Save brendanjerwin/f84bbfc1cd64420992c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\chocolatey\bin" | |
cwindowsfeatures MSMQ-Server | |
cinst git.commandline | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\git\bin" | |
cinst git-credential-winstore | |
git config --global core.autocrlf input | |
git clone https://github.com/tnwinc/grc.git c:\grc | |
cinst ruby | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\ruby193\bin" | |
cinst ruby.devkit | |
cd c:\grc | |
gem update --system --no-document | |
gem install bundler --no-document | |
bundle install --gemfile GemFileForWindows | |
cinst Devbox-Common | |
cinst Devbox-P4Merge | |
cinst Devbox-GitSettings | |
cinst VisualStudio2012Professional | |
cinst Dogtail.VS2012.3 | |
cinst nuget.commandline | |
cinst resharper | |
cinst specflow | |
cinst webpicommandline | |
cinst aspnetmvc.install | |
cinst MsSqlServer2012Express | |
cinst linqpad4 | |
cinst GoogleChrome | |
cinst Firefox | |
cinst Devbox-ConEmu | |
cinst notepadplusplus | |
cinst WindowsUpdate.DisableAutoRestart | |
cinst vim | |
cinst poshgit | |
cinst fiddler4 | |
cinst curl | |
cinst Wget | |
cinst nodejs | |
cinst javaruntime | |
rake init:install_certs | |
rake init:allow_iis_express_443 | |
rake init:install_raven | |
cd c:\grc\client | |
bundle install | |
npm install | |
cd c:\grc | |
rake build | |
rake init:configs | |
rake test |
@cubanx - Ping. You are now reminded to: talk to Doug about hooking up LinqPad to read prod stuff. Could be very useful to him...
cinst ruby installs version 2.0 Need to change it to cinst ruby -Version
Need to update the ruby dev kit to the older version as well. I manually downloaded fromhttps://github.com/downloads/oneclick/rubyinstaller/DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx.exe
@brendanjerwin I am still getting an issue with the npm install saying, npm is not a valid command. Failing me on both the npm install and the rake build. If you can help my look at it in the morning that would be great.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", 'Machine') + $env:systemdrive + '\ruby193\bin',"Machine"
Also need to change cinst nodejs to cinst nodejs.install the other does not install npm
Also need to look at adding node and npm to the path so that you can keep running.
also add this for clipx cinst clipx
have to add python.
You might want to remove the last step of 'rake test' if the front-end tests aren't going to run in Windows.
Other neat bits we could add:
-Bits to plug in GitHub credentials so they aren't needed to execute git commands
-Restore of default TNW.GrcSuite, Client and ClientSQL databases
-Run of TaskRunner commands to obliterate and recreate indexes
-Completing the script with a successfully rake launch of a tenant you can log into
error on "npm install" : "The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet..." can be resolved by adding path to nodejs directory.
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\Program Files\nodejs"
note on "cinst nodejs"...
this "should" create a C:\Program Files\nodejs directory with npm in it. If not run ""const nodes.install". Then you can install nom like this:
"C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm" install
Oooh, after the build, we can even do the stuff needed to get LinqPad to install the raven bits. Speaking of, remind me to talk to Doug about hooking up LinqPad to read prod stuff. Could be very useful to him...