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Last active September 17, 2018 18:50
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Set skyrim flora in cities to owned
Purpose: Set flora in cities to owned
Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Author: dalen <[email protected]>
Version: 2
It is just odd that you can plunder the gardens without consequence.
unit userscript;
procedure SetOwnership(e: IInterface; owner: string);
ownerElement: IInterface;
ownerElement := Add(e, 'Ownership', true);
SetElementEditValues(ownerElement, 'XOWN - Owner', owner);
// called for every record selected in xEdit
function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
val: integer;
ParentCell, Worldspace, PlacedObject, owner: IInterface;
WorldspaceName: string;
factionId: string;
Result := 0;
factionId := nil;
// Skip if not a REFR
if Signature(e) <> 'REFR' then exit;
PlacedObject := LinksTo(ElementByName(e, 'NAME - Base'));
// Skip if placed object type is not TreeFlora*
if not StartsStr('TreeFlora', EditorID(PlacedObject)) then exit;
// Skip items that already has an owner
owner := ElementByPath(e, 'Ownership');
if owner <> nil then exit;
ParentCell := LinksTo(ElementByName(e, 'Cell'));
Worldspace := LinksTo(ElementByName(ParentCell, 'Worldspace'));
WorldspaceName := EditorID(Worldspace);
AddMessage('Processing: ' + FullPath(e));
AddMessage('Object: ' + EditorID(PlacedObject));
AddMessage('Worldspace: ' + WorldspaceName);
if WorldspaceName = 'WhiterunWorld' then SetOwnership(e, '0002BE39'); // GuardFactionWhiterun
if WorldspaceName = 'SolitudeWorld' then SetOwnership(e, '0002EBEE'); // GuardFactionSolitude
if WorldspaceName = 'MarkarthWorld' then SetOwnership(e, '00018AAC'); // GuardFactionMarkarth
if WorldspaceName = 'RiftenWorld' then SetOwnership(e, '000D27F2'); // GuardFactionRiften
if WorldspaceName = 'WindhelmWorld' then SetOwnership(e, '000D27F3'); // GuardFactionWindhelm
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