ===============================================================
* ===============================================================
* React refuses to add non-passive (cancellable) event listeners for
* touchstart. With a passive event listener, the whole page is likely
* to move at the same time as the dragged element, which is probably
* not what you want.
* As a result, you should NOT use React to pass an onTouchStart
* function the same way that you would pass an onMouseDown function to
* your draggable element.
* Instead, you need to apply your touchstart event listener directly
* to the DOM element that you want to drag with useEffect, as shown
* below.
* const dragRef = useRef()
* return (
* <main>
* <div
* onMouseDown={checkForDrag}
* ref={dragRef}
* />
* </main>
* );
* useEffect(() => {
* dragMe = dragRef.current
* dragMe.addEventListener("touchstart", checkForDrag, false)
* })
export const getPageXY = (event) => {
if (event.targetTouches && event.targetTouches.length) {
event = event.targetTouches[0] || {}
return { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY }
* Returns a promise which will be:
* * resolved if the mouse or touch moves more than triggerDelta
* pixels in any direction
* * rejected if the mouse is released or the touch gesture ends before
* moving that far, or if <timeOut> number of milliseconds elapses
* before any movement occurs.
* @param {event} event should be a mousedown or touchstart event
* @param {number} triggerDelta should be the number of pixels of
* movement that will resolve the promise
* @param {number} timeOut may be a number of milliseconds. Defaults
* to 250. Use 0 for no timeOut rejection.
* @return {promise}
export const detectMovement = (event, triggerDelta, timeOut) => {
const trigger2 = triggerDelta * triggerDelta
timeOut = isNaN(timeOut) ? 250 : Math.abs(timeOut)
function movementDetected(resolve, reject) {
const { x: startX, y: startY } = getPageXY(event)
const options = { event, drag, drop }
const cancelDrag = startTracking(options)
// Check if the mouse/touch has moved more than triggerDelta
// pixels in any direction, and resolve promise if so.
function drag(event) {
const { x, y } = getPageXY(event)
const deltaX = startX - x
const deltaY = startY - y
const delta2 = (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY)
if (delta2 > trigger2) {
// Reject promise if the mouse is released before the mouse/touch
// moved triggerDelta pixels in any direction.
function drop() {
if (timeOut) {
setTimeout(() => reject("timeOut"), timeOut)
return new Promise(movementDetected)
* Called by defaultDragAction
* @param {DOMElement} element
* @returns element's closest parent which has a position other than
* static
const getNonStaticParent = (element) => {
let parent
while (element.tagName !== "BODY" && (parent = element.parentNode)) {
const style = getComputedStyle(parent)
if (style.getPropertyValue("position") !== "static") {
element = parent
return parent
* If no drag function is supplied, move the target (or its parent)
* with the mouse or touch. Called by startTracking.
* @param {MouseEvent | TouchEvent} event
* @param {String?} selector
* If selector is a string, it will be used to find
* the closest matching parent (or the target itself)
* as the element to drag
* @param {Objec?} offset
* If offset is an object with the format
* { x: <Number>, y: <Number> }, then it will be used
* for defining the offset from the drag point to the
* top left of the dragged element.
* @returns a function in a closure, which knows which target
* and offset to use
const defaultDragAction = (event, selector, offset) => {
const target = (typeof selector === "string")
? // select an ancestor
const offsetGiven = typeof offset === "object"
&& !isNaN(offset.x)
&& !isNaN(offset.y)
if (!offsetGiven) {
// Move target relative to its closest non-static parent
const fix = getNonStaticParent(target)
const { left: fixLeft, top: fixTop } = fix.getBoundingClientRect()
const { x, y } = getPageXY(event)
const { left, top } = target.getBoundingClientRect()
offset = { x: left - fixLeft - x , y: top - fixTop - y }
const drag = (event) => {
const { x, y } = getPageXY(event) = (offset.x + x )+ "px" = (offset.y + y )+ "px"
return drag
// The prevent default function needs to be outside startTracking
// so that the exact same listener function (rather than a duplicate)
// can be removed later.
const noDefault = (event) => event.preventDefault()
* Starts listening for a drag and drop operation, and follows it
* through to the end. The operation can be cancelled at any time
* by calling the function returned by startTracking.
* @param {Object}
* event: may be either a MouseDown event or a TouchStart event
* drag: may be a custom function to call for dragging. If
* not, a generic function will be used. It may also be
* a CSS selector to define which parent of the clicked
* target should be dragged.
* drop: a callback function that will be called when the
* dragging stops
* offset: may be an object of the form { x: Number, y: Number}
* to be used by the defaultDragAction function.
* @returns a function that can be called to cancelDrag
* (before it starts). However, this function will be
* called automatically when the drag process ends.
export const startTracking = ({ event, drag, drop, offset }) => {
const body = document.body
const dragOption = { passive: false } // capture is false by default
let move
, end
if (event.type === "touchstart") {
move = "touchmove"
end = "touchend"
} else {
move = "mousemove"
end = "mouseup"
switch (typeof drag) {
case "function":
// Use the custom function
default: // case "string":
// Use the default function. `drag` may be a parent selector.
drag = defaultDragAction(event, drag, offset)
// cancelDrag may be called from outside, before any drag or
// drop events have occurred, in which case `event` may be
// undefined. If the call was triggeerd by an `end` event, then
// the drop function will be called.
const cancelDrag = (event) => {
body.removeEventListener(move, drag, false)
body.removeEventListener(end, cancelDrag, false)
// Restore page scrolling on touch devices now that drag is over
document.removeEventListener("touchstart", noDefault)
if (event && typeof drop === "function") {
body.addEventListener(move, drag, false)
body.addEventListener(end, cancelDrag, false)
// Prevent the page scrolling during drag, on touch devices
document.addEventListener("touchstart", noDefault, dragOption)
return cancelDrag
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