The PowerShell script shown below can be used to archive a Hacker News post as an Emacs Org mode file.
Example invocation:
The post-to-org
function is passed the story ID.
Resulting org file:
function hacker-news-item ($id)
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$id.json?print=pretty"
function render-text ($text)
((($text -replace '<p>', "`r`n`r`n") -replace "`r`n\* ", "`r`n- ") -replace '<a href="(.+?)".*>(.+)</a>', '[[$1][$2]]')
$counter = 0
function show-comment ($id, $file, $indent=2)
# Write-Host -NoNewline '-'
# $counter++; Write-Host "$counter "
Write-Host -NoNewline "$counter "
$result_comment = hacker-news-item $id
('*' * $indent) | Out-File -Append -NoNewline $file
' ' | Out-File -Append -NoNewline $file
$ | Out-File -Append -NoNewline $file
' ' | Out-File -Append -NoNewline $file
'' | Out-File -Append $file
render-text $result_comment.text | Out-File -Append $file
'' | Out-File -Append $file
foreach ($id in $
show-comment $id $file ($indent + 1)
function post-to-org ($id)
$result_story = hacker-news-item $id
$file = "c:\temp\hn-$"
"* $($result_story.title)" | Out-File $file
$properties = @"
:url: $($result_story.url)
:id: $($
:score: $($result_story.score)
:by: $($
$properties | Out-File -Append $file
render-text $result_story.text | Out-File -Append $file
Write-Host "Number of comments: $($result_story.descendants)"
# $counter = 0
$Global:counter = 0
foreach ($id in $
$result_comment = hacker-news-item $id
show-comment $id $file
# The Early History Of Smalltalk (1993)
# post-to-org 17913668
changed? I get TLS errors on it.