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Created September 27, 2024 19:03
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import subprocess
from operator import itemgetter
# URLs for XNAT and Orthanc
xnat_base_url = ""
orthanc_url = "http://micvna:8042"
xs = requests.Session()
os = requests.Session()
# Function to get the current date in YYYYMMDD format
def get_date():
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and len(sys.argv[1]) == 8 and sys.argv[1].isdigit():
return sys.argv[1] # Take the first command-line argument as the date
return"%Y%m%d") # Default to today's date
# Function to query the API for studies
def query_studies(study_date):
url = f"{orthanc_url}/tools/find"
query_payload = {"Level": "Study", "Query": {"StudyDate": study_date}}
response =, json=query_payload)
response.raise_for_status() # Ensure we get a successful response
return response.json()
# Function to query individual study details
def get_study_details(study_id):
url = f"{orthanc_url}/studies/{study_id}"
response = os.get(url)
return response.json()
# Function to fetch the experiment ID using the accession number (XNAT)
def get_xnat_experiment_id(accession_number):
response = xs.get(f"{xnat_base_url}/data/experiments?label={accession_number}")
if response.status_code == 200:
experiment_data = response.json()
if experiment_data["ResultSet"]["Result"]:
return experiment_data["ResultSet"]["Result"][0]["ID"]
return None
# Function to fetch scans for the given experiment ID (XNAT)
def get_xnat_scans(experiment_id):
response = xs.get(f"{xnat_base_url}/data/experiments/{experiment_id}/scans")
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()["ResultSet"]["Result"]
return []
# Function to fetch the number of frames for a given scan using its URI (XNAT)
def get_xnat_frames(scan_uri):
response = xs.get(f"{xnat_base_url}{scan_uri}?format=json")
if response.status_code == 200:
scan_info = response.json()
children = scan_info["items"][0].get("children", [])
for child in children:
if "data_fields" in child["items"][0]:
file_count = child["items"][0]["data_fields"].get("file_count")
if file_count is not None:
return file_count
return "N/A"
# Function to get study ID based on accession number (Orthanc)
def get_orthanc_study_id(accession_number):
query = {"Level": "Study", "Query": {"AccessionNumber": accession_number}}
response ="{orthanc_url}/tools/find", json=query)
if response.status_code == 200:
study_ids = response.json()
if study_ids:
return study_ids[0] # Assuming the first study ID is the one we want
return None
# Function to get series IDs from the study (Orthanc)
def get_orthanc_series_ids(study_id):
response = os.get(f"{orthanc_url}/studies/{study_id}")
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json().get("Series", [])
return []
# Function to get series info for a given series ID (Orthanc)
def get_orthanc_series_info(series_id):
response = os.get(f"{orthanc_url}/series/{series_id}")
if response.status_code == 200:
series_info = response.json()
main_dicom_tags = series_info.get("MainDicomTags", {})
series_number = main_dicom_tags.get("SeriesNumber", "N/A")
series_description = main_dicom_tags.get("SeriesDescription", "N/A")
instances = series_info.get("Instances", [])
return int(series_number), series_description, len(instances)
return None, None, 0
# Function to compare scans and highlight mismatches
def compare_scans(xnat_scans, orthanc_scans, print_details=True):
combined_results = {}
for scan in xnat_scans:
scan_id = scan["ID"]
frames = get_xnat_frames(scan["URI"])
combined_results[scan_id] = {
"xnat_description": scan["series_description"],
"xnat_frames": frames,
"orthanc_description": "MISSING",
"orthanc_frames": "MISSING",
for series_number, series_description, num_instances in orthanc_scans:
scan_id = str(series_number)
if scan_id in combined_results:
combined_results[scan_id]["orthanc_description"] = series_description
combined_results[scan_id]["orthanc_frames"] = num_instances
combined_results[scan_id] = {
"xnat_description": "MISSING",
"xnat_frames": "MISSING",
"orthanc_description": series_description,
"orthanc_frames": num_instances,
sorted_results = sorted(combined_results.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0]))
any_mismatch = False
if print_details:
f"{'Δ':<1} {'ID':>5} {'MICVNA #':>12} {'Desc':<30} {'XNAT #':>18} {'Desc':<30}"
for scan_id, scan_info in sorted_results:
mismatch = ""
if (scan_info["xnat_frames"] != scan_info["orthanc_frames"]) or (
scan_info["xnat_description"] != scan_info["orthanc_description"]
mismatch = "*"
any_mismatch = True
if print_details:
f"{mismatch:<1} {scan_id:>5} {scan_info['orthanc_frames']:>12} {scan_info['orthanc_description']:<30} {scan_info['xnat_frames']:>18} {scan_info['xnat_description']:<30}"
if len(sorted_results) == 0:
return True
return any_mismatch
# Function to check a single accession number
def check_accession_number(accession_number, print_details=True):
# XNAT side
xnat_experiment_id = get_xnat_experiment_id(accession_number)
if xnat_experiment_id:
xnat_scans = get_xnat_scans(xnat_experiment_id)
xnat_scans = []
# Orthanc side
orthanc_study_id = get_orthanc_study_id(accession_number)
if orthanc_study_id:
orthanc_series_ids = get_orthanc_series_ids(orthanc_study_id)
orthanc_scans = [
get_orthanc_series_info(series_id) for series_id in orthanc_series_ids
orthanc_scans = []
# Compare and print results
any_mismatch = compare_scans(xnat_scans, orthanc_scans, print_details)
return "PROBLEM" if any_mismatch else "OK"
# Function to check studies for a given date
def check_studies_for_date(study_date):
all_ok = True
print(f"Querying studies for date: {study_date}")
study_ids = query_studies(study_date)
for study_id in study_ids:
study_details = get_study_details(study_id)
study_description = study_details.get("MainDicomTags", {}).get(
"StudyDescription", ""
if study_description.startswith("Investigators"):
accession_number = study_details.get("MainDicomTags", {}).get(
"AccessionNumber", ""
if accession_number:
status = check_accession_number(accession_number, print_details=False)
print(f"{accession_number} {status}")
if status != "OK":
all_ok = False
return all_ok
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].startswith("E"):
# If an accession number is provided, check that specific study
accession_number = sys.argv[1]
status = check_accession_number(accession_number, print_details=True)
print(f"{accession_number} {status}")
sys.exit(1 if status == "PROBLEM" else 0)
# Otherwise, check studies for the given date or today's date
study_date = get_date()
if not check_studies_for_date(study_date):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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