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David M. Carr davidmc24

  • Albany, NY, USA
  • 21:03 (UTC -04:00)
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codefromthecrypt /
Last active October 27, 2021 01:44
My ramble on OpenTracing (with a side of Zipkin)

I've had many people ask me questions about OpenTracing, often in relation to OpenZipkin. I've seen assertions about how it is vendor neutral and is the lock-in cure. This post is not a sanctioned, polished or otherwise muted view, rather what I personally think about what it is and is not, and what it helps and does not help with. Scroll to the very end if this is too long. Feel free to add a comment if I made any factual mistakes or you just want to add a comment.

So, what is OpenTracing?

OpenTracing is documentation and library interfaces for distributed tracing instrumentation. To be "OpenTracing" requires bundling its interfaces in your work, so that others can use it to time distributed operations with the same library.

So, who is it for?

OpenTracing interfaces are targeted to authors of instrumentation libraries, and those who want to collaborate with traces created by them. Ex something started a trace somewhere and I add a notable event to that trace. Structure logging was recently added to O

"success": true,
"itemTemplates": [
"badgeSettings": {
"badgeRank": 4,
"targets": [
rmkane / GAME_DATA_HISTORY.json
Last active April 19, 2024 07:17
Pokemon GO - Game Data Statistics
[ {
"Date" : "2016-07-30",
"Data" : {
"Moves" : [
{ "ID" : 13, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 15, "New Value" : 25 },
{ "ID" : 14, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 70, "New Value" : 120 },
{ "ID" : 18, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 25, "New Value" : 30 },
{ "ID" : 20, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 15, "New Value" : 25 },
{ "ID" : 21, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 35, "New Value" : 40 },
{ "ID" : 22, "Key" : "Power", "Old Value" : 55, "New Value" : 80 },
acolyer /
Last active February 20, 2025 12:04
Internet Scale Services Checklist

Internet Scale Services Checklist

A checklist for designing and developing internet scale services, inspired by James Hamilton's 2007 paper "On Desgining and Deploying Internet-Scale Services."

Basic tenets

  • Does the design expect failures to happen regularly and handle them gracefully?
  • Have we kept things as simple as possible?
# Thanks to this post:
$ brew install cabextract
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ mkdir consolas
$ cd consolas
$ curl -O
$ cabextract PowerPointViewer.exe
$ cabextract
liling / gist:7052246
Created October 19, 2013 06:23
Shiro CAS Realm of grails-shiro 1.1.4 plugin. This one use CAS as authentication method and use database store authorization data. When user logging into the system for the first time, an user record is created for him automatically and a default role is added to user.
import base.shiro.ShiroRole
import base.shiro.ShiroUser
import org.apache.shiro.cas.CasAuthenticationException
import org.apache.shiro.authc.AccountException
import org.apache.shiro.authc.SimpleAuthenticationInfo
import org.apache.shiro.util.StringUtils
import org.apache.shiro.util.CollectionUtils
import org.apache.shiro.subject.PrincipalCollection
import org.apache.shiro.subject.SimplePrincipalCollection
shemnon / build.gradle
Created January 16, 2013 18:14
BinTray configuration in Gradle
/* SNIP */
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
id: 'bintray-shemnon-javafx-gradle-plugin'
) {
try {
mardambey / KafkaEmbedded.scala
Created May 10, 2012 02:58
Embedded Kafka broker / producer / simple consumer in a single process useful for testing or for persistent queues.
import java.util.Properties
import kafka.server.KafkaServer
import kafka.server.KafkaConfig
import kafka.producer.ProducerConfig
import kafka.producer.Producer
import kafka.message.Message
import kafka.producer.ProducerData
import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import kafka.consumer.Consumer
import kafka.utils.Utils
miketheman / set_environment.rb
Created December 29, 2011 16:12 — forked from nstielau/set_environment.rb
A Knife plugin to set node environment
## Knife plugin to set node environment
# See
## Install
# Place in .chef/plugins/knife/set_environment.rb
## Usage
# Nick-Stielaus-MacBook-Pro:chef-repo nstielau$ knife node set_environment my_env
# Looking for
# Setting environment to my_env