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Last active July 6, 2020 20:26
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Add Skyrim survival mode effects to CACO ingestables
Purpose: Add survival mode effects to CACO ingestables
Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Author: dalen <[email protected]>
Version: 1
Note that these effects are defined in Update.esm, so this can be used without survival mode installed
in that case these effects have no effect on the player.
unit userscript;
// Get an effect by its ID, return nil if it doesn't exist
function EffectById(effects: IwbContainer; id: string): IwbElement;
i: integer;
effect: IwbElement;
Result := nil;
for i := 0 to ElementCount(effects) -1 do begin
effect := ElementByIndex(effects, i);
if EndsStr('[MGEF:' + id + ']', GetEditValue(ElementByPath(effect, 'EFID'))) then Result := effect;
// Check if record is a food record
function IsFood(e: IInterface): boolean;
keywords: IInterface;
keywords := ElementByPath(e, 'KWDA');
if ContainsStr(FlagValues(ElementByPath(e, 'ENIT\Flags')), 'Food Item')
then Result := true
else Result := false;
// Return 0-4 depending on how much hunger to restore for this effect
// This depends on the hours of the CACO restore effect
function EffectHungerRestoreValue(e: IInterface): integer;
effectId: string;
Result := 0;
effectId := GetEditValue(ElementByPath(e, 'EFID'));
// TODO: replace this with some regexp, but this works even if it repeats a bit
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStaminaRate1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStaminaRate2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStaminaRate3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStaminaRate4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStamina1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStamina2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStamina3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyStamina4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealRate1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealRate2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealRate3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealRate4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealth1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealth2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealth3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyHealth4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagickaRate1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagickaRate2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagickaRate3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagickaRate4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagicka1hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 1;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagicka2hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 2;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagicka3hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 3;
if StartsStr('FoodEffectFortifyMagicka4hr_CACO', effectId) then Result := 4;
// Return 0-4 depending on how much hunger this item should restore
// This depends on the largest CACO restore effect of the item
function ItemHungerRestoreValue(e: IInterface): integer;
i, val: integer;
effects: IInterface;
Result := 0;
effects := ElementByPath(e, 'Effects');
for i := 0 to ElementCount(effects) -1 do begin
val := EffectHungerRestoreValue(ElementByIndex(effects, i));
if val > Result then Result := val;
// called for every record selected in xEdit
function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
val: integer;
effects, effect, effectId: IInterface;
Result := 0;
if not IsFood(e) then exit;
AddMessage('Processing: ' + FullPath(e));
AddMessage('Restore value: ' + IntToStr(ItemHungerRestoreValue(e)));
val := ItemHungerRestoreValue(e);
if val = 0 then exit;
effects := Add(e, 'Effects', true);
// Find an existing survival mode effect to replace it, if not present, add a new effect
if EffectById(effects, '01002EE1') <> nil then effect := EffectById(effects, '01002EE1')
else if EffectById(effects, '01002EE2') <> nil then effect := EffectById(effects, '01002EE2')
else if EffectById(effects, '01002EE3') <> nil then effect := EffectById(effects, '01002EE3')
else if EffectById(effects, '01002EE4') <> nil then effect := EffectById(effects, '01002EE4')
else effect := ElementAssign(effects, HighInteger, nil, false);
effectId := ElementByPath(effect, 'EFID');
case val of
1: SetEditValue(effectId, '01002EE1'); // Restore Hunger Very Small
2: SetEditValue(effectId, '01002EE2'); // Restore Hunger Small
3: SetEditValue(effectId, '01002EE3'); // Restore Hunger Medium
4: SetEditValue(effectId, '01002EE4'); // Restore Hunger Large
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Hi Dalen, thanks for the interesting and easy-to-understand script. Can you tell me a little about how it can be successfully run and on which file? I'm hoping this isn't necessary with the CACO survival patch but I suspect it may be needed.

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