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openapi: 3.0.0
title: multi-content-type-schema
description: Use different schemas for different content types on the same endpoint
version: '1.0'
bonii-xx / ToolMaterials
Last active October 15, 2023 17:31
Tinkers' Construct IMC
/* This first part adds Seared Stone as a material. Toolparts and tool graphics are created automatically by color */
NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
tag.setInteger("Id", 50); // Unique material ID. Reseved IDs: 0-40 Tinker, 41-45 Iguana Tinker Tweaks, 100-200 ExtraTiC
tag.setString("Name", "Seared Stone"); // Unique material name
tag.setInteger("HarvestLevel", 3); // diamond level
tag.setInteger("Durability", 100);
tag.setInteger("MiningSpeed", 100);
tag.setInteger("Attack", 0); // optional
tag.setFloat("HandleModifier", 0.1f);
tag.setInteger("Reinforced", 0); // optional
21:38:15 < boni> so far i didn't implement anything of it :I
21:38:18 < boni> because i wasn't sure of stats
21:38:28 <+skyboy> lapis, redstone
21:38:30 -!- TheDarkKnight [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Don't blink]
21:38:39 <+skyboy> "speed" and "luck"
21:38:42 <+Glassmaker> sure as soon my left hand gets a bit better :)
21:39:03 <+skyboy> look in FishingHooks to see what those two things do
21:39:34 * Mrbysco puts bandage on glass's hand
21:40:17 <+skyboy> maybe allow a silky jewel make it so that everything fished up will be a fish
21:40:39 <+skyboy> which can be achieved by passing in "1" for the chance, instead of generating a random number
bonii-xx / Differences to old iguana
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Progress on Iguana Tweaks for 1.7.10
* Localization ;P
* Features are split into Modules
- Modules are found in the TinkerModules.cfg
- Disabling a Module disables all features within and the base features of that module
* Random Bonuses
- Now allows ALL modifiers (if useful bonuses config is disabled)
- ..but Bonuses are weighted, so you'll usually get very little weird bonuses ;)
- Random-mode config option for pure chaos