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e-kostylov /
Created January 16, 2025 14:06 — forked from mjkstra/
A modern, updated installation guide for Arch Linux with BTRFS on an UEFI system
e-kostylov / channel_example_test.go
Created June 30, 2021 19:14 — forked from casualjim/channel_example_test.go
examples of golang context and channels
package channel
import (
func ExampleUnbufferedSend() {
c1 := make(chan string)
stderr_log="/dev/shm/stderr-$(date +%s).log"
e-kostylov / doom.txt
Created November 15, 2020 20:53 — forked from hjertnes/doom.txt
Doom Emacs Cheatsheet
SPC: find file
, switch buffer
. browse files
: MX
; EX
< switch buffer
` eval
u universal arg
x pop up scratch
e-kostylov / diskusage.go
Created May 14, 2020 08:13 — forked from ttys3/diskusage.go
Disk Usage info like `df -h` for Golang
package main
import (
syscall ""
type DiskStatus struct {
All uint64 `json:"all"`
Used uint64 `json:"used"`
e-kostylov / .gitconfig
Created February 26, 2020 11:21 — forked from pksunkara/config
Sample of git config file (Example .gitconfig)
name = Pavan Kumar Sunkara
email = [email protected]
username = pksunkara
editor = vim
whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
smtpencryption = tls
e-kostylov / fetch.go
Created May 31, 2018 16:15 — forked from hriddhidey/fetch.go
Fetch makes network calls using the method (POST/GET..), the URL // to hit, headers to add (if any), and the body of the request. This function can serve as a singular resource for all your network calls to pass through, thus becoming an http interceptor. You may add a lot of n/w layer related customizations here as you wish - headers, auth, red…
// Fetch makes network calls using the method (POST/GET..), the URL // to hit, headers to add (if any), and the body of the request.
// Feel free to add more stuff to before/after making the actual n/w call!
func Fetch(method string, url string, header map[string]string, body io.Reader) (*http.Response, err) {
// Create client with required custom parameters.
// Options: Disable keep-alives, 30sec n/w call timeout.
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
DisableKeepAlives: true,
Timeout: time.Duration(10 * time.Second),
e-kostylov / client.go
Created February 7, 2018 09:37 — forked from kenshinx/client.go
golang socket server & client ping-pong demo
package main
import (
const (
e-kostylov /
Created January 24, 2018 08:38 — forked from leonardofed/
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

For more about AWS and AWS Certifications and updates to this Gist you should follow me @leonardofed

e-kostylov / Docker Compose + NATS example
Created October 24, 2017 08:09 — forked from wallyqs/Docker Compose + NATS example
NATS Docker blog post/HTTP Server
FROM golang:1.6.2
COPY . /go
RUN go get
RUN go build api-server.go
ENTRYPOINT ["/go/api-server"]