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HugsLibRecordKeeper / output_log.txt
Created March 31, 2025 21:35
Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Monday, March 31, 2025, 10:35:27 PM
Loaded mods:
Prepatcher(zetrith.prepatcher): 0Harmony(2.3.3), 0PrepatcherAPI(1.2.0), 0PrepatcherDataAssembly(1.0.0), PrepatcherImpl(1.0.0), Prestarter(1.0.0)
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.3.3), HarmonyMod(2.3.1)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
Royalty(Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty): (no assemblies)
Ideology(Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology): (no assemblies)
Biotech(Ludeon.RimWorld.Biotech): (no assemblies)
Anomaly(Ludeon.RimWorld.Anomaly): (no assemblies)
HugsLib(UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib)[ov:11.0.5]: 0Harmony(av:2.3.3,fv:, HugsLib(av:1.0.0,fv:11.0.5)
flacoshinobi /
Last active March 31, 2025 21:37
Check inet connection using only echo command
# will return 0 if ok
echo > /dev/tcp/; echo $?

Recursion in the decorrelate_predicate_subquery Optimizer Pass

Recursion Mechanics of DecorrelatePredicateSubquery

The DecorrelatePredicateSubquery rule in Apache DataFusion is responsible for rewriting correlated subqueries in WHERE/HAVING clauses (specifically IN and EXISTS predicates, including their negations) into semijoin or antijoin operations. This transforms a nested query into a flat join-based plan for execution. To achieve this, the rule employs a carefully orchestrated recursion strategy that handles subqueries within subqueries (nested subqueries) and coordinates with DataFusion’s optimizer driver to avoid duplicate traversals.

Top-Down Invocation: The rule is registered to run in a top-down manner. In its implementation of OptimizerRule, it overrides apply_order to return Some(ApplyOrder::TopDown) ([ - source](

ibnelhithem / preview.txt
Created March 31, 2025 21:34
Gist using preview Accept header
Preview Accept header test
ibnelhithem / track-test.txt
Created March 31, 2025 21:34
Gist with tracking ID
This is a test with tracking ID.
RainbowQuack / Test 3.cxlog
Created March 31, 2025 21:34
Short sample of the directory fail
00d0:00d4:Call ntdll.LdrLoadDll(00f4bc40 L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\win-x64;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows\\system;C:\\windows;.;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows;C:\\windows\\system32\\wbem;C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0;C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\",00000008,0019deb0,0019de48) ret=6fffffc8ec32
00d0:00d4:trace:module:load_dll looking for L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\win-x64\\advapi32.dll" in L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\win-x64;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows\\system;C:\\windows;.;C:\\windows\\system32;C:\\windows;C:\\windows\\system32\\wbem;C:\\windows\\system32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0;C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\"
00d0:00d4:warn:module:load_dll Failed to load module L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\win-x64\\advapi32.dll"; status=c0000135
# This function helps to set proper Go version for a project, leveraging Go's recent
# GOTOOLCHAIN environment variable support. However, unlike rustup, Go does not attempt
# to download older toolchain versions automatically, and must be forced to do so.
# For example, project specifying `go 1.24` and current toolchain being `go 1.22` does
# download a new version, but not vice-versa.
# However for some projects, having older Go is mandatory, especially with dependencies like:
# - older quic-go, which was tied to a specific Go compiler version
# - other dependencies relying on Go internals
# Requires bash, curl, jq, sed

MySQL Cheat Sheet

Help with SQL commands to interact with a MySQL database

MySQL Locations

  • Mac /usr/local/mysql/bin
  • Windows /Program Files/MySQL/MySQL version/bin
  • Xampp /xampp/mysql/bin

Add mysql to your PATH

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