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leandrotsampa /
Last active September 18, 2024 22:46
Clean Cloud Run Revisions keeping last 5.
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
SERVICES=$(gcloud beta run services list --format='value(SERVICE,REGION)')
function delete_revision_with_retry() {
local REVISION=$1

This for loop:

for (let i = 0, getI = () => i; i < 3; i++)

unrolls to:

smic / BorderlessWindow.swift
Last active July 7, 2023 20:19
Extension to create borderless windows in SwiftUI
import SwiftUI
extension CGRect {
fileprivate func point(anchor: UnitPoint) -> CGPoint {
var point = self.origin
point.x += self.size.width * anchor.x
#if os(macOS)
point.y += self.size.height * (1 - anchor.y)
point.y += self.size.height * anchor.y
( function()
const darkMode = document.getElementById( 'dark-mode-toggle' );
if( darkMode )
const isDarkSchemePreferred = () => window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)' ).matches;
darkMode.addEventListener( 'click', function( e )
jnewc / NotesApp.swift
Last active December 18, 2024 13:41
A notes app written in <100 lines of swift using SwiftUI
import SwiftUI
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
struct NoteItem: Codable, Hashable, Identifiable {
let id: Int
let text: String
var date = Date()
var dateText: String {
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MMM d yyyy, h:mm a"



None of the string methods modify this – they always return fresh strings.

  • charAt(pos: number): string ES1

    Returns the character at index pos, as a string (JavaScript does not have a datatype for characters). str[i] is equivalent to str.charAt(i) and more concise (caveat: may not work on old engines).

klaaspieter /
Created June 22, 2017 07:59 — forked from anonymous/
Acronyms Seriously Suck - Elon Musk

From time to time, Musk will send out an e-mail to the entire company to enforce a new policy or let them know about something that's bothering him. One of the more famous e-mails arrived in May 2010 with the subject line: Acronyms Seriously Suck:

There is a creeping tendency to use made up acronyms at SpaceX. Excessive use of made up acronyms is a significant impediment to communication and keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important. Individually, a few acronyms here and there may not seem so bad, but if a thousand people are making these up, over time the result will be a huge glossary that we have to issue to new employees. No one can actually remember all these acronyms and people don't want to seem dumb in a meeting, so they just sit there in ignorance. This is particularly tough on new employees.

That needs to stop immediately or I will take drastic action - I have given enough warning over the years. Unless an acronym is approved by me, it should not enter the SpaceX glossary.

luckydev / gist:b2a6ebe793aeacf50ff15331fb3b519d
Last active September 28, 2024 15:41
Increate max no of open files limit in Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 for Nginx
# maximum capability of system
user@ubuntu:~$ cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
# available limit
user@ubuntu:~$ ulimit -n
# To increase the available limit to say 200000
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo vim /etc/sysctl.conf
jamesreggio /
Last active August 17, 2018 05:32
Summary of bugs in SFSafariViewController affecting adoption within the Twitter iOS client

In the process of evaluating the suitability of SFSafariViewController (SFSVC) for use within the Twitter iOS client, I encountered a number of bugs with differing severities, all of which I filed as Radars in Apple's bug reporting tool. Here is my attempt to holistically document their impact on our ability to adopt SFSafariViewController as a replacement for our existing WebViews.

Highest Severity

The fundamental blocker is Radar

renchap /
Last active February 14, 2025 13:25
One-line certificate generation/renews with Letsencrypt and nginx

Prerequisites : the letsencrypt CLI tool

This method allows your to generate and renew your Lets Encrypt certificates with 1 command. This is easily automatable to renew each 60 days, as advised.

You need nginx to answer on port 80 on all the domains you want a certificate for. Then you need to serve the challenge used by letsencrypt on /.well-known/acme-challenge. Then we invoke the letsencrypt command, telling the tool to write the challenge files in the directory we used as a root in the nginx configuration.

I redirect all HTTP requests on HTTPS, so my nginx config looks like :

server {