#Mac OS X
# Do these once | |
ifconfig en1 | grep ether > .macaddress #Save your real mac address somewhere | |
# Alias the airport adapter | |
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport | |
# Then each time you want to change MAC address: | |
airport -z #disconnect but don't turn off the airport | |
sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 #set new mac address (perhaps just increment your old one) | |
ifconfig en1 | grep ether #check it's actually changed |
# Start and stop headless VMs | |
# put this on your path as save it as vm or vm.sh. | |
# no need to turn your vmware on when running on Mac | |
# just run as vm start and it will list all the available vm images. | |
# then choose which one you want to start. perfect for running Linux under OSX | |
# in headless mode for development | |
# Note:, some of this script is from gist (72638254422dc741b299) | |
# Some rework and enhancement to make it work better and handle windows | |
#!/bin/bash |
fs = require 'fs' | |
control = require 'control' | |
task = control.task | |
task "deploy_script", "Creates a deployment script for your application", -> | |
appName = "appName" | |
serverEnvironment = "staging" | |
serverAddress = "myserver.com" | |
sshUsername = "app" | |
startCommand = "/etc/init.d/#{appName} start" |
//in your application, rather than using window.location to get the current url | |
App.getLocation = function(){ | |
return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host | |
+ '/' + Backbone.history.options.root + Backbone.history.getFragment() | |
} |
Install XQuartz (http://xquartz.macosforge.org) which is the development version of the X11.app that ships with OS X, which means it is way more up to date. I have had some weird issues with X11.app v. 2.3-something. XQuartz 2.5.0 fixed that.
from Homebrew,brew install dwm
. This makes a bunch of necessary tweaks to the DWM configuration. -
Add the following script to $PATH, name it
andchmod 755
:cd ~
while true
This is a post by Joel Spolsky. The original post is linked at the bottom.
This is such a common question here and elsewhere that I will attempt to write the world's most canonical answer to this question. Hopefully in the future when someone on answers.onstartups asks how to split up the ownership of their new company, you can simply point to this answer.
The most important principle: Fairness, and the perception of fairness, is much more valuable than owning a large stake. Almost everything that can go wrong in a startup will go wrong, and one of the biggest things that can go wrong is huge, angry, shouting matches between the founders as to who worked harder, who owns more, whose idea was it anyway, etc. That is why I would always rather split a new company 50-50 with a friend than insist on owning 60% because "it was my idea," or because "I was more experienced" or anything else. Why? Because if I split the company 60-40, the company is going to fail when we argue ourselves to death. And if you ju
set -x | |
wget http://archive.zfsonlinux.org/debian/pool/main/z/zfsonlinux/zfsonlinux_2%7Ewheezy_all.deb | |
dpkg -i zfsonlinux_2~wheezy_all.deb | |
apt-get update | |
apt-get install -y debian-zfs | |
DISK_SIZE=$(parted /dev/sda unit MB print | grep '^Disk' | sed -r 's/.* ([0-9]+)MB.*/\1/') | |
# Partitions |