from numpy import nonzero, select, zeros |
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve |
from operator import itemgetter |
import math |
# to test, try the following |
# > import random |
# > xs = list(set(random.sample(range(10000), 500))) |
# > SS_SmallInput(xs,50000) == naive_subset_sums_up_to_u(xs,50000) |
def naive_subset_sums_up_to_u(xs,u): |
sums = set([0]) |
for x in xs: |
sums2 = set(sums) |
for y in sums: |
if x+y<u : |
sums2.add(x+y) |
sums = sums2 |
return sums |
eps = 0.0001 |
# given two lists of elements (1d or 2d), and upper bound on the first coorindate u, do minkowski sum |
def minkowski_sum(a, b, u): |
def minkowski_sum_1D(a, b, u): |
result = minkowski_sum_2D([(x, 0) for x in a], [(x, 0) for x in b], u) |
return [x for (x, _) in result] |
def minkowski_sum_2D(a, b, u): |
def L2M(S): |
# list to matrix representation |
c1 = list(map(itemgetter(0), S)) |
c2 = list(map(itemgetter(1), S)) |
M = zeros((max(c1) + 1, max(c2) + 1)) |
M[c1, c2] = 1 |
return M |
def M2L(M): |
# matrix to list representation |
return zip(*nonzero(select([M > eps], [1]))) |
conv = fftconvolve(L2M(a), L2M(b)) |
return [(x, y) for (x, y) in M2L(conv) if x < u] |
if type(a[0]) is tuple: |
return minkowski_sum_2D(a, b, u) |
else: |
return minkowski_sum_1D(a, b, u) |
# input is a list of *distinct* non-negative integers S, u is an upper bound |
# output all subset sums of S up to u together with the cardinality information |
def SSC_BoundSum(S,u): |
if len(S)==1: |
return [(0,0), (S[0],1)] |
return minkowski_sum(SSC_BoundSum(S[0::2], u), SSC_BoundSum(S[1::2], u), u) |
# input is a list of *distinct* non-negative integers S, u is an upper bound |
# output all subset sums of S up to u, as a set. |
def SS_SmallInput(S, u): |
n = len(S) |
b = int(math.sqrt(n * math.log(n))) |
# compute S_l, need to do this in a single loop in order to do partition in linear time. |
partitioned_S = dict() |
for x in S: |
if x % b not in partitioned_S: |
partitioned_S[x % b] = [] |
partitioned_S[x % b].append(x) |
result = [0] |
for l in range(b): |
Q_l = [x//b for x in partitioned_S[l]] |
R_l = [z*b+l*j for (z,j) in SSC_BoundSum(Q_l, u//b)] |
result = minkowski_sum(result, R_l, u) |
return set(result) |
Hi Chao.
Line 72 contains an error, it should u // b + 1. Otherwise you might leave a value out!