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Created September 16, 2024 14:52
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Example creating custom seeker nodes for Malli exceptions
(ns nodes
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [malli.core :as m]
[ :as v]
[malli.error :as me]))
(defn node [params & children]
(tagged-literal 'cursive/node
(assoc params :children (remove nil? children))))
(defn labeled-forms [label & forms]
(tagged-literal 'cursive/node
{:presentation (into [{:text label}]
(remove nil?)
(map (fn [form]
{:form form}))
(interpose {:text " "}))
:children (remove nil? forms)}))
(defn title-node [text & children]
(let [params (if (map? (first children))
(first children)
remainder (if params (rest children) children)]
(tagged-literal 'cursive/node
(merge {:presentation [{:text text}]
:children (remove nil? remainder)}
(defn link-node [text url]
(tagged-literal 'cursive/node
{:presentation [{:text text
:style :link}]
:action :browse
:url url}))
(defn -errors [explanation]
(for [error (->> explanation (me/with-error-messages) :errors)]
(into {} error)))
(defn -explain [schema value]
(-errors (m/explain schema value)))
(defmulti -format (fn [e _] (-> e (ex-data) :type)) :default ::default)
(defn -hierarchy [^Class k]
(loop [sk (.getSuperclass k), ks [k]]
(if-not (= sk Object)
(recur (.getSuperclass sk) (conj ks sk))
(defmethod -format ::default [e data]
(if-let [-format (some (methods -format) (-hierarchy (class e)))]
(-format e data)
(node {:presentation [{:text "Unknown Error"
:style :error}]}
(node {:presentation [{:text "Type: "}
{:form (type e)}]}
(type e))
(node {:presentation [{:text "Message: "}
{:form (ex-message e)}]})
(when data
(node {:presentation [{:text "Ex-data: "}]}
(defn format [e]
(-format e (-> e (ex-data) :data)))
(defmethod -format ::m/explain [_ {:keys [schema] :as explanation}]
(title-node "Explain"
(labeled-forms "Value: " (me/error-value explanation))
(apply labeled-forms "Errors: " (me/humanize (me/with-spell-checking explanation)))
(labeled-forms "Schema: " schema)
(link-node "More information" "")))
(defmethod -format ::m/coercion [_ {:keys [explain]}]
(format (m/-exception ::m/explain explain)))
(defmethod -format ::m/invalid-input [_ {:keys [args input fn-name]}]
(title-node "Invalid Function Input"
(apply labeled-forms "Invalid function arguments: " args)
(when fn-name (labeled-forms "Function Var: " fn-name))
(labeled-forms "Input Schema: " input)
(apply labeled-forms "Errors: " (-explain input args))
(link-node "More information" "")))
(defmethod -format ::m/invalid-output [_ {:keys [value args output fn-name]}]
(title-node "Invalid Function Output"
(labeled-forms "Invalid function return value: " value)
(when fn-name (labeled-forms "Function Var: " fn-name))
(apply labeled-forms "Function arguments: " args)
(labeled-forms "Output Schema: " output)
(apply labeled-forms "Errors: " (-explain output value))
(link-node "More information" "")))
(defmethod -format ::m/invalid-guard [_ {:keys [value args guard fn-name]}]
(title-node "Function Guard Error"
(when fn-name (labeled-forms "Function Var: " fn-name))
(labeled-forms "Guard arguments: " [args value])
(labeled-forms "Guard schema: " guard)
(apply labeled-forms "Errors: " (-explain guard [args value]))
(link-node "More information" "")))
(defmethod -format ::m/invalid-arity [_ {:keys [args arity schema fn-name]}]
(title-node "Invalid Function Arity"
(apply labeled-forms (str "Invalid function arity (" arity "): ") args)
(labeled-forms "Function Schema: " schema)
(when fn-name (labeled-forms "Function Var: " fn-name))
(link-node "More information" "")))
(defmethod -format ::m/child-error [_ {:keys [type children properties] :as data}]
(let [form (m/-raw-form type properties children)
constraints (reduce (fn [acc k] (if-let [v (get data k)] (assoc acc k v) acc)) nil [:min :max])
size (count children)]
(title-node "Schema Creation Error"
(labeled-forms "Invalid Schema" form)
(title-node "Reason" {:auto-expand? true}
(node {:presentation [{:text (str "Schema has " size
(if (= 1 size) " child" " children")
", expected: ")}
{:form constraints}]}
(link-node "More information" ""))))
; Doc examples
(def pow
{:schema [:=> [:cat :int] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(fn [x] (* x x))))
(def arg<ret
{:schema [:=>
[:cat :int]
[:fn {:error/message "argument should be less than return"}
(fn [[[arg] ret]] (< arg ret))]]}
(fn [x] x)))
(defn plus-err
[x] (inc x))
(m/coerce :string 47)
(catch Exception ex
(format ex)))
(pow "2")
(catch Exception ex
(format ex)))
(pow 4)
(catch Exception ex
(format ex)))
(pow 4 2)
(catch Exception ex
(format ex)))
(arg<ret 0)
(catch Exception ex
(format ex)))
(def arg<ret
{:schema [:=> [:cat [:vector]] [:int {:max 6}]]}
(fn ->plus-err [] plus-err)))
(catch Exception ex
(format ex))))
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