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AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js
* An AngularJS directive for Dropzone.js,
* Usage:
* <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="SomeCtrl">
* <button dropzone="dropzoneConfig">
* Drag and drop files here or click to upload
* </button>
* </div>
angular.module('dropzone', []).directive('dropzone', function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var config, dropzone;
config = scope[attrs.dropzone];
// create a Dropzone for the element with the given options
dropzone = new Dropzone(element[0], config.options);
// bind the given event handlers
angular.forEach(config.eventHandlers, function (handler, event) {
dropzone.on(event, handler);
angular.module('app', ['dropzone']);
angular.module('app').controller('SomeCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.dropzoneConfig = {
'options': { // passed into the Dropzone constructor
'url': 'upload.php'
'eventHandlers': {
'sending': function (file, xhr, formData) {
'success': function (file, response) {
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arron21 commented Feb 23, 2015

This is awesome thank you so much for making this. Easy to integrate into my current app by replacing the
angular.module('dropzone', [])
with the variable assigned to my app ex: app = angular.module('myApp', [])

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arron21 commented Mar 3, 2015

Does anyone have any insight on how to integrate this with additional FORM elements?

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arron21 commented Mar 3, 2015

You have to declare a variable in the init set to yourVar = this;
then attach the button to the event example code below.

$scope.dropzoneConfig = {
'options': { // passed into the Dropzone constructor
'url': 'upload.php',
'maxFiles': 1,
'autoProcessQueue': false,
init: function(){
dz = this;

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I'm working on adding two dropzones to my page. The problem I'm running into is having two processQueue buttons. Everything works on the first dropzone instance, but the buttons don't work on the second instance. I tried creating two different dropzones in my controller and assigning separate ids and everything, but no dice. Any tips?

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spoof3r commented Mar 19, 2015

I got it to run, but the styling is way off. Are there any tricks to getting the styling to look as pretty as the original site? His looks awesome! Please advise!

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asif22 commented Apr 11, 2015

@darklow please check:
'sending': function (file, xhr, formData) is the correct format.

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ghost commented Aug 3, 2015

I'm having trouble with this part here:
config = scope[attrs.dropzone];

it gives error: Error: config is undefined


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@nelsontubaina I'm getting the same error. What am I missing? Thanks!

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Hi guys, im havin some troubles calling the directive

Drag and drop files here or click to upload

is there anyway to call this but instead of passing dropzoneConfig, pass the default options?,

something like this

when i dont pass anything i get this error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined
im trying to get rid of the scope, cause im already using one in my code,
any replies would help

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secabhi commented Dec 17, 2015

hi I have one question . if I have to pass url dynamic . how we can implement that

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how to limit only one file upload and make it replace with new dropped file with old one ?

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thosakwe commented Jan 3, 2016

@Sanzeeb: Check out the Dropzone docs.

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I need to use file upload action in several jades. Should i need to write dropzoneconfig for each controller. Is there any way to make this configuration object as global in angular?

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Xusifob commented Jan 14, 2016

I would have put this in the begining

var atts = attrs.dropzone.split('.');

    var config = scope;
        config = config[value];

    // Get the template

So that if you send an array in your template and not only a scope var (variable from a controller for example) it will still work

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Pitu commented Jan 26, 2016

Would it be possible to attach the success function response to the ng-model on the view? Something along the lines of

<div class="dropzone" dropzone="dropzoneConfig" ng-model="response"></div>

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Can anyone advise me on how to update scope variables via the dropzone event handles? It seems you can access scope objects but can't update them from the callback.

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Try new AngularJS directive for Dropzone

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Nice. How do I send uploaded file along with other form inputs. I don't want instant upload

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chinmay235 commented Nov 8, 2016

I have used AngularJS Inspinia admin template. I saw here original inspinia file dropzone not working properly. If I go other page to uploadfile page the dropzone not working. If I refreshed in that page. then dropzone working fine. Please tell me what is the issue behind that dropzone?

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hadijaveed commented Feb 2, 2017

How is angular.forEach is better than _.each(). I prefer to use underscore.js or lodash.js.

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Hi, How to add delete URL to delete the file? and Icon delete (X) is not deleting. Any help would be appreciated.

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