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Stygian Autobahn Drift

Xa9aX ツ digantamisra98

Stygian Autobahn Drift
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redknightlois /
Created July 15, 2020 14:54
Variance based initialization method for Mish activation
def init_weights(m, variance=1.0):
def _calculate_fan_in_and_fan_out(tensor):
dimensions = tensor.dim()
if dimensions < 2:
return 1, 1
if dimensions == 2: # Linear
fan_in = tensor.size(1)
fan_out = tensor.size(0)
TengdaHan /
Last active February 25, 2025 21:58
Multi-node-training on slurm with PyTorch

Multi-node-training on slurm with PyTorch

What's this?

  • A simple note for how to start multi-node-training on slurm scheduler with PyTorch.
  • Useful especially when scheduler is too busy that you cannot get multiple GPUs allocated, or you need more than 4 GPUs for a single job.
  • Requirement: Have to use PyTorch DistributedDataParallel(DDP) for this purpose.
  • Warning: might need to re-factor your own code.
  • Warning: might be secretly condemned by your colleagues because using too many GPUs.
thomasbrandon / cifar-10-squeezenet-mishcuda.ipynb
Created October 3, 2019 06:48
MishCuda test on cifar-10 squeezenet
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mjdietzx /
Last active March 26, 2024 06:33
Clean and simple Keras implementation of residual networks (ResNeXt and ResNet) accompanying accompanying Deep Residual Learning:
Clean and simple Keras implementation of network architectures described in:
- (ResNet-50) [Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition](
- (ResNeXt-50 32x4d) [Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks](
Python 3.
from keras import layers
from keras import models
viveksck /
Created March 14, 2017 13:07 — forked from rougier/
Fractal dimension computing
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# From–Bouligand_dimension:
# In fractal geometry, the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension, also known as
# Minkowski dimension or box-counting dimension, is a way of determining the
# fractal dimension of a set S in a Euclidean space Rn, or more generally in a
# metric space (X, d).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import scipy.misc
import numpy as np