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Andra Gabriela Radu dummy-andra

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dummy-andra / braindump.jira
Created April 14, 2022 08:26 — forked from bastjan/braindump.jira
openshift logging elasticsearch tenant log size retention braindump
h2. Summary
*As* a VSHN customer user
*I want* to search and visualise my logs
*So that* I can check my application health and be aided with debugging it.-
h2. Context
APPUiO Public has 2.4TB Log Volumes for ~10 days retention.
AbdullahGhani1 / CRON
Last active July 16, 2023 06:51
CRON Job - Kodekloud

CRON job

The Nautilus system admins team has prepared scripts to automate several day-to-day tasks. They want them to be deployed on all app servers in Stratos DC on a set schedule. Before that they need to test similar functionality with a sample cron job. Therefore, perform the steps below:

1. Install cronie package on all Nautilus app servers and start crond service.

1. Add a cron */5 * * * * echo hello > /tmp/cron_text for root user.

Click on ✔ and Do The Task Again


Open Three Terminal and ssh on all App server

on Terminal One

ssh tony@stapp01
tomasinouk /
Last active February 7, 2025 10:39
examples of SNAT, DNAT with iptables for Advantech, Conel routers, with comments (probably will work on other routers where iptables can be manipulated, care needs to be taken on applying these commands after reboot).

Some examples of SNAT, DNAT with iptables with comments

mainly used in start-up script

How to test 'safely'

When we play with iptables aka firewall we might end up in situation, where we execute rule, which has unforseen impact - lock yourself out. Recovering from this situation is necessity.

How to:

  • Enable reboot via SMS.
  • Test all commands in shell first before putting them into Start-up script. This way the command will be wiped out, when unit is rebooted.

masquarade all outgoing packets to be WLAN0 IP