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Last active November 15, 2023 16:50
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Save d1manson/9334360 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python - reload a module and update the methods for pre-existing versions of its class(es).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from types import ModuleType, ClassType
def can_reload_methods(klass):
klass.__CAN_RELOAD_METHODS__ = True
return klass
def reloadd(m):
``m`` can be a string or an actual module
Any classes in the module that are decorated with ``@can_reload_methods``
will have their old class methods updated to the new version, meaning
that any existing instances of the class will now be using the new methods.
This is not a silver bullet at all, but in many cases it will be useful.
If the module is not in the module cache we just don't do anything here.
Imagine we have a class ``someClass`` in a module ``someModule``. First
we create an instance, ``a``, of the class and call one of its functions::
import someModule
a = someModule.someClass()
>>> "this is something version 1"
Next, suppose we go and edit the ``something`` method in ````,
lets say it should now print ``"this is version 2"``.
Having done that, if we call ``a.something()`` again we will be dissapointed to find that
the result hasn't changed: we still get ``this is soemthing version 1``.
You might try doing ``reload(someModule)`` but it wont help. Which is
where this special ``reloadd`` function comes in handy::
>>> "this is version 2"
Which is what we wanted. This is not bullet proof reloading by any means
but in most cases it should update existing instances of ``someModule`` and
any instances of classes that use ``someModule`` as a base class.
Note that ``reloadd`` only applies to the single file you specify, it
does not do any recursion whatsoever...but in most cases that will be
the behaviour you actually wanted...this can all get seriously confusing.
Note that for a class to be recognised by ``reloadd`` it needs to be
decorated with the ``@can_reload_methods`` decorator. This isn't actually
a neccessary part of the implementation, but it seems fairly sensible.
If that's annoying, you could edit this function to reload all classes
within the requested module, or have an optional flag.
(If you add the ``@can_reload_methods`` decorator after creating instances
and then try and ``reloadd``, the methods will be applied because the
new version of the class has the decorator even though the old version does not.)
How it works
The main idea is to look in the module cache to find the old version of
the relevant class(es), then do a standard reload, and then overwrite/add
the new methods to the old class.
This more or less works, but there are some additional complications, the
most significant of which is that if we want to do repeated ``reloadd`` calls
we need to be able to chain back to the oldest version of the class, because
that is the version which has the active instances (well, there may well be
instances of a variety of different versions of the class and we have to
update them all.)
There are no doubt many unforseen ways this could go wrong.
Methods and properties are updated.
Old methods that have been removed are not deleted, i.e.
only methods named in the new version are updated.
Not sure about staicmethods, classmethods and methods wrapped with
other decorators.
if isinstance(m,ModuleType) is False and m not in sys.modules:
name_m = m if isinstance(m,str) else m.__name__
m = m if isinstance(m,ModuleType) else sys.modules[m]
# We need to have a reference to each of the old classes because the
# reload that we are about to do will overwrite their names in the module.
# here we create a dict with (key,value)=(class name, class reference):
oldClasses = {}
for key in dir(m):
val = getattr(m,key)
if isinstance(val,ClassType) or getattr(val,'__class__',False) is type:
oldClasses[key] = val
# Ok, now we can do the reload.
# Now that we've done the reload we can get a dict of all the
# currently decorated classes, of the same form as oldClasses
taggedNewClasses = {}
for key in dir(m):
val = getattr(m,key)
if getattr(val,'__module__',None) == name_m and \
taggedNewClasses[key] = val
for name_c,c in taggedNewClasses.iteritems():
if name_c not in oldClasses:
continue # if we cant find the old version of the class then there's nothing much we can do.
# For the given class, we don't just want to update the methods in oldClasses[name_c]
# we also need to follow the chain back through all previous versions of the class
# ("all" meaning all versions that were tagged plus the version just before it was tagged)
c.__PREVIOUS_VERSION__ = oldClasses[name_c]
c_chain = [c.__PREVIOUS_VERSION__]
while hasattr(c_chain[-1],'__PREVIOUS_VERSION__'):
# Right, lets get a list of all "method"-like things for the new version of the class
# These get stored in a dict as (key,value)=(name,reference)
# Note that we collect the im_func of methods, and the whole of properties
newMethods = {}
newProperties = {}
for attr_name in dir(c):
attr = getattr(c,attr_name)
if hasattr(attr,'im_func'):
newMethods[attr_name] = attr.im_func
elif isinstance(attr,property):
newProperties[attr_name] = attr
# Ok, finally we can now iterate over all previous versions of the class
# and override the old/non-existent attr with the new vesion of the
# methods/properties:
for met_name,met in newMethods.iteritems():
for c_old in c_chain:
for prop_name,prop in newProperties.iteritems():
for c_old in c_chain:
print "Updated %d methods and %d properties of %d versions of class %s in module %s." % \
def _enclose(met): #builds closure around iterator
def wrapped(*args,**kwargs):
return met(*args,**kwargs)
return wrapped
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