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software engineering

Kai coilysiren

software engineering
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coilysiren / pythonic_unpacking
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
beacuse *args and **kwargs are too obscure
def unpack (collection):
'''unpack arguments from a collection (list or dictionary)'''
if type(collection) == list:
return *collection
if type(collection) == dict:
return **collection
else: print('invalid input to unpack()')
#wait its not nearly this simple...
#...I'll keep looking into this, gimme a bit
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>clothed in the armor of the warriors against the outside <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; lynn, adventurer (@LynnMagic) <a href="">August 10, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" lang="en"><p>TO BATTLE</p>&mdash; lynn, adventurer (@LynnMagic) <a href="">August 10, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="">@duckinator</a> I SHALL RIDE INTO THE ENEMY LINES WITH YOUR BLESSING AS MY SHEILD</p>&mdash; lynn, adventurer (@LynnMagic) <a href="">August 10, 2014</a></blockquote>
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While only a handful of social networks like Dreamwidth and Quirell explicitly prioritize diversity, there are plenty of lessons to learn about what to do — and what not to do — from Facebook, Twitter, and others. Best practices include an counter-oppressive politics, embedded in the community guidelines and norms; and includes the right tools, technologies, and policies. This session will look at what does and doesn't work in a variety of online environments.


How can we make social networks whose systems are not hostile to diversity — that is, systems that do not actively contribute to lessening the voices of to women, people of color, trans, queer and gender-variant people, and others whose perspectives are typically marginalized? It starts with counter-oppressive politics from people running the site, embedded in the community guidelines and norms. Other key techniques include tools, technologies, and policies in areas such as moderation, muting, blocking, reporting, pseudonymity, ac

coilysiren /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Backend and iOS engineers needed to work on a newly funded startup in the restaurant industry

Backend or iOS Engineer

Backend and iOS engineers needed to work on a newly funded startup in the restaurant industry. The team would be 2 iOS engineers, 2 backend engineers, and an engineering manager (Lynn Cyrin) working for a San Francisco startup. Either position would be a full time salaried one creating software for the company as its needs and team grow. Compensation for either position would be competitive based on market rates, and include a standard benefits package.

General Requirements:

coilysiren /
Last active September 7, 2015 22:52
Quirell status update

Quirell is a work in progress (a bit before it's first alpha version) social network being worked on CollectQT (a queer trans collective). It's being worked on primarily by the members of CollectQT and also by various marginalized people who want to build a social network whose focus is meeting the needs of a diverse community. Diverse community in this case being exemplified by the fact that Quirell was founded by a Trans Woman of Color. Similar projects are Thurst and Trans Tech Social.

I started working on Quirell in response to Twitter's handling of Gamergate and the growth of blocking tools; Facebook's handling of "real names" and content they find "sexually offensive". Those issues disproportionately affect the communities I am a part of and Facebook / Twitter's handling of them was far from sufficient. Quirell is my answer to that, it's designed to address a mark

coilysiren /
Last active October 16, 2015 03:11
Where would I actually like to work? Well I generally follow these rules ~

About Me (not a rule)

These are how I'm appraising places the I'm looking for full time employment. These rules are very specific to me, as a disabled black trans woman. I am not accepting feedback on these rules from anyone except other black trans fem people. Figure out if you / your teams meets the rules before asking me to fill out any sort of application. Feel free to ask me to explain anything here (but like, to explain the facts / wording, NOT explain my reasons for having these rules).

Professionally, I'm a self taught full stack web developer with two years of industry experience, the majority of that experience being with python, team management, and crowdfunding.

import os
import twython
import dotenv
class Streamer(twython.TwythonStreamer):
def on_sucess(self, data):
if 'text' in data:
import os
import re
import twython
import dotenv
with open('fillers.txt', 'r') as f:
filler_words = '|'.join(
remove_fillers = re.compile(r'\b('+filler_words+r')\b', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
def remove_filler_words(string):
coilysiren / todo
Last active October 8, 2015 20:54
experience: jr vs mid vs sr
global css
html style guide
libsass watcher