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A script to generate test vectors for the discrete gaussian sampler using seeded randomness from TurboSHAKE128
# Implementation of exact discrete gaussian distribution sampler
# See
# - Thomas Steinke [email protected] 2020
import random #Default random number generator,
#random.SecureRandom() provides high-quality randomness from /dev/urandom or similar
from fractions import Fraction #we will work with rational numbers
#sample uniformly from range(m)
#all randomness comes from calling this
def sample_uniform(m,rng):
assert isinstance(m,int) #python 3
#assert isinstance(m,(int,long)) #python 2
assert m>0
return rng.randrange(m)
#sample from a Bernoulli(p) distribution
#assumes p is a rational number in [0,1]
def sample_bernoulli(p,rng):
assert isinstance(p,Fraction)
assert 0 <= p <= 1
if m < p.numerator:
return 1
return 0
#sample from a Bernoulli(exp(-x)) distribution
#assumes x is a rational number in [0,1]
def sample_bernoulli_exp1(x,rng):
assert isinstance(x,Fraction)
assert 0 <= x <= 1
while True:
if sample_bernoulli(x/k,rng)==1:
return k%2
#sample from a Bernoulli(exp(-x)) distribution
#assumes x is a rational number >=0
def sample_bernoulli_exp(x,rng):
assert isinstance(x,Fraction)
assert x >= 0
#Sample floor(x) independent Bernoulli(exp(-1))
#If all are 1, return Bernoulli(exp(-(x-floor(x))))
while x>1:
if sample_bernoulli_exp1(Fraction(1,1),rng)==1:
return 0
return sample_bernoulli_exp1(x,rng)
#sample from a geometric(1-exp(-x)) distribution
#assumes x is a rational number >= 0
def sample_geometric_exp_slow(x,rng):
assert isinstance(x,Fraction)
assert x >= 0
while True:
if sample_bernoulli_exp(x,rng)==1:
return k
#sample from a geometric(1-exp(-x)) distribution
#assumes x >= 0 rational
def sample_geometric_exp_fast(x,rng):
assert isinstance(x,Fraction)
if x==0: return 0 #degenerate case
assert x>0
while True:
if b==1:
value = v*t+u
return value//x.numerator
#sample from a discrete Laplace(scale) distribution
#Returns integer x with Pr[x] = exp(-abs(x)/scale)*(exp(1/scale)-1)/(exp(1/scale)+1)
#casts scale to Fraction
#assumes scale>=0
def sample_dlaplace(scale,rng=None):
if rng is None:
rng = random.SystemRandom()
scale = Fraction(scale)
assert scale >= 0
while True:
if sign==1 and magnitude==0: continue
return magnitude*(1-2*sign)
#compute floor(sqrt(x)) exactly
#only requires comparisons between x and integer
def floorsqrt(x):
assert x >= 0
#a,b integers
a=0 #maintain a^2<=x
b=1 #maintain b^2>x
while b*b <= x:
b=2*b #double to get upper bound
#now do binary search
while a+1<b:
c=(a+b)//2 #c=floor((a+b)/2)
if c*c <= x:
#check nothing funky happened
#assert isinstance(a,int) #python 3
#assert isinstance(a,(int,long)) #python 2
return a
#sample from a discrete Gaussian distribution N_Z(0,sigma2)
#Returns integer x with Pr[x] = exp(-x^2/(2*sigma2))/normalizing_constant(sigma2)
#mean 0 variance ~= sigma2 for large sigma2
#casts sigma2 to Fraction
#assumes sigma2>=0
def sample_dgauss(sigma2,rng=None):
if rng is None:
rng = random.SystemRandom()
if sigma2==0: return 0 #degenerate case
assert sigma2 > 0
t = floorsqrt(sigma2)+1
while True:
candidate = sample_dlaplace(t,rng=rng)
if sample_bernoulli_exp(bias,rng)==1:
return candidate
#DONE That's it! Now some utilities
import math #need this, code below is no longer exact
#Compute the normalizing constant of the discrete gaussian
#i.e. sum_{x in Z} exp(-x^2/2sigma2)
#By Poisson summation formula, this is equivalent to
# sqrt{2*pi*sigma2}*sum_{y in Z} exp(-2*pi^2*sigma2*y^2)
#For small sigma2 the former converges faster
#For large sigma2, the latter converges faster
#crossover at sigma2=1/2*pi
#For intermediate sigma2, this code will compute both and check
def normalizing_constant(sigma2):
if sigma2<=1:
original = 0
x=1000 #summation stops at exp(-x^2/2sigma2)<=exp(-500,000)
while x>0:
original = original + math.exp(-x*x/(2.0*sigma2))
x = x - 1 #sum from small to large for improved accuracy
original = 2*original + 1 #symmetrize and add x=0
if sigma2*100 >= 1:
poisson = 0
y = 1000 #summation stops at exp(-y^2*2*pi^2*sigma2)<=exp(-190,000)
while y>0:
poisson = poisson + math.exp(-math.pi*math.pi*sigma2*2*y*y)
y = y - 1 #sum from small to large
poisson = math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma2)*(1+2*poisson)
if poisson is None: return original
if original is None: return poisson
#if we have computed both, check equality
scale = max(1,math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma2)) #tight-ish lower bound on constant
assert -1e-15*scale <= original-poisson <= 1e-15*scale
#10^-15 is about as much precision as we can expect from double precision floating point numbers
#64-bit float has 56-bit mantissa 10^-15 ~= 2^-50
return (original+poisson)/2
#compute the variance of discrete gaussian
#mean is zero, thus:
#var = sum_{x in Z} x^2*exp(-x^2/(2*sigma2)) / normalizing_constant(sigma2)
#By Poisson summation formula, we have equivalent expression:
# variance(sigma2) = sigma2 * (1 - 4*pi^2*sigma2*variance(1/(4*pi^2*sigma2)) )
#See lemma 20
#alternative expression converges faster when sigma2 is large
#crossover point (in terms of convergence) is sigma2=1/(2*pi)
#for intermediate values of sigma2, we compute both expressions and check
def variance(sigma2):
if sigma2<=1: #compute primary expression
x = 1000 #summation stops at exp(-x^2/2sigma2)<=exp(-500,000)
while x>0: #sum from small to large for improved accuracy
original = original + x*x*math.exp(-x*x/(2.0*sigma2))
original = 2*original/normalizing_constant(sigma2)
if sigma2*100>=1:
poisson=0 #we will compute sum_{y in Z} y^2 * exp(-2*pi^2*sigma2*y^2)
y=1000 #summation stops at exp(-y^2*2*pi^2*sigma2)<=exp(-190,000)
while y>0: #sum from small to large
poisson = poisson + y*y*math.exp(-y*y*2*sigma2*math.pi*math.pi)
poisson = 2*poisson/normalizing_constant(1/(4*sigma2*math.pi*math.pi))
#next convert from variance(1/(4*pi^2*sigma2)) to variance(sigma2)
poisson = sigma2*(1-4*sigma2*poisson*math.pi*math.pi)
if original is None: return poisson
if poisson is None: return original
#if we have computed both check equality
assert -1e-15*sigma2 <= original-poisson <= 1e-15*sigma2
return (original+poisson)/2
#DONE Now some basic testing code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #only needed for testing
import time #only needed for testing
#This generates n samples from sample_dgauss(sigma2)
#It times this and releases statistics
#produces a histogram plot if plot==True
#if plot==None it will only produce a histogram if it's not too large
#can save image instead of displaying by specifying a path e.g., save="plot.png"
def plot_histogram(sigma2,n,save=None,plot=None):
#generate samples
samples = [sample_dgauss(sigma2) for i in range(n)]
print("generated "+str(n)+" samples in "+str(after-before)+" seconds ("+str(n/(after-before))+" samples per second) for sigma^2="+str(sigma2))
#now process
for sample in samples:
if prev is None: #initializing
elif sample==prev: #still same element
#add prev to histogram
#start counting
#add final value
#print & sum
kl=0 #compute KL divergence betwen empirical distribution and true distribution
for i in range(len(values)):
if len(values)<=100: #don't print too much
sum = sum + values[i]*counts[i]
sumsquared = sumsquared + values[i]*values[i]*counts[i]
kl = kl + counts[i]*(math.log(counts[i]*norm_const/n)+values[i]*values[i]/(2.0*sigma2))
mean = Fraction(sum,n)
print("mean="+str(float(mean))+" (true=0)")
print("variance="+str(float(var))+" (true="+str(true_var)+")")
print("KL(empirical||true)="+str(kl)) #
assert kl>0 #kl divergence always >=0 and ==0 iff empirical==true, which is impossible
#now plot
if plot is None:
plot = (len(values)<=1000) #don't plot if huge
if not plot: return
ideal_counts = [n*math.exp(-x*x/(2.0*sigma2))/norm_const for x in values], counts)
plt.plot(values, ideal_counts,'r')
plt.title("Histogram of samples from discrete Gaussian\nsigma^2="+str(sigma2)+" n="+str(n))
if save is None:
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("This is the discrete Gaussian sampler")
print("See the paper")
print("Now running some basic testing code")
print("Start by calculating normalizing constant and variance for different values")
#some test code for normalizing_constant and variance functions
for sigma2 in [0.1**100,0.1**6,0.001,0.01,0.03,0.05,0.08,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,10,100,10**6,10**20,10**100]:
#internal asserts do some testing when 0.01<=sigma2<=1
print("sigma^2="+str(sigma2) + ":\tnorm_const=" + str(c) + "=sqrt{2*pi}*sigma*" + str(c/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma2)) + "\tvar=" + str(v))
#print a few samples
#for i in range(20): print sample_dgauss(1)
#plot histogram and statistics
#includes timing
print("Now run the sampler")
print("Start with very large sigma^2=10^100 -- for timing purposes only")
plot_histogram(10**100,100000,plot=False) #large var, this will just be for timing
print("Now sigma^2=10 -- will display a histogram")
plot_histogram(10,100000) #small var, this will produce plot
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
import os
import sys
from xof import XofTurboShake128
from fractions import Fraction
# discrete gaussian sampler from here:
from discretegauss import sample_dgauss
dst = b''
seed = bytes(i for i in range(XofTurboShake128.SEED_SIZE))
rng = XofTurboShake128(seed, b'', b'')
test_vector = {
'seed': seed.hex(),
'std_num': None, # set below
'std_denom': None, # set below
'samples': None, # set below
std = Fraction(sys.argv[1])
var = std**2
test_vector['std_num'] = std.numerator
test_vector['std_denom'] = std.denominator
test_vector['samples'] = [sample_dgauss(var, rng) for _ in range(1, 50)]
os.system('mkdir -p test_vec/')
with open('test_vec/discrete_gauss_'+sys.argv[1]+'.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(test_vector, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementation by Gilles Van Assche, hereby denoted as "the implementer".
# For more information, feedback or questions, please refer to our website:
# To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
# and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
from TurboSHAKE import TurboSHAKE128
from Utils import outputHex
def right_encode(x):
S = bytearray()
while(x > 0):
S = bytearray([x % 256]) + S
x = x//256
S = S + bytearray([len(S)])
return S
# inputMessage and customizationString must be of type byte string or byte array
def KangarooTwelve(inputMessage, customizationString, outputByteLen):
B = 8192
c = 256
S = bytearray(inputMessage) + bytearray(customizationString) + right_encode(len(customizationString))
# === Cut the input string into chunks of B bytes ===
n = (len(S)+B-1)//B
Si = [bytearray(S[i*B:(i+1)*B]) for i in range(n)]
if (n == 1):
# === Process the tree with only a final node ===
return TurboSHAKE128(Si[0], 0x07, outputByteLen)
# === Process the tree with kangaroo hopping ===
CVi = [TurboSHAKE128(Si[i+1], 0x0B, c//8) for i in range(n-1)]
NodeStar = Si[0] + bytearray([3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) + bytearray().join(CVi) \
+ right_encode(n-1) + b'\xFF\xFF'
return TurboSHAKE128(NodeStar, 0x06, outputByteLen)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Implementation by Gilles Van Assche, hereby denoted as "the implementer".
# For more information, feedback or questions, please refer to our website:
# To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
# and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
def ROL64(a, n):
return ((a >> (64-(n%64))) + (a << (n%64))) % (1 << 64)
def KeccakP1600onLanes(lanes, nrRounds):
R = 1
for round in range(24):
if (round + nrRounds >= 24):
# θ
C = [lanes[x][0] ^ lanes[x][1] ^ lanes[x][2] ^ lanes[x][3] ^ lanes[x][4] for x in range(5)]
D = [C[(x+4)%5] ^ ROL64(C[(x+1)%5], 1) for x in range(5)]
lanes = [[lanes[x][y]^D[x] for y in range(5)] for x in range(5)]
# ρ and π
(x, y) = (1, 0)
current = lanes[x][y]
for t in range(24):
(x, y) = (y, (2*x+3*y)%5)
(current, lanes[x][y]) = (lanes[x][y], ROL64(current, (t+1)*(t+2)//2))
# χ
for y in range(5):
T = [lanes[x][y] for x in range(5)]
for x in range(5):
lanes[x][y] = T[x] ^((~T[(x+1)%5]) & T[(x+2)%5])
# ι
for j in range(7):
R = ((R << 1) ^ ((R >> 7)*0x71)) % 256
if (R & 2):
lanes[0][0] = lanes[0][0] ^ (1 << ((1<<j)-1))
for j in range(7):
R = ((R << 1) ^ ((R >> 7)*0x71)) % 256
return lanes
def load64(b):
return sum((b[i] << (8*i)) for i in range(8))
def store64(a):
return bytearray((a >> (8*i)) % 256 for i in range(8))
def KeccakP1600(state, nrRounds):
lanes = [[load64(state[8*(x+5*y):8*(x+5*y)+8]) for y in range(5)] for x in range(5)]
lanes = KeccakP1600onLanes(lanes, nrRounds)
state = bytearray().join([store64(lanes[x][y]) for y in range(5) for x in range(5)])
return bytearray(state)
def TurboSHAKE(c, M, D, outputByteLen):
outputBytes = bytearray()
state = bytearray([0 for i in range(200)])
rateInBytes = (1600-c)//8
blockSize = 0
inputOffset = 0
# === Absorb all the input blocks ===
while(inputOffset < len(M)):
blockSize = min(len(M)-inputOffset, rateInBytes)
for i in range(blockSize):
state[i] = state[i] ^ M[i+inputOffset]
inputOffset = inputOffset + blockSize
if (blockSize == rateInBytes):
state = KeccakP1600(state, 12)
blockSize = 0
# === Do the padding and switch to the squeezing phase ===
state[blockSize] = state[blockSize] ^ D
if (((D & 0x80) != 0) and (blockSize == (rateInBytes-1))):
state = KeccakP1600(state, 12)
state[rateInBytes-1] = state[rateInBytes-1] ^ 0x80
state = KeccakP1600(state, 12)
# === Squeeze out all the output blocks ===
while(outputByteLen > 0):
blockSize = min(outputByteLen, rateInBytes)
outputBytes = outputBytes + state[0:blockSize]
outputByteLen = outputByteLen - blockSize
if (outputByteLen > 0):
state = KeccakP1600(state, 12)
return outputBytes
def TurboSHAKE128(M, D, outputByteLen):
return TurboSHAKE(256, M, D, outputByteLen)
def TurboSHAKE256(M, D, outputByteLen):
return TurboSHAKE(512, M, D, outputByteLen)
from TurboSHAKE import TurboSHAKE128
# Maximum XOF output length that will be requested. Each time
# `XofTurboShake128` is constructed we call `TurboSHAKE128()` once and fill a
# buffer with the output stream.
class XofTurboShake128:
"""XOF based on TurboSHAKE128."""
# Associated parameters
def __init__(self, seed, dst, binder):
self.length_consumed = 0 = TurboSHAKE128(
to_le_bytes(len(dst), 2) + dst +
to_le_bytes(len(seed), 1) + seed +
def next(self, length: int) -> bytes:
assert self.length_consumed + length < MAX_XOF_OUT_STREAM_BYTES
out =[self.length_consumed:self.length_consumed+length]
self.length_consumed += length
return out
# generate random int in range [0,m) emulating rust BigUint uniform
# sampling
def randrange(self, m: int) -> int:
return gen_biguint_range(self, 0, m)
def to_le_bytes(val: int, length: int) -> bytes:
Convert unsigned integer `val` in the range `[0, 2 ^ (8 * length)) to a
little-endian byte string.
val = int(val)
if val < 0 or val >= (1 << (8 * length)):
raise ValueError(
'bad to_le_bytes call: val=%d length=%d' % (val, length)
return val.to_bytes(length, byteorder='little')
# emulate rust BigUint uniform sampling with XofTurboShake128. original sampler
# can be found here:
# we simulate u32's with ints
# i.e., the return type should be `list[u32]`
def fill_u32_array(rng: XofTurboShake128, data_len: int) -> list[int]:
data = []
for _ in range(data_len):
data.append(int.from_bytes(, 'little'))
return data
# converting list[u32] into "BigUint"
# note: index 0 contains the least-significant-digit
def u32_array_as_int(xs: list[int]) -> int:
result = 0
for i in range(len(xs)):
result += xs[i] << (32*i)
return result
# following:
def gen_bits(rng: XofTurboShake128, data_len: int, rem: int) -> list[int]:
data = fill_u32_array(rng, data_len)
# if we have a non-full final u32-digit (containing rem bits),
# then we forget 32-rem bits by right shifting
if rem > 0:
last = len(data) - 1
data[last] >>= 32 - rem
return data
# following:
# the result type is BigUint
def gen_biguint(rng: XofTurboShake128, bit_size: int) -> int:
digits, rem = divmod(bit_size, 32)
data_len = digits + (rem > 0)
data = gen_bits(rng, data_len, rem)
return u32_array_as_int(data)
# following:
def gen_biguint_below(rng: XofTurboShake128, bound: int) -> int:
bits = bound.bit_length()
while True:
n = gen_biguint(rng, bits)
if n < bound:
return n
# following:
def gen_biguint_range(rng: XofTurboShake128, lbound: int, ubound: int) -> int:
if lbound == 0:
return gen_biguint_below(rng, ubound)
return lbound + gen_biguint_below(rng, ubound - lbound)
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