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danfinlay / How to download streaming
Last active March 16, 2025 19:00
How to download a streaming video with Google Chrome

How to download streaming video

Streaming just means a download that they don't want you to keep. But Chrome's developer tools make it easy to access what's really going on under the hood.

Open Developer Tools

From the page where you want to download some things, go into your chrome menu to open the developer tools. You can either:

1.  (On a mac): Command-option-J
2. (On a PC): Control-alt-J
oxguy3 / filters.txt
Last active February 2, 2024 13:57
Custom adblocking filters for removing annoyances
[Adblock Plus 2.0]
! Title: oxguy3's adblocking filters
! Expires: 1 hour
! Homepage:
! Licence:
!! smooth scrolling
Chandler /
Last active March 1, 2025 02:57
Download Slack Channel/PrivateChannel/DirectMessage History
print("UPDATE AUG 2023: this script is beyond old and broken")
print("You may find interesting and more up to date resources in the comments of the gist")
from slacker import Slacker
import json
import argparse
import os
# This script finds all channels, private channels and direct messages
jakub-g /
Last active June 2, 2024 23:29
Hacker News Links

Hacker News "hidden" URLs

Many of HN URLs are not easily discoverable as there are no links to them in a prominent part on the page, or sometimes even nowhere. The following is a list of links to standard and "special" HN pages. The ones is bold are the less discoverable ones.

See also:


ctrl-freak /
Last active March 15, 2025 11:52
Retrieve APK from Non-Rooted Android Device through ADB

None of these suggestions worked for me, because Android was appending a sequence number to the package name to produce the final APK file name (this may vary with the version of Android OS). The following sequence of commands is what worked for me on a non-rooted device:

  1. Determine the package name of the app, e.g. com.example.someapp. Skip this step if you already know the package name.

    adb shell pm list packages

    Look through the list of package names and try to find a match between the app in question and the package name. This is usually easy, but note that the package name can be completely unrelated to the app name. If you can't recognize the app from the list of package names, try finding the app in Google Play using a browser. The URL for an app in Google Play contains the package name.

thikade / mcp.desktop
Last active July 27, 2024 05:54
control minecraft-pi using xbox controller on raspberry pi
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Minecraft Pi MCP
Comment=Fun with Blocks
# TryExec=minecraft-pi

Reach UI Philosophy

Reach UI is an accessible foundation for React applications and design systems.

The three equally important goals are to be:

  • Accessible
  • Composable
  • Stylable

Apple’s bugs

I still enjoy using Apple products and prefer them over alternatives, but in recent years, an increasing number of small bugs has made using them less pleasant. No single bug is fatal, but they add up. I wanted to document them to make it more likely that they will be fixed.

There are two main topics:

  • Many small unnecessary bugs
  • Strategy tax

Small unnecessary bugs

miglen /
Created February 10, 2021 11:55
Dirty check for non existing public npm dependencies
#!/bin/env python3
# The following script finds all package.json files in the current dir and checks if there are referenced any
# dependencies that no public package is available for, making your application vulnerable to supply-chain attack.
# Simply run ./ in your root repository direcotory.
import json
import requests
from pathlib import Path
import urllib.parse