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Danny Fowler dannykansas

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Last active January 2, 2025 22:51 — forked from Kolcha/
script to build qBittorrent master branch on macOS, no Homebrew required!
# standalone script to build qBittorent for macOS (including Apple Silicon based Macs)
# only Xcode must be installed (Xcode 12 is required to produce arm64 binaries)
# all required dependencies and tools are automatically downloaded and used only from script's working directory
# (can be specified), nothing is installed into the system
# working directory is removed on completion if it was not specified
# by default script produces binaries for the architecture it was launched on, but cross-compilation is also supported
# in both directions, i.e. x86_64 -> arm64 and arm64 -> x86_64
msfjarvis /
Created January 9, 2019 14:28
Collection of bash hackery to determine which Mullvad WireGuard server is the lowest latency from your location
  • Grab all your wireguard configs from Mullvad and dump them in a folder. For this test, this folder is ~/wireguard/.
  • Add the following function to generate a list of all servers you have configs for
lswg ()  { 
    ls ~/wireguard/ | cut -d '-' -f 2 | sed 's/\.conf//'
  • Ping each server 10 times to determine latency.
lswg | xargs -I {} ping -c 10 {} | tee mullvadwgstats

The information below was written in Oct 2017. In August 2019 AWS launched official support for multiple target groups per AWS ECS service. Please use that feature instead!

Unfortunately as of writing this (Oct 18, 2017) there is no built in integration for multiple target groups per AWS ECS service. Here are a few things you can try:

  1. If your application just serves port 80 (HTTP) & port 443 (HTTPS) then you should consider using the application load balancer and terminating SSL at the load balancer. This will allow your application to function using just port 80.
mtrovilho / Aircrack Commands
Last active August 21, 2024 09:04 — forked from victorreyesh/Aircrack Commands
Cracking WPA2 / WEP Wifi / Aircrack 10 seconds guide. For Mac OSX
// Install the latest Xcode, with the Command Line Tools.
// Install Homebrew
// Install aircrack-ng:
brew install aircrack-ng
// Create the following symlink:
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/sbin/airport
// Figure out which channel you need to sniff:
sudo airport -s
toolmantim /
Last active December 8, 2022 07:19
Ensuring Buildkite pipeline steps run on the same agent, using a dynamic pipeline generator script
# Outputs a pipeline that targets agents that have the same 'name' meta-data
# value as the step that does the pipeline upload. This means that all the
# steps will run on the same agent machine, assuming that the 'name' meta-data
# value is unique to each agent.
# Each agent needs to be configured with meta-data like so:
# meta-data="name=<unique-name>"
aws-scripting-guy / gist:884ffa9d44bd14f7493a670543284552
Created April 2, 2016 18:33
AWS EC2 metadata. Check attached IAM role from EC2 instance. Get temporary credentials.
# Get IAM Role name from Instance Profile Id
# Get credentials
# More info
node 'java01.example.lan' inherits default {
file { '/etc/httpd/ssl':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
recurse => 'remote',
source => 'puppet:///files/ssl/',
plepe / gist:52ecc9f18efb32c68d18
Last active November 3, 2024 00:27
MDADM and LVM cheat sheet



  • md: multiple devices
command description
cat /proc/mdstat show status of all raids
mdadm --detail /dev/md0 detailed status of raid md0
Chaser324 /
Last active February 20, 2025 17:06
GitHub Standard Fork & Pull Request Workflow

Whether you're trying to give back to the open source community or collaborating on your own projects, knowing how to properly fork and generate pull requests is essential. Unfortunately, it's quite easy to make mistakes or not know what you should do when you're initially learning the process. I know that I certainly had considerable initial trouble with it, and I found a lot of the information on GitHub and around the internet to be rather piecemeal and incomplete - part of the process described here, another there, common hangups in a different place, and so on.

In an attempt to coallate this information for myself and others, this short tutorial is what I've found to be fairly standard procedure for creating a fork, doing your work, issuing a pull request, and merging that pull request back into the original project.

Creating a Fork

Just head over to the GitHub page and click the "Fork" button. It's just that simple. Once you've done that, you can use your favorite git client to clone your repo or j