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bhouse /
Created May 7, 2016 23:05
Setting Up Hashicorp Vault with an intermediate CA based on
#!/bin/bash -e
# Setup a Root CA in vault
# Generate and sign an Intermediate cert
# Requires:
# * A running vault server already initialzed and unsealed
# * Environment variable VAULT_TOKEN is set
# * vault cli (
# * httpie (
wdullaer / Monokai.colorscheme
Last active March 21, 2022 20:43
Monokai Konsole Colourscheme
denji /
Last active March 29, 2025 16:46 — forked from spikebike/client.go
Simple Golang HTTPS/TLS Examples
Generate private key (.key)
# Key considerations for algorithm "RSA" ≥ 2048-bit
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

# Key considerations for algorithm "ECDSA" ≥ secp384r1
# List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)
grugq / gist:03167bed45e774551155
Last active March 29, 2025 16:53
operational pgp - draft

Operational PGP

This is a guide on how to email securely.

There are many guides on how to install and use PGP to encrypt email. This is not one of them. This is a guide on secure communication using email with PGP encryption. If you are not familiar with PGP, please read another guide first. If you are comfortable using PGP to encrypt and decrypt emails, this guide will raise your security to the next level.

michaljemala / tls-client.go
Last active March 29, 2025 06:58
SSL Client Authentication Golang sample
package main
import (
bradmontgomery / install-comodo-ssl-cert-for-nginx.rst
Last active March 20, 2025 17:17
Steps to install a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate with Nginx.

Setting up a SSL Cert from Comodo

I use as a registrar, and they resale SSL Certs from a number of other companies, including Comodo.

These are the steps I went through to set up an SSL cert.

Purchase the cert

jedy / verify.go
Created July 10, 2013 05:10
use publib key to verify in golang
package main
import (
crazybyte / encrypt_openssl.txt
Created November 25, 2012 10:10
File encryption using OpenSSL
For symmetic encryption, you can use the following:
To encrypt:
openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -a -e -in plaintext.txt -out encrypted.txt
To decrypt:
openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -a -d -in encrypted.txt -out plaintext.txt
For Asymmetric encryption you must first generate your private key and extract the public key.
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active March 30, 2025 09:30
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
robinsmidsrod /
Last active March 31, 2025 20:02
Bootstrapping full iPXE native menu with customizable default option with timeout (also includes working Ubuntu 12.04 preseed install)

Add the following chunk to your existing ISC dhcpd.conf file.

if exists user-class and ( option user-class = "iPXE" ) {
    filename "http://boot.smidsrod.lan/boot.ipxe";
else {
    filename "undionly.kpxe";

(or see for a more elaborate setup