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Deniz Akşimşek dz4k

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SomeHats / runDevBrowser.mjs
Last active February 26, 2025 16:13
A hacky local version of cloudflare's browser rendering API. To use this, copy either runDevBrowser.ts or runDevBrowser.mjs and install the puppeteer and ws packages from npm. Run the dev server alongside wranger with `node runDevServer.mjs` or `tsx runDevServer.ts`
/* eslint-disable no-console */
* This is a little server that emulates the protocol used by cloudflare's browser rendering API. In
* local development, you can run this server, and connect to it instead of cloudflare's (strictly
* limited) API. e.g. in your worker you might use a function like this:
* ```ts
* import { Browser, launch as launchPuppeteer } from '@cloudflare/puppeteer'
* function launchBrowser(env: Environment) {
jreviews / modal-behavior._hs
Last active August 16, 2024 00:32
Hyperscript modal behavior
behavior Modal
set my focusRing to (<a, button, input:not([type=hidden]), textarea, select, details/> in me) as Array
on open
remove .hide
add { overflow: 'hidden' } to the <body/>
transition <[data-backdrop], [data-content]/> in me opacity from 0 to 1 over 0.3s
focus() the first <input/> in me
mp4096 / ppt2pdf.ps1
Created April 28, 2016 10:56
Batch convert PowerPoint files to PDF
# Batch convert all .ppt/.pptx files encountered in folder and all its subfolders
# The produced PDF files are stored in the invocation folder
# Adapted from
# Thanks to MFT, takabanana, ComFreek
# If PowerShell exits with an error, check if unsigned scripts are allowed in your system.
# You can allow them by calling PowerShell as an Administrator and typing
# ```
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
muhittin / strip_tags.js
Created August 15, 2012 09:29
strip_tags for Javascript
var text = '<div class="foo">bar</div>';
text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); // Returns: bar
!function() {
var doc = document,
htm = doc.documentElement,
lct = null, // last click target
nearest = function(elm, tag) {
while (elm && elm.nodeName != tag) {
elm = elm.parentNode;
return elm;