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Devyn Spencer devynspencer

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Xunnamius /
Last active February 10, 2024 23:58
Mod load order for Project Zomboid 41

You can skip combing through these settings and copying them over one-by-one if you instead place/overwrite the saved_modlists.txt and modmanager-mods.txt files into your C:\Users\(your username)\Zomboid\Lua folder. When you next start the game, load the "Essential" mod preset in the game's Mods menu for a Single Player game. Load the "Multiplayer" mod preset if you're playing on my server.

These mods are listed in ascending order of priority, meaning mod #1 must have lowest relative priority (i.e. nearest the top of your mod load order list) and will have any conflicting code be overridden by the mods that come after it.

For map mods, however, this is reversed! The map mod that loads first claims its cells first, meaning it has the highest priority. This is why St. Bernard's Hill is the last map mod in its block but Common Sense is

gwalkey / gist:b168d532b472333e96663cf607bf84eb
Last active March 16, 2025 12:00
Create a NuGet Package to Install a Powershell Module
Download the CLI Version of NuGet
--Create Work Paths
md c:\nuget
md c:\nuget\source
md c:\nuget\publish
-- One-Time - Create local NuGet Repo/feed using a local drive path
cd c:\nuget
# Standard imports
from typing import List
# Third party imports
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
# Application imports
from models import Account, User, Transaction
LatvianModder / example.js
Last active May 21, 2024 17:31
KubeJS 1.14+ Recipes
// kubejs/data/modpack/kubejs/example.js
// This is just an example script to show off multiple types of recipes and removal methods
// Supports /reload
// Enable recipe logging, off by default
server.logAddedRecipes = true
server.logRemovedRecipes = true
// Listen to server recipe event
events.listen('recipes', function (event) {
paulmallon / Get-GitlabProjects.ps1
Last active February 20, 2023 00:03
Powershell script for Gitlab REST API - A quick solution to clone selected (by id or name) or all repositories from the projects returned by API and setup git to track all remote branches. References: Gitlab Projects API: Git doc:
# Gitlab clone script
# Author: PM
# Date: 2019-10-18#
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'all')]
param (
Badgerati / GitHub_PSModule.ps1
Created October 2, 2019 21:14
Example script for publishing a PowerShell module to the NuGet GitHub Package Registry
<# --
Register the GitHub Package Registry
-- #>
$username = '<github-username>'
$token = '<github-personal-token>'
$sourceName = 'GitHub'
$source = "$username/index.json"
# add the github package registry as a nuget source
joaociocca / ias_history.conf
Created September 27, 2019 02:28
Logstash configuration for ingesting old IAS logs
# Using information from:
# -
# -
# -
# -
input {
stdin { }
JHawkley / CoQ - Modding
Last active May 13, 2021 03:23
Caves of Qud - Modding Wishlist

Caves of Qud - Modding Wishlist

During my time working with mods in Caves of Qud, I noticed a number of places where it could be improved, especially in the Script Mod side of things. This document intends to aggregate these improvements and their justifications for quick reference. These don't necessarily lay out any complete plan for a revamp to the modding system, but the ideas may serve as a good resource for creating such a plan.

Each proposal below aims to improve a problem presented under its heading, but they are not usually a mutually exclusive "choice". It is often possible to implement more than one of the proposals under a heading and get different kinds of benefits.

In-Game C# Compilation

Outline of Problems

The concept of having the game compile mod sources from source C# scripts provided by the mod is an interesting one. It makes it very easy to inspect the mod's code before approving it for use. However, the C# Compiler Service that comes with the game is rife with bugs. Her

M0r13n /
Last active July 25, 2024 23:53
Logging with Loguru in Flask

This is a simple example of how to use loguru in your flask application

Just create a new InterceptHandler and add it to your app. Different settings should be configured in your config file, so that it is easy to change settings.

Logging is then as easy as:

from loguru import logger"I am logging from loguru!")

webmat / ecs-example.json
Last active January 29, 2022 10:45
Example ECS event
"@timestamp": "2018-12-07T11:05:07.000Z",
"agent" : {
"type": "filebeat",
"version": "7.0.0-beta1"
"ecs": { "version": "1.0.0" },
"event": {
"action": "get",
"dataset": "apache.access",