# urls like "articles/2011/tutorial03" or "articles/2011/tutorial03.html" or "articles/2011/tutorial03.htm"
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'articles/(?P<year>\d+)/(?P<item>[^/]+)(?:\.htm(?:l)?)?/?\$', 'articles.detail'),
In template:
<p><a href="{% url articles.views.detail article.year %}">The Article</a></p>
- Regular expression is hard to read.
Any change of URL means to change some templates.- Redirect to the prefered URL (e.g. articles/2011/tutorial03.htm -> articles/2011/tutorial03) must developer provide itself.
In bootstrap.php
$router[] = new Route('articles/<year \d+>/<item>[.htm[l]]', 'Articles:detail');
In template:
<p><a n:href="Articles:detail $article->year, $article->id">The Article</a></p>
- Route mask is easy to read.
- Any change of URL means to change one line in bootstrap.php.
- Redirect to the prefered URL (e.g. articles/2011/tutorial03.htm -> articles/2011/tutorial03) is done automatically.
Suffix was just example, so use your example.
Nette Framework automatically redirects to the first URL, if there are more routes pointing to the same action. No more lines of code or configuration is required. Do we understand each other?