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syncip / ntfy.yaml
Created January 5, 2024 15:52
ntfy crowdsec notification example
# /etc/crowdsec/notifications/ntfy.yaml
type: http # Don't change
name: ntfy # Must match the registered plugin in the profile
# One of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "off"
log_level: trace
# group_wait: # Time to wait collecting alerts before relaying a message to this plugin, eg "30s"
# group_threshold: # Amount of alerts that triggers a message before <group_wait> has expired, eg "10"
yorickdowne /
Last active January 30, 2025 10:30
Debian 12 bookworm upgrade

Debian 12

To start, read the official release notes.

If your install fits into "vanilla Debian plus maybe a handful of 3rd-party repos", then this guide for a simple upgrade to Debian 12 "bookworm" from Debian 11 "bullseye" can be helpful. 3rd-party repos are handled with a find command.

Note upgrade is only supported from Debian 11 to Debian 12. If you are on Debian 10, upgrade to Debian 11 first and make sure to change the security repo as per the release notes. Then once on Debian 11, you can upgrade to Debian 12.

  • Check free disk space
bmatthewshea /
Last active January 21, 2025 17:22
Debian/Ubuntu - CERTBOT without SNAP/SNAPD

CERTBOT - Install using Python PIP

Install Certbot using Python PIP (Package Installer for Python) - without using SNAP, APT or SYSTEMD. (Debian/Ubuntu)

This guide will help you install LetsEncrypt / Certbot using venv PIP under Debian/Ubuntu.

  • This guide has been tested up to Debian 12 / Bookworm.
tavinus /
Last active December 24, 2022 12:29
Nextcloud Cron Tweaks

Making Nextcloud's Cron Behave

Nextcloud needs frequent background jobs to keep running properly.

Depending on the situation this "cron job" may take a very long time, overlapping with the default 5 minute delay between jobs. Which may end up running several instances of the job.

To mitigate this we have 2 options:

  • Use a systemd service+timer
  • Encapsulate the cronjob into a bash script that checks if it is already running

The systemd approach has official support and will (by default) not run on top of a previous run (if still running).

chriswayg /
Last active March 12, 2025 08:52
Ubuntu and Debian Cloud images in Proxmox
mowings /
Last active May 8, 2024 11:54
Run cron on docker with job output directed to stdout

You'd like a docker container that runs cron jobs, with the output of those cron jobs going to stdout so they are accessible as docker logs. How do you do that?

Install cron, and set it up to run in the foreground

In your Dockerfile, apt-get -y install cron Use apk or whatever if you are running on alpine or another distribution Set the command or entrypoint in your Dockerfile to run cron 9n the foreground

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/cron", "-f"]
styblope /
Last active March 16, 2025 12:32
Enable TCP port 2375 for external connection to Docker

Enable TCP port 2375 for external connection to Docker

See this issue.
Docker best practise to Control and configure Docker with systemd.

  1. Create daemon.json file in /etc/docker:

     {"hosts": ["tcp://", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"]}
greenhat / postgresql.yml
Created February 7, 2016 16:58
Ansible playbook for PostgreSQL setup
- name: install PostgreSQL
apt: pkg={{ item }} update_cache=yes state=present
sudo: yes
tags: postgres
- postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }}
- postgresql-client-{{ postgresql_version }}
- postgresql-contrib-{{ postgresql_version }}
- libpq-dev
stefanprodan / Backup-Postgres.ps1
Last active March 22, 2023 04:28
PostgreSQL cluster base backup automation made easy with PowerShell and Windows Task Scheduler or PgAgent. This script does the following: checks if there is enough free space to make a new backup (based on the last backup size), purges expired backups, creates a new folder for each backup, calls pb_basebackup to begin a tar gzip backup of every…
## PostgreSQL base backup automation
## Author: Stefan Prodan
## Date : 20 Oct 2014
## Company:
# path settings
$BackupRoot = 'C:\Database\Backup';