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Last active March 18, 2021 18:09
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Subset sum

This is demo code for the journal version of the faster subset sum paper.

Konstantinos Koiliaris and Chao Xu. 2019. Faster Pseudopolynomial Time Algorithms for Subset Sum. ACM Trans. Algorithms 15, 3, Article 40 (July 2019), 20 pages. DOI:

from numpy import nonzero, select, zeros
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
from operator import itemgetter
import math
# to test, try the following
# > import random
# > xs = list(set(random.sample(range(10000), 500)))
# > SS_SmallInput(xs,50000) == naive_subset_sums_up_to_u(xs,50000)
def naive_subset_sums_up_to_u(xs,u):
sums = set([0])
for x in xs:
sums2 = set(sums)
for y in sums:
if x+y<u :
sums = sums2
return sums
eps = 0.0001
# given two lists of elements (1d or 2d), and upper bound on the first coorindate u, do minkowski sum
def minkowski_sum(a, b, u):
def minkowski_sum_1D(a, b, u):
result = minkowski_sum_2D([(x, 0) for x in a], [(x, 0) for x in b], u)
return [x for (x, _) in result]
def minkowski_sum_2D(a, b, u):
def L2M(S):
# list to matrix representation
c1 = list(map(itemgetter(0), S))
c2 = list(map(itemgetter(1), S))
M = zeros((max(c1) + 1, max(c2) + 1))
M[c1, c2] = 1
return M
def M2L(M):
# matrix to list representation
return zip(*nonzero(select([M > eps], [1])))
conv = fftconvolve(L2M(a), L2M(b))
return [(x, y) for (x, y) in M2L(conv) if x < u]
if type(a[0]) is tuple:
return minkowski_sum_2D(a, b, u)
return minkowski_sum_1D(a, b, u)
# input is a list of *distinct* non-negative integers S, u is an upper bound
# output all subset sums of S up to u together with the cardinality information
def SSC_BoundSum(S,u):
if len(S)==1:
return [(0,0), (S[0],1)]
return minkowski_sum(SSC_BoundSum(S[0::2], u), SSC_BoundSum(S[1::2], u), u)
# input is a list of *distinct* non-negative integers S, u is an upper bound
# output all subset sums of S up to u, as a set.
def SS_SmallInput(S, u):
n = len(S)
b = int(math.sqrt(n * math.log(n)))
# compute S_l, need to do this in a single loop in order to do partition in linear time.
partitioned_S = dict()
for x in S:
if x % b not in partitioned_S:
partitioned_S[x % b] = []
partitioned_S[x % b].append(x)
result = [0]
for l in range(b):
Q_l = [x//b for x in partitioned_S[l]]
R_l = [z*b+l*j for (z,j) in SSC_BoundSum(Q_l, u//b)]
result = minkowski_sum(result, R_l, u)
return set(result)
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joakiti commented Mar 18, 2021

Hi Chao.

Line 72 contains an error, it should u // b + 1. Otherwise you might leave a value out!


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