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Erik Dalén dalen

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dalen / WACCF-Requiem.pas
Last active February 27, 2023 22:59
Requiem - WACCF Patch generator
Patch generator for Requiem and
Weapons, Armor, Clothing and Clutter Fixes
unit RequiemWACCFPatcher;
requiemFile = 'Requiem.esp';
waccfFile = 'Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp';
dalen / Set City Flora Owned.pas
Last active September 17, 2018 18:50
Set skyrim flora in cities to owned
Purpose: Set flora in cities to owned
Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Author: dalen <[email protected]>
Version: 2
It is just odd that you can plunder the gardens without consequence.
unit userscript;
dalen / CACO - Survival Mode.pas
Last active July 6, 2020 20:26
Add Skyrim survival mode effects to CACO ingestables
Purpose: Add survival mode effects to CACO ingestables
Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Author: dalen <[email protected]>
Version: 1
Note that these effects are defined in Update.esm, so this can be used without survival mode installed
in that case these effects have no effect on the player.
unit userscript;
Scriptname _RC_QuestScript extends Quest
Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
GlobalVariable Property _RC_GlobalToggleMessages Auto
GlobalVariable Property _RC_GlobalCapacityBase Auto
GlobalVariable Property _RC_GlobalCuirassBase Auto
GlobalVariable Property _RC_GlobalCuirassPerc Auto

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dalen on github.
  • I am dalen ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 7898 8C4F 42F0 81C3 0C29 D974 412B 992E 84F6 BA52

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# encoding: utf-8
require 'bench_press'
require 'json'
require 'msgpack'
require 'puppet'
require 'puppet/util/pson'
extend BenchPress
reps 100
# Remove parameters on resources that aren't exported or tagged public
ExtFilterDefine resources-remove-parameters-nonexported-nonpublic mode=output \
intype=application/json outtype=application/json \
cmd="/usr/bin/jq map(if\ .exported\ or\ (.tags\ |\ contains([\"public\"]))\ then\ .\ else\ .parameters={}\ end)"
# using parenthesis hash style
class foo (
$servername = $::fqdn,
$port = 80,
$ssl = false,
) {
apache::vhost { $servername: ($extra_opts + {
port => $port,
ssl => $ssl,
dalen / puppetboard-dbquery.js
Created July 12, 2014 13:57
puppetdbquery javascript
parseQuery = function () {
parser.yy.nodeQuery = true;
apiQuery = parser.parse(document.getElementById('puppetdbquery').value);
document.getElementById('apiquery').value = JSON.stringify(apiQuery);
/* parser generated by jison 0.4.13 */
Returns a Parser object of the following structure:
Parser: {
yy: {}
Parser.prototype: {
yy: {},