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Created April 9, 2016 02:56
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<title>Testing Ratpack Applications</title>
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<body class="article">
<div id="header">
<h1>Testing Ratpack Applications</h1>
<div class="details">
<span id="author" class="author">Dan Hyun</span><br>
<span id="email" class="email">@LSpacewalker</span><br>
<div id="content">
<div id="preamble">
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Ratpack is a developer friendly and productivity focused web framework.
That&#8217;s quite a claim to make.
We&#8217;ll explore how Ratpack&#8217;s rich testing facilities strongly support this statement.</p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="trueintro"><a class="anchor" href="#trueintro"></a>Intro</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="ulist">
<p>Test framework Agnostic (Spock, JUnit, TestNG)</p>
<p>Core fixutres in Java 8+, first-class Groovy Support available</p>
<p>Most fixtures implement <code>java.lang.AutoCloseable</code></p>
<div class="ulist">
<p>Need to either close yourself or use in <code>try-with-resources</code></p>
<p>Provides points of interaction that utilize an execute around pattern in cases where you need the fixture once.</p>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="truehello-world"><a class="anchor" href="#truehello-world"></a>Hello World</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="truedependencies"><a class="anchor" href="#truedependencies"></a>Dependencies</h3>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">testing-ratpack-apps.gradle</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-gradle" data-lang="gradle">plugins { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
id 'io.ratpack.ratpack-groovy' version '1.2.0' <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
repositories {
dependencies {
runtime "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:${log4j}"
runtime "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:${log4j}"
runtime "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:${log4j}"
runtime 'com.lmax:disruptor:3.3.2'
testCompile ratpack.dependency('groovy-test') <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
testCompile ('org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.4') {
exclude module: "groovy-all"
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile 'org.testng:testng:6.9.10'
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Use Gradle&#8217;s incubating Plugins feature</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Pull in and apply Ratpack&#8217;s Gradle plugin from Gradle&#8217;s Plugin Portal</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Pull in <code>'io.ratpack:ratpack-groovy-test</code> from Bintray</td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="truehello-world-under-test"><a class="anchor" href="#truehello-world-under-test"></a>Hello World Under Test</h3>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ratpack.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
ratpack {
handlers {
get {
render 'Hello Greach 2016!'
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">MainClassApp</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.func.Action
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
import ratpack.handling.Chain
import ratpack.server.RatpackServer
import ratpack.server.RatpackServerSpec
class MainClassApp {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RatpackServer.start({ RatpackServerSpec serverSpec -&gt; serverSpec
.handlers({ Chain chain -&gt;
chain.get({GroovyContext ctx -&gt;
ctx.render 'Hello Greach 2016!'
} as GroovyHandler)
} as Action&lt;Chain&gt;)
} as Action&lt;RatpackServerSpec&gt;)
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueverify"><a class="anchor" href="#trueverify"></a>Verify</h3>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">$ curl localhost:5050
Hello Greach 2016!</code></pre>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="true-code-assert-true-code"><a class="anchor" href="#true-code-assert-true-code"></a><code>assert true</code></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="truespock-hello-world"><a class="anchor" href="#truespock-hello-world"></a>Spock Hello World</h3>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">HelloWorldSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.MainClassApplicationUnderTest
import spock.lang.AutoCleanup
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class HelloWorldSpec extends Specification {
// tag::GroovyScriptAUT[]
GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest groovyScriptApplicationunderTest = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest()
// end::GroovyScriptAUT[]
// tag::MainClassAUT[]
MainClassApplicationUnderTest mainClassApplicationUnderTest = new MainClassApplicationUnderTest(MainClassApp)
// end::MainClassAUT[]
def 'Should render \'Hello Greach 2016!\' from #type'() {
def getText = aut.httpClient.getText()
getText == 'Hello Greach 2016!'
aut | type
groovyScriptApplicationunderTest | 'ratpack.groovy'
mainClassApplicationUnderTest | 'MainClassApp.groovy'
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="truejunit-test"><a class="anchor" href="#truejunit-test"></a>Junit Test</h3>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">HelloJunitTest.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.AfterClass
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.junit.Test
import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.MainClassApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
class HelloJunitTest {
static GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest groovyScriptApplicationunderTest
static MainClassApplicationUnderTest mainClassApplicationUnderTest
static void setup() {
groovyScriptApplicationunderTest = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest()
mainClassApplicationUnderTest = new MainClassApplicationUnderTest(MainClassApp)
static void cleanup() {
def void testHelloWorld() {
].each { aut -&gt;
TestHttpClient client = aut.httpClient
assertEquals('Hello Greach 2016!', client.getText())
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="trueunit-testing"><a class="anchor" href="#trueunit-testing"></a>Unit testing</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="true-code-groovyrequestfixture-code"><a class="anchor" href="#true-code-groovyrequestfixture-code"></a><code>GroovyRequestFixture</code></h3>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="truetesting-standalone-handlers"><a class="anchor" href="#truetesting-standalone-handlers"></a>Testing Standalone Handlers</h4>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ImportantHandler.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
class ImportantHandler extends GroovyHandler {
protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
context.render 'Very important handler'
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ratpack.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
ratpack {
handlers {
get(new ImportantHandler()) <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Bind our <code>ImportantHandler</code> to <code>GET /</code></td>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">Failing test</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">def 'should render \'Very important handler\''() {
HandlingResult result = GroovyRequestFixture.handle(new ImportantHandler()) {}
result.bodyText == 'Very important handler <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Consult the <code>HandlingResult</code> for response body</td>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>WARN: This test will fail</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>What happened?</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><code>Context#render(Object)</code> uses Ratpack&#8217;s rendering framework.
<code>GroovyRequestFixture</code> does not actually serialize rendered objects to <code>Response</code> of <code>HandlingResult</code>.
For this test to pass you must either modify the Handler or modify the expectation:</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Modify the handler:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ImportantSendingHandler.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
class ImportantSendingHandler extends GroovyHandler {
protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
context.response.send('Very important handler')
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Modify the expectation:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ImportantHandlerUnitSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'should render \'Very important handler\''() {
HandlingResult result = GroovyRequestFixture.handle(new ImportantHandler()) {}
String rendered = result.rendered(String) <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
rendered == 'Very important handler'
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Retrieve the rendered object by type from <code>HandlingResult</code></td>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Everday use:</p>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="truemodify-request-attributes"><a class="anchor" href="#truemodify-request-attributes"></a>Modify request attributes</h4>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">HeaderExtractionHandler.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
class HeaderExtractionHandler extends GroovyHandler {
protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
String specialHeader = context.request.headers.get('special') ?: 'not special' <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
context.render "Special header: $specialHeader"
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Extract HTTP header and render a response to client</td>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">HeaderExtractionHandlingSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.test.handling.HandlingResult
import spock.lang.Specification
import ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
import spock.lang.Unroll
class HeaderExtractionHandlingSpec extends Specification {
def 'should render #expectedValue with special header value'() {
HandlingResult result = GroovyRequestFixture
.handle(new HeaderExtractionHandler(), requestFixture)
def rendered = result.rendered(CharSequence)
rendered == "Special header: $expectedValue"
expectedValue | requestFixture
'greach2016' | { header('special', 'greach2016') } <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
'not special' | {}
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>You can get a chance to configure the properties of the request to be made, can configure HTTP method, headers, request body, etc.</td>
<div class="sect3">
<h4 id="truemodify-and-make-assertions-against-context-registry"><a class="anchor" href="#truemodify-and-make-assertions-against-context-registry"></a>Modify and make assertions against context registry:</h4>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ProfileLoadingHandler.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.Canonical
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
import ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyHandler
import ratpack.registry.Registry
class ProfileLoadingHandler extends GroovyHandler {
protected void handle(GroovyContext context) {
String role = context.request.headers.get('role') ?: 'guest' <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
String secretToken = context.get(String) <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b> Profile(role: role, token: secretToken))) <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
class Profile {
String role
String token
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Extract role from request header, defaulting to 'guest'</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Extract a String from the context registry</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Delegate to the next Handler in the chain and pass a new single Registry with a newly constructed Profile object</td>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>We can make use of <code>RequestFixture</code> to populate the Registry with any entries our stand-alone Handler may be expecting, such as a token in the form of a String.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ProfileLoadingHandlingSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'handler should populate context registry with Profile'() {
HandlingResult result = GroovyRequestFixture.handle(new ProfileLoadingHandler()) {
header('role', 'admin') <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
registry { add(String, 'secret-token') } <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
result.registry.get(Profile) == new Profile('admin', 'secret-token') <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Use <code>RequestFixture#header</code> to add Headers to the HTTP Request</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Use <code>RequestFixture#registry</code> to add a <code>String</code> to the Context registry</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Consult the HandlingResponse to ensure that the context was populated with a <code>Profile</code> object and that it meets our expectations</td>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Let&#8217;s put our <code>ProfileLoadingHandler</code> in a chain with a dummy Map renderer:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ProfileLoadingHandlingSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'should be able to render Profile as map from Registry'() {
HandlingResult result = GroovyRequestFixture.handle(new GroovyChainAction() { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
void execute() throws Exception {
all(new ProfileLoadingHandler()) <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
get { <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
Profile profile = get(Profile)
render([profile: [role: profile.role, token: profile.token]])
}) {
header('role', 'admin')
registry { add(String, 'secret-token') }
result.rendered(Map) == [profile: [role: 'admin', 'token': 'secret-token']] <i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>(4)</b>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="true-code-groovyembeddedapp-code"><a class="anchor" href="#true-code-groovyembeddedapp-code"></a><code>GroovyEmbeddedApp</code></h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p><code>GroovyEmbeddedApp</code> represents an isolated subset of functionality that stands up a full Ratpack server.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>It represents a very bare server that binds to an ephemeral port and has no base directory by default.
<code>GroovyEmbeddedApp</code> is also <code>AutoCloseable</code>.
If you plan on making more than a few interactions it may help to grab a <code>TestHttpClient</code> from the server, otherwise you can make use of <code>EmbeddedApp#test(TestHttpClient)</code> which will ensure that the <code>EmbeddedApp</code> is shut down gracefully.
Javadocs for Ratpack are 100% tested and make use of <code>EmbeddedApp</code> to demonstrate functionality.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>The <code>EmbeddedApp</code> is also useful in creating a test fixture that represents some network based resource that returns canned or contrived responses.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">EmbeddedAppSpec</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'can create simple hello world'() {
GroovyEmbeddedApp.fromHandler { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
render 'Hello Greach 2016!'
} test {
assert getText() == 'Hello Greach 2016!' <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Creates a full Ratpack server with a single handler</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Ratpack provides us with a <code>TestHttpClient</code> that is configured to submit requests to <code>EmbeddedApp</code>. When the closure is finished executing Ratpack will take care of cleaning up the <code>EmbeddedApp</code>.</td>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="truetesthttpclient"><a class="anchor" href="#truetesthttpclient"></a>TestHttpClient</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>For testing, Ratpack provides <code>TestHttpClient</code> which is a blocking, synchronous http client for making requests against a running <code>ApplicationUnderTest</code>. This is intentionally designed in order to make testing deterministic and predictable.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">EmbeddedAppSpec</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'demonstrate ByMethodSpec'() {
GroovyEmbeddedApp app = GroovyEmbeddedApp.fromHandlers { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
path {
byMethod {
get {
render 'GET'
post {
render 'POST'
TestHttpClient client = app.httpClient <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
expect: <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
client.getText() == 'GET'
client.postText() == 'POST'
client.put().status.code == 405
client.delete().status.code == 405
cleanup: <i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>(4)</b>
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Create <code>GroovyEmbeddedApp</code> from a chain</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Retrieve a configured <code>TestHttpClient</code> for making requests against the <code>EmbeddedApp</code></td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Make some assertions about the application as described by the chain</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>4</b></td>
<td>Have Spock invoke <code>EmbeddedApp#close</code> to gracefully shutdown the server.</td>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>The <code>TestHttpClient</code> has some basic support for manipulating request configuration as well as handling redirects and cookies.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">EmbeddedAppSpec</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> def 'should handle redirects and cookies'() {
GroovyEmbeddedApp.fromHandlers { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
get {
render request.oneCookie('foo') ?: 'empty'
get('set') {
response.cookie('foo', 'foo')
redirect '/'
get('clear') {
redirect '/'
} test {
assert getText() == 'empty' <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
assert getCookies('/')*.name() == []
assert getCookies('/')*.value() == []
assert getText('set') == 'foo'
assert getCookies('/')*.name() == ['foo']
assert getCookies('/')*.value() == ['foo']
assert getText() == 'foo'
assert getText('clear') == 'empty'
assert getCookies('/')*.name() == []
assert getCookies('/')*.value() == []
assert getText() == 'empty'
assert getCookies('/')*.name() == []
assert getCookies('/')*.value() == []
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Create sample app that reads and writes cookies</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Issue requests that ensures cookie setting/expiring and redirect functionality</td>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="trueasync-testing"><a class="anchor" href="#trueasync-testing"></a>Async Testing</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Ratpack is asynchronous and non-blocking from the ground up. This means that not only is Ratpack&#8217;s api asynchronous but it expects that your code should be asynchronous as well.</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Let&#8217;s say we have a <code>ProfileService</code> that&#8217;s responsible for retrieving `Profile`s:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ProfileService.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import groovy.transform.Canonical
import ratpack.exec.Operation
import ratpack.exec.Promise
class ProfileService {
final List&lt;Profile&gt; profiles = []
Promise&lt;List&lt;Profile&gt;&gt; getProfiles() {
Operation add(Profile p) {
Operation delete() {
class Profile {
String role
String token
<div class="paragraph">
<p>If you were to test this Service without any assistance from Ratpack you will run into the well known <code>UnmanagedThreadException</code>:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre>ratpack.exec.UnmanagedThreadException: Operation attempted on non Ratpack managed thread</pre>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueexecharness"><a class="anchor" href="#trueexecharness"></a>ExecHarness</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><code>ExecHarness</code> is the utility that Ratpack provides to test any kind of asynchronous behavior.
Unsurprisingly <code>ExecHarness</code> is also an <code>AutoCloseable</code>.
It utilizes resources that manage an <code>EventLoopGroup</code> and an <code>ExecutorService</code> so it&#8217;s important to make sure these resources get properly cleaned up.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ProfileServiceExec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.exec.ExecResult
import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
import spock.lang.AutoCleanup
import spock.lang.Specification
class ProfileServiceSpec extends Specification {
ExecHarness execHarness = ExecHarness.harness() <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
def 'can add/retrieve/remove profiles from service'() {
ProfileService service = new ProfileService()
ExecResult&lt;Promise&lt;List&lt;Profile&gt;&gt;&gt; result = execHarness.yield { service.profiles } <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
result.value == []
execHarness.yield { service.add(new Profile(role: 'admin', token: 'secret')) }
List&lt;Profile&gt; profiles = execHarness.yield { service.profiles }.value
then: profiles == [new Profile(role: 'admin', token: 'secret')]
execHarness.yield { service.delete() }
execHarness.yield { service.profiles }.value == []
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Create an <code>ExecHarness</code> and tell Spock to clean up when we are finished</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Use <code>ExecHarness#yield</code> to wrap all of our service calls so that our Promises and Operations can be resolved on a Ratpack managed thread.</td>
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="truefunctional-testing"><a class="anchor" href="#truefunctional-testing"></a>Functional testing</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="truemainclassapplicationundertest"><a class="anchor" href="#truemainclassapplicationundertest"></a>MainClassApplicationUnderTest</h3>
<div class="dlist">
<dt class="hdlist1"><code>GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest</code></dt>
<p>For testing <code>ratpack.groovy</code> backed applications</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> @AutoCleanup
GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest groovyScriptApplicationunderTest = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest()</code></pre>
<div class="dlist">
<dt class="hdlist1"><code>MainClassApplicationUnderTest</code></dt>
<p>For testing class backed applications</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> @AutoCleanup
MainClassApplicationUnderTest mainClassApplicationUnderTest = new MainClassApplicationUnderTest(MainClassApp)</code></pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Our sample Ratpack application for testing:</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ratpack.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
ratpack {
serverConfig {
sysProps() <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
require('/api', ApiConfig) <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
bindings {
bind(ConfService) <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
handlers {
get { ConfService confService -&gt; { <i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>(4)</b>
"Here are the best conferences: $it"
} then(context.&amp;render)
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Pull configuration from System properties</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Create an ApiConfig object and put into the registry</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Bind <code>ConfService</code> using Guice</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>4</b></td>
<td>Use <code>ConfService</code> to retrieve list of awesome Groovy Conferences</td>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ApiConfig.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">class ApiConfig {
String url
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Simple object to contain our configuration data related to an API</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ConfService</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import
import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.http.client.HttpClient
class ConfService {
final HttpClient httpClient
final ApiConfig apiConfig
ConfService(ApiConfig apiConfig, HttpClient httpClient) { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
this.apiConfig = apiConfig
this.httpClient = httpClient
Promise&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; getConferences() { <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
httpClient.get(new URI(apiConfig.url))
.map { it.body }
.map { it.text.split(',').collect { it } }
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Receive <code>ApiConfig</code> and <code>HtpClient</code> from Guice</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Define an asynchronous service method to retrieve data from remote service</td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueconfiguration"><a class="anchor" href="#trueconfiguration"></a>Configuration</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>We can take advantage of system properties to change how the Ratpack application configures its services.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">FunctionalSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
import ratpack.test.ApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import spock.lang.AutoCleanup
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
class FunctionalSpec extends Specification {
ApplicationUnderTest aut = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest() <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
TestHttpClient client = aut.httpClient <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
GroovyEmbeddedApp api = GroovyEmbeddedApp.fromHandler { <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
render 'Greach, GR8conf, Gradle Conf'
def setup() {
System.setProperty('ratpack.api.url', api.address.toURL().toString()) <i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>(4)</b>
def 'can get best conferences'() { <i class="conum" data-value="5"></i><b>(5)</b>
response.statusCode == 200
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Create our <code>ApplicationUnderTest</code> and tell Spock to clean up when we&#8217;re done</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>Retrieve <code>TestHttpClient</code> and make use of <code>@Delegate</code> to make tests very readable</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>Create a simple service that response with a comma separated list of Groovy Conferences</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="4"></i><b>4</b></td>
<td>Set system property to point to our stubbed service</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="5"></i><b>5</b></td>
<td>Write a simple test to assure that our Ratpack app can make a succcessful call to the remote api</td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueimpositions"><a class="anchor" href="#trueimpositions"></a>Impositions</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p><code>Impositions</code> allow a user to provide overrides to various aspects of the Ratpack application bootstrap phase.</p>
<div class="ulist">
<p><code>ServerConfigImposition</code> allows to override server configuration</p>
<p><code>BindingsImposition</code> allows to provide Guice binding overrides</p>
<p><code>UserRegistryImposition</code> allows you to provide alternatives for items in the registry</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">ImpositionSpec</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.exec.Promise
import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.impose.UserRegistryImposition
import ratpack.impose.ImpositionsSpec
import ratpack.test.ApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import spock.lang.AutoCleanup
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import ratpack.guice.Guice
class ImpositionSpec extends Specification {
ApplicationUnderTest aut = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest() {
protected void addImpositions(ImpositionsSpec impositions) { <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
UserRegistryImposition.of(Guice.registry {
it.add(new ConfService(null, null) {
Promise&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; getConferences() {
TestHttpClient client = aut.httpClient
def 'can get list of gr8 conferences'() {
response.statusCode == 200
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>Override <code>addImpositions</code> method to provide a <code>UserRegistryImposition</code> that supplies our own dumb implementation of <code>ConfService</code> that does not need to make any network connections</td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueremotecontrol"><a class="anchor" href="#trueremotecontrol"></a>RemoteControl</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Authored by Luke Daley; originally for Grails</p>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Used to serialize commands to be executed on the <code>ApplicationUnderTest</code></p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">build.gradle</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy"> testCompile ratpack.dependency('remote-test')</code></pre>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>Here we add a test compile dependency on <code>io.ratpack:ratpack-remote-test</code> which includes a dependency on <code>remote-control</code></p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">RemoteControlSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import io.remotecontrol.client.UnserializableResultStrategy
import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.guice.BindingsImposition
import ratpack.impose.ImpositionsSpec
import ratpack.remote.RemoteControl
import ratpack.test.ApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import spock.lang.AutoCleanup
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
class RemoteControlSpec extends Specification {
ApplicationUnderTest aut = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest() {
protected void addImpositions(ImpositionsSpec impositions) {
impositions.add(BindingsImposition.of {
it.bindInstance RemoteControl.handlerDecorator() <i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>(1)</b>
TestHttpClient client = aut.httpClient
ratpack.test.remote.RemoteControl remoteControl = new ratpack.test.remote.RemoteControl(aut, UnserializableResultStrategy.NULL) <i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>(2)</b>
def 'should render profiles'() {
response.body.text == '[]'
remoteControl.exec { <i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>(3)</b>
.add(new Profile('admin'))
<div class="colist arabic">
<td><i class="conum" data-value="1"></i><b>1</b></td>
<td>We use <code>BindingsImposition</code> here to add a hook into the running <code>ApplicationUnderTest</code> that allows us to run remote code on the server</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="2"></i><b>2</b></td>
<td>We tell <code>RemoteControl</code> not to complain if the result of the command is not Serializable</td>
<td><i class="conum" data-value="3"></i><b>3</b></td>
<td>We use remote control here to grab the <code>ProfileService</code> and manually add a profile</td>
<div class="sect2">
<h3 id="trueephemeralbasedir"><a class="anchor" href="#trueephemeralbasedir"></a>EphemeralBaseDir</h3>
<div class="paragraph">
<p>A utility that provides a nice way to interact with files that would provide the basis of a base directory for Ratpack applications.
It is also an <code>AutoCloseable</code> so you&#8217;ll need to make sure to clean up after use.</p>
<div class="listingblock">
<div class="title">EphemeralSpec.groovy</div>
<div class="content">
<pre class="highlightjs highlight"><code class="language-groovy" data-lang="groovy">import ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
import ratpack.test.embed.EphemeralBaseDir
import spock.lang.Specification
import java.nio.file.Path
class EphemeralSpec extends Specification {
def 'can supply ephemeral basedir'() {
EphemeralBaseDir.tmpDir().use { baseDir -&gt;
baseDir.write("mydir/.ratpack", "")
baseDir.write("mydir/assets/message.txt", "Hello Ratpack!")
Path mydir = baseDir.getRoot().resolve("mydir")
ClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader((URL[]) [mydir.toUri().toURL()].toArray())
GroovyEmbeddedApp.of { serverSpec -&gt;
.serverConfig { c -&gt; c.baseDir(mydir) }
.handlers { chain -&gt;
chain.files { f -&gt; f.dir("assets") }
}.test {
String message = getText("message.txt")
assert "Hello Ratpack!" == message
<div class="sect1">
<h2 id="trueresources"><a class="anchor" href="#trueresources"></a>Resources</h2>
<div class="sectionbody">
<div class="ulist">
<p><a href="">(book) O&#8217;Reilly: Learning Ratpack by Dan Woods</a></p>
<p><a href="">(javadocs) Ratpack Test</a></p>
<p><a href="">(javadocs) Ratpack Groovy Test</a></p>
<p><a href="">(javadocs) Ratpack Remote</a></p>
<p><a href="">(javadocs) Ratpack Remote Test</a></p>
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Last updated 2016-04-08 22:56:00 EDT
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