set dotenv-load := true |
alias r := rebuild-toolchain |
# TODO: |
# * mkdir -p for all build directories (via init recipe?). |
# * Recipes to split out ghdl-yosys-plugin and SymbiYosys again? |
# * Use more consistent line breaks. |
# * openocd, litex, and amaranth recipes? |
# Rebuild order shouldn't matter, but GHDL needs to be built before yosys on |
# Windows and I haven't bothered making the dep order match the recipes in this |
# file. |
# Rebuild all toolchains. |
rebuild-toolchains: (rebuild-toolchain "ecp5") (rebuild-toolchain "ice40") (rebuild-toolchain "ghdl") (rebuild-toolchain "iverilog") (rebuild-toolchain "verilator") (rebuild-toolchain "openocd") (rebuild-toolchain "dfu") (rebuild-toolchain "ofl") (rebuild-toolchain "yosys") (rebuild-toolchain "generic") |
# Rebuild a given FOSS FPGA toolchain. |
rebuild-toolchain FAMILY DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
case {{FAMILY}} in |
"ice40") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ice40 {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"ecp5") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ecp5 {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"yosys") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-yosys {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"iverilog") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-iverilog {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"ghdl") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ghdl {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"generic") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-generic {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"openocd") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-openocd {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"dfu-util" | "dfu") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-dfu {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"openfpgaloader" | "ofl") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ofl {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
"verilator") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-verilator {{DRY}} {{SKIP_CHECK}} |
;; |
*) |
echo "Unrecognized toolchain {{FAMILY}}" |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
# Rebuild the ECP5 toolchain |
_rebuild-ecp5 DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
set_cmake_vars_if_sccache |
if [ $NEXTPNR_EXTERN_CHIPDB -eq 0 ]; then |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/prjtrellis/libtrellis |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${TRELLIS_REMOTE-origin} ${TRELLIS_BRANCH-master} |
ninja $MKDRY install |
ninja_clean_if_sccache |
fi |
# Rebuild the iCE40 toolchain |
_rebuild-ice40 DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
set_cmake_vars_if_sccache |
if [ $NEXTPNR_EXTERN_CHIPDB -eq 0 ]; then |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/icestorm |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${ICESTORM_REMOTE-origin} ${ICESTORM_BRANCH-master} |
make_begin_if_sccache |
make_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY PREFIX=$PREFIX install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
fi |
# Rebuild the yosys toolchain |
_rebuild-yosys DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/yosys |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${YOSYS_REMOTE-origin} ${YOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
# Invoking just will mess with the environment variable path |
# pkg-config- restore it. |
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw64/lib/pkgconfig:/mingw64/share/pkgconfig |
fi |
# ENABLE_GHDL not handled here- must be added manually to Makefile.conf. |
# Eventually Windows will load it like a plugin. |
make $MKDRY PREFIX=$PREFIX install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/SymbiYosys |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${SYMBIYOSYS_REMOTE-origin} ${SYMBIYOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
make $MKDRY PREFIX=$PREFIX install |
# Rebuild the iverilog toolchain |
_rebuild-iverilog DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/iverilog |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${IVERILOG_REMOTE-origin} ${IVERILOG_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/build-iverilog |
autoconf_begin_if_sccache |
../iverilog/configure --prefix=$PREFIX # --no-create --no-recursion |
autoconf_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
# Rebuild the verilator simulator |
_rebuild-verilator DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/verilator |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${VERILATOR_REMOTE-origin} ${VERILATOR_BRANCH-master} |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
# Known issue w/ MinGW: |
cp /usr/include/FlexLexer.h $PREFIX/include |
fi |
autoconf |
autoconf_begin_if_sccache |
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX |
autoconf_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
# Rebuild the GHDL toolchain |
_rebuild-ghdl DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${GHDL_REMOTE-origin} ${GHDL_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/build-ghdl |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
GHDL_BACKEND="--with-llvm-config" |
fi |
# autoconf_begin_if_sccache |
../ghdl/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-libghdl $GHDL_BACKEND |
# autoconf_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY install |
# make_clean_if_sccache # If sccache support ever added, uncomment. |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl-yosys-plugin |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${GHDL_PLUGIN_REMOTE-origin} ${GHDL_PLUGIN_BRANCH-master} |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
mkdir -p $FPGA_ROOT/yosys/frontends/ghdl |
cp src/* $FPGA_ROOT/yosys/frontends/ghdl |
else |
# Number of ninja jobs is not manually set here. |
make $MKDRY |
make $MKDRY install |
fi |
# Rebuild the generic toolchain |
_rebuild-generic DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
set_cmake_vars_if_sccache |
# Rebuild openocd |
_rebuild-openocd DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/openocd |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${OPENOCD_REMOTE-origin} ${OPENOCD_BRANCH-master} |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
# Invoking just will mess with the paths aclocal looks at- restore it. |
export ACLOCAL_PATH="/usr/share/aclocal/" |
fi |
./bootstrap |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/build-openocd |
autoconf_begin_if_sccache |
# jimtcl's autosetup consults CCACHE, and won't play nicely w/ sccache. |
CCACHE=none ../openocd/configure --prefix=$PREFIX # --no-create --no-recursion |
autoconf_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
# Rebuild dfu-util |
_rebuild-dfu DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/dfu-util |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${DFU_REMOTE-origin} ${DFU_BRANCH-master} |
if [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
# Invoking just will mess with the paths aclocal looks at- restore it. |
export ACLOCAL_PATH="/usr/share/aclocal/" |
fi |
./autogen.sh |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/build-dfu |
autoconf_begin_if_sccache |
../dfu-util/configure --prefix=$PREFIX |
autoconf_end_if_sccache |
make $MKDRY install |
make_clean_if_sccache |
# Rebuild openFPGALoader |
_rebuild-ofl DRY="0" SKIP_CHECK="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
set_dry {{DRY}} |
set_cmake_vars_if_sccache |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/openFPGALoader |
check_branch {{SKIP_CHECK}} ${OFL_REMOTE-origin} ${OFL_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/openFPGALoader/build |
ninja -j${OFL_JOBS-$NUM_JOBS} $MKDRY |
ninja $MKDRY install |
ninja_clean_if_sccache |
# Change all branches to master for the duration of this script (fail if not possible). |
prepare CLEAN="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
# $1- Desired branch |
switch_if_not_desired_branch() { |
CURR_BR=`git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD` |
if [ $CURR_BR = $1 ]; then |
echo "Branch set to $1 on `pwd` already" |
else |
git checkout $1 |
fi |
} |
# $1- Directory to change to. |
make_clean_if_clean() { |
if [ {{CLEAN}} -ne 0 ]; then |
cd $1 |
make clean |
fi |
} |
# $1- Directory to change to. |
ninja_clean_if_clean() { |
if [ {{CLEAN}} -ne 0 ]; then |
cd $1 |
ninja clean |
fi |
} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/icestorm |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${ICESTORM_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/prjtrellis/libtrellis |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${TRELLIS_BRANCH-master} |
ninja_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/nextpnr |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${NEXTPNR_BRANCH-master} |
ninja_clean_if_clean $FPGA_ROOT/nextpnr/build-ice40 |
ninja_clean_if_clean $FPGA_ROOT/nextpnr/build-ecp5 |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/yosys |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${YOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
if [ {{CLEAN}} -ne 0 ] && [ "{{os()}}" = "windows" ]; then |
# Invoking just will mess with the environment variable path |
# pkg-config- restore it. |
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw64/lib/pkgconfig:/mingw64/share/pkgconfig |
fi |
make_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/SymbiYosys |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${SYMBIYOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/iverilog |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${IVERILOG_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean $FPGA_ROOT/build-iverilog |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/verilator |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${VERILATOR_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${GHDL_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean $FPGA_ROOT/build-ghdl |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl-yosys-plugin |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${GHDL_YOSYS_PLUGIN_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean `pwd` |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/dfu-util |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${DFU_BRANCH-master} |
make_clean_if_clean $FPGA_ROOT/build-dfu |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/openFPGALoader |
switch_if_not_desired_branch ${OFL_BRANCH-master} |
ninja_clean_if_clean `pwd`/build |
# Use with caution/not ready yet- need a mechanism to determine whether branch |
# was actually changed in prepare. Might be removed completely. |
# Change branches back to previous branches after running prepare. |
_restore: |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
# $1- Current branch |
switch_to_previous_branch() { |
set +e |
PREV_REV=`git rev-parse @{-1} 2> /dev/null` |
RET=$? |
set -e |
if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then |
PREV_BR=`git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD` |
else |
PREV_BR=`git name-rev $PREV_REV --name-only` |
fi |
if [ $PREV_BR=$1 ]; then |
echo "Branch was set to $1 (or same commit as $1) on `pwd` previously" |
else |
git checkout - |
fi |
} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/icestorm |
switch_to_previous_branch ${ICESTORM_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/prjtrellis |
switch_to_previous_branch ${TRELLIS_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/nextpnr |
switch_to_previous_branch ${NEXTPNR_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/yosys |
switch_to_previous_branch ${YOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/SymbiYosys |
switch_to_previous_branch ${SYMBIYOSYS_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/iverilog |
switch_to_previous_branch ${IVERILOG_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/verilator |
switch_to_previous_branch ${VERILATOR_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl |
switch_to_previous_branch ${GHDL_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/ghdl-yosys-plugin |
switch_to_previous_branch ${GHDL_YOSYS_PLUGIN_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/dfu-util |
switch_to_previous_branch ${DFU_BRANCH-master} |
cd $FPGA_ROOT/openFPGALoader |
switch_to_previous_branch ${OFL_BRANCH-master} |
# Create pre-built nextpnr chipdbs for a family. |
build-chipdbs FAMILY CLEAN="0" PULL="0": |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
if [ {{PULL}} -ne 0 ]; then SKIP_CHECK=0; fi |
if [ {{CLEAN}} -ne 0 ]; then CHIPDB="only-full"; fi |
case {{FAMILY}} in |
"ice40") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ice40 "0" "${SKIP_CHECK=1}" "${CHIPDB=\"only\"}" |
;; |
"ecp5") |
just -f "{{justfile()}}" _rebuild-ecp5 "0" "${SKIP_CHECK=1}" "${CHIPDB=\"only\"}" |
;; |
*) |
echo "Unrecognized chipdb family {{FAMILY}}" |
exit 1 |
;; |
esac |
# Grab pre-built nextpnr chipdbs on a machine that previously ran build-chipdbs. |
get-chipdbs FAMILY: |
#!/bin/sh |
set -e |
. "{{justfile_directory()}}/common.sh" |
get_remote_chipdbs {{FAMILY}} |