r/btc markets itself as a "censorship-free" sub. In reality it attempts to silence the voices of people it disagrees with.
A few screenshot examples of censorship https://imgur.com/a/rHrtC
this article was deleted when posted, which describes how the mods of r/btc are roger ver's employees at bitcoin.com https://medium.com/@WhalePanda/the-curious-relation-between-bitcoin-com-anti-segwit-propaganda-26c877249976#.4mfo9qn3e
"Exploit code for the recent BTU attack - apparently this was posted to /r/btc, and of course, got censored. :)" https://twitter.com/petertoddbtc/status/841768569855713280
Roger Ver's top employee at r/btc bans the owner of ROOM77 in Berlin for posting a PSA to warn people against sending Bcash to their Bitcoin retail payment system. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/8f3u0m/psa_if_you_send_bcash_altcoins_or_any_other_fake/ https://twitter.com/BashCo_/status/989621088056496129
Money stolen from Kraken and donated to Bitcoin Unlimited, censored from r/btc https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/55ak9z/more_rbtc_censorship_this_time_about_stolen/
Mods admitting that negative karma automod filter was intentional and used for censorship https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4tb8s4/mods_admitting_that_negative_karma_automod_filter/
Roger accidently reveals the rules that allow for user's to censorship other users https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4t8he8/psa_here_is_the_current_automod_configuration_for/
r/btc allowed a doxxing witch-hunt of Theymos. Moderators refused to remove it, there were many doxx threads. Eventually was reported to reddit admins and they took action http://archive.is/a4ypB
r/btc is encouraging their users to spam reddit admins en masse in order to have our current mods removed and/or ban the sub entirely. Link and highlights inside! https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5d699f/rbtc_is_encouraging_their_users_to_spam_reddit/
Banned from r/btc https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinClassic/comments/5t9ux7/the_lies_of_bitcoinxio/
Strange coincidence that all the regular r/btc posters are not automatically downvoted in r/bitcoin yet all the regular r/bitcoin, pro core posters are https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4biob5/research_into_instantaneous_vote_behavior_in/
Demonstration of rate limiting (caused by inexplicably high downvoting - this doesnt happen to bigblock or rbtc posters in r/bitcoin) https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/56e6br/creator_of_rbtc_did_not_picture_how_much/d8ikos2/
Banned for criticizing rbtc moderator https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin_uncensored/comments/4tzotb/banned_from_rbtc_for_criticizing_soupernerd/
/r/btc mod admits to "censoring" threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4r1x5s/rbtc_mod_admits_to_censoring_threads/
I am also banned from /r/btc https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin_uncensored/comments/4u4skg/i_am_also_banned_from_rbtc/
Censorship at /r/btc: SouperNerd is banning me for criticizing one of his actions as a mod. https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin_uncensored/comments/40yjfe/censorship_at_rbtc_soupernerd_is_banning_me_for/
Talk about North Korea.. Banned from r/btc for exposing Soupernerd as Roger Ver's puppet mod account! https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/44xttc/talk_about_north_korea_banned_from_rbtc_for/
Journalist banned from r/btc "rbtc jumps another shark: After banning journalist Kyle Torpey its mods banned smartfbrankings for complaining about it." https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/54t45y/rbtc_jumps_another_shark_after_banning_journalist/
How /r/Btc claims to have no censorship but hides more than 50 comments... (this example is how downvoting is abused to hide dissenting opinion) https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/54ef24/how_rbtc_claims_to_have_no_censorship_but_hides/
rbtc, you have a "censorship" problem
https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/56e1mv/rbtc_you_have_a_censorship_problem/ -
r/btc moderator censoring https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/43h5ke/usoupernerd_is_censoring_users_and_should_not_be/
Time to get serious here. Don't let your Blockstream hate cloud your judgement, we need to be seen as credible. • /r/btc https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4r0eid/time_to_get_serious_here_dont_let_your/d4xlspc/
"I'm banned from r/btc for telling a noob that there were 2 bitcoin chains and visit this sub to make an informed decision. Turned out that noob was a fake account pretending to buy bch. I got banned and the fake account did not. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/75qp9g/s2x_tanking_now_only_worth_15th_of_a_bitcoin/do8gfba/?context=1
r/btc moderators will often say that "rate-limiting and downvotes are not censorship". The reader can decide for themselves. Suppose you want to discuss bitcoin with others but your own posts are limited to once every 10 minutes, while the other side can post as often as they want. That doesn't seem like an equal debate to me.
censorship of Bitcoin Core (BTCC) https://twitter.com/BitcoinCore_/status/1030950214239170567
I Do not understand this fake info ...