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dudeitssm /
Created January 14, 2023 17:02
File Transfer Over Serial Console With GNU Screen And lrzsz / rz / sz

File Transfer Over Serial Console With GNU Screen And lrzsz / rz / sz


It is possible to transfer files over serial console when access through the network is unavailable, using the lrzsz suite.

For example, we can upload or download firmware, backups and configuration files to an OpenWRT device over a serial console.


This is a full guide for people who wanted to setup Windows 10/11 VM with QEMU/KVM hypervisor for laptops that configured with hybrid graphics card like Intel/AMD + NVIDIA. This process will take about 1 to 2 hours, depending on your system's performance.

Before we proceed:

  • This guide is exclusively for Fedora because this distro is quite different to set up than other distro such as Arch. I would say Arch is easier to setup than Fedora, but sometimes your prefer Fedora than Arch in terms of its usage & features.
  • This tutorial mostly focus on laptops with NVIDIA Optimus MUXed configuration when dGPU (dedicated GPU) can connect directly to HDMI/DP output. If in doubt, search "VR-Ready laptops", as those are definitely MUXed.
  • For MUXless configuration which the dGPU share display alongside with iGPU (integrated GPU), you may need to extract your system's vBIOS for your card to avoid getting no output from your screen. Refer [here](#blank-screen-output-when-i-passthrough

Installing Windows 10 to an external drive without a Windows host

The long story

We were talking at the office about having a LAN Party and playing some old school games like Age of Empires and Starcraft. The issue is that I have Linux installed. I didn't want to ruin everyone else's fun by having random crashes, out-of-sync errors and similar stuff using Wine, and I didn't want to do the dual boot dance, so I figured out that the best option was to install Windows to an external drive.

dudeitssm / answerfile
Created September 24, 2022 15:44 — forked from oofnikj/answerfile
Install Docker on Termux
HOSTNAMEOPTS="-n alpine"
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hostname alpine
dudeitssm /
Created September 21, 2022 04:00 — forked from FreddieOliveira/
This tutorial shows how to run docker natively on Android, without VMs and chroot.

Docker on Android 🐋📱

Edit 🎉

All packages, except for Tini have been added to termux-root. To install them, simply pkg install root-repo && pkg install docker. This will install the whole docker suite, left only Tini to be compiled manually.


dudeitssm /
Created August 12, 2022 04:57 — forked from kongkrit/
Install Alpine Linux on ZFS Root - grub bootloader on UEFI

Alpine Linux Installation on ZFS Root with grub on UEFI

  • References [ ref1 | ref2 | ref3 ]
  • Boot from alpine-extended [ download ]
  • login as root without any password
  • setup network interfaces and start networking:
    /etc/init.d/networking start
  • add, config, and enable openssh:

Quick Guide To Flashing The UMX U693CL Android Smartphone With A Custom ROM And Recovery

Install The edl Tool

This tool can be used for flashing a variety of Qualcomm SoC based devices, including the UMX U693CL.

I recommend using the repo maintainer's live Ubuntu ISO for convenience.

dudeitssm /
Created June 13, 2022 23:33
LIbvirt (virt-manager) Evdev PS/2 Keyboard Passthrough

Libvirt (virt-manager) Evdev PS/2 Device Pass Through With SELINUX Enabled


I saw the following errors when passing a PS/2 keyboard through qemu arguments inside libvirt:

Error starting domain: internal error: qemu unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2022-06-13T00:07:02.581352Z qemu-kvm: -object input-linux,id=kbd1,evdev=/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd,grab_all=on,repeat=on: Could not open '/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd': No such file or directory
dudeitssm /
Created April 24, 2022 02:43 — forked from braian87b/
How to setup a Dumb AP, Wired backbone for OpenWRT / LEDE
dudeitssm /
Created April 11, 2022 03:44 — forked from Ircama/
Configuring the Digispark ATtiny85 board for Arduino IDE and upgrading the bootloader

Configuring the Digispark ATTINY85 board for Arduino IDE and upgrading the bootloader

Warning: this document has to be updated by pointing to

This note describes the configuration of an ATtiny85 based microcontroller development board named Digispark and similar to the Arduino line. It is available in many online marketplaces for roughly 1 dollar (e.g., Ebay, Amazon, AliExpress) and is shipped fully assembled, including a V-USB interface (a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for Atmel's AVR microcontrollers). Coding is similar to Arduino: it uses the familiar Arduino IDE and is already provided with a ready-to-use bootloader (