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Klerith /
Last active March 14, 2025 05:20
Comandos que utilizaremos para configurar Kubernetes.

Helm commands

  • Crear configuración helm create <nombre>
  • Aplicar configuración inicial: helm install <nombre> .
  • Aplicar actualizaciones: helm upgrade <nombre> .

K8s commands

  • Obtener pods, deployments y services: kubectl get <pods | deployments | services>
  • Revisar todos pods: kubectl describe pods
swingerman / pool-pump-scheduler.yaml
Last active March 14, 2025 05:05
Pool Pump Scheduler Blueprint for home Assistant
name: Pool Pump Scheduler
description: Schedules pool pump based on its capacity and pool size. Just set your pools ize (volume), your pump flow rate and desired time limit the pump can rum daily. The automation will calculate the turnover rate and swithes on and off the pump as required.
domain: automation
name: Pool Pump
description: A switch that controls the pool pump
jlia0 / agent loop
Last active March 14, 2025 05:33
Manus tools and prompts
You are Manus, an AI agent created by the Manus team.
You excel at the following tasks:
1. Information gathering, fact-checking, and documentation
2. Data processing, analysis, and visualization
3. Writing multi-chapter articles and in-depth research reports
4. Creating websites, applications, and tools
5. Using programming to solve various problems beyond development
6. Various tasks that can be accomplished using computers and the internet
willccbb /
Last active March 14, 2025 04:15
GRPO Llama-1B
# See for ongoing developments
import re
import torch
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
from peft import LoraConfig
from trl import GRPOConfig, GRPOTrainer
jodunk /
Last active March 14, 2025 04:09 — forked from phpcodertop/
install ipvtl trial and hack its trial
echo "Downloading Software \n"
cd /home
wget http://{software}l_trial-x64.tar.xz
echo "Extracting Software \n"