- YunYan 提到 Funth 15, 22, 82 沒有留下紀錄,狸貓提到從 wayback machine 中還能看到存檔
- caasih
- banacorn
- 曾做過 Socket.io 的 Haskell binding
- 做過 mini-pascal
- scm 老師
- 提到他喜歡把小問題用 FP 方式解決,提到他的老師(我沒聽懂名字怎麼拼)更擅長這樣做
- 自比一直在短打短打
- 提到 Dijkstra 曾確定他的教學語言沒有任何實作,這樣學生就不會去執行它,只能靠紙筆證明其正確性
FP 在應用程式的高峰可能在 2013~2014 左右,那時 John Carmack port Wolf3D 到 Haskell 上,還提到:
I haven't done any functional programming since I started crunching at Oculus, but I consider the time I spent on it extremely worthwhile.
I feel a touch of impostor syndrome when I get invited to speak at functional programming conferences.
同年 (2014) audreyt 在 FLOLAC'14 給了演講《函數程式設計的商業應用》。
Anonymous (ID:l9WPFqQY):
Every time at the Tekken World Tournament, it's almost always Korea and Japan competing. But suddenly, an unknown Pakistani player burst onto the scene, defeating both and taking the victory.
The Pakistani player said, "There are still many people in my home country who are stronger than me." The industry was abuzz.
Japanese professional players went to Pakistan for training and ended up losing to an unknown powerhouse.
可是一般小老百姓或是說那些我剛剛講的說,政治人物,立法委員,他們會覺得說,那都給你那麼多錢啊,對不對?200 多億,我給你那麼多人啊。那你為何還要外包?像朱學恒,朱學恒就盯著你啦,緊盯著你,你幹什麼他都盯著你。而且我覺得他在世代上面是比我們小一個世代,他對那方面也多所著墨。我不敢說他專業度到達哪裡,但是他算是一個指標人物。他就常常緊追著你從APP嘛,有沒有效能啊,包括現在。他說那你官網為什麼要外包?你們都是專家,那為什麼成立了以後你還要外包?有沒有外包的必然性?
Taiwanese Invest Over Hundred Billion in South African Currency: 2 Strange Systems Make Taiwan the Largest Overseas Holder of South African Currency
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the economies of emerging markets around the world, and in particular, at the end of March, international credit rating agency Moody's downgraded South Africa's debt to junk level, causing investors holding South African currency to probably cry out this year....
According to statistics, since the beginning of this year, the exchange rate of the South African rand to 1 US dollar has fallen from 14, and even reached 19 to 1 US dollar in early April, setting a new historical low and falling by more than 30%.
There is no doubt that the South African rand is one of the worst-performing emerging market currencies, replacing Turkey and Argentina as the country most worried about by emerging market investors. However, the South African rand has always been a high-
好的,這是一個故事: | |
1990 年代初,在東京首都高速公路上,有一位叫做桑田的駕駛手正駕駛著他的 Nissan GTR R32。這是一輛經典的日本製造的跑車,它的引擎和變速箱都非常的順暢。 | |
當他駕駛著他的 GTR R32 在高架公路上行駛時,突然有一只巨大的生物出現在他的面前。這是 SCP 基金會所收容的 SCP-682,它有著長長的觸手和鋒利的牙齒,看起來非常的可怕。 | |
桑田面臨著生死攸關的考驗。他必須立刻採取行動,才能夠擺脫這只生物的追擊。於是,他開始發揮他的駕駛技術,熟練地操作著他的 GTR R32。 | |
他首先換上高速檔,加快車速。然後,他利用跟趾技巧,在不斷地換檔補油的同時,精準地控制著 GTR R32 的速度和方向。在快速變換檔位和轉彎的過程中,他還利用甩尾的技巧,來躲避 SCP-682 的攻擊。 |
type PrimitiveType = 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'bigint' | |
const isPrimitiveType = (v: string): v is PrimitiveType => { | |
return ( | |
v === 'string' || | |
v === 'number' || | |
v === 'boolean' || | |
v === 'bigint' | |
) | |
} |
typedef struct Q { | |
int val; | |
int sp; | |
int time[20000]; | |
struct Q* left; | |
struct Q* right; | |
} Q; | |
Q* qCreate(int val, int time) { | |
Q* q = malloc(sizeof(Q)); |
#!/bin/sh | |
for ARG in $@; do | |
# extract service name and pid file path | |
NAME=`echo $ARG | cut -d":" -f1` | |
PID_PATH=`echo $ARG | cut -d":" -f2` | |
if [ "$NAME" = "$PID_PATH" ]; then | |
PID_PATH="$PID_PATH.pid" | |
fi | |
# check service status |
type SetStateAction<S> = S | (prevState: S) => S; | |
export const isStateTransition = <S>( | |
x: SetStateAction<S> | |
): x is StateTransition<S> => { | |
return typeof x === "function"; | |
}; | |
export const tapStateAction = <S>( | |
s: SetStateAction<S>, |