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Last active July 10, 2023 16:51
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  • Save eddie-knight/61d8209d348f9bc6d4e8b16836860c2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eddie-knight/61d8209d348f9bc6d4e8b16836860c2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2022 CNCF Security Slam

CLOMonitor Development Workflow is a great dashboard for checking your project's progress. It reruns once an hour if repository changes are detected.

How is your CNCF project is configured for

If you would like to review or modify the checks that are being made for your project, check out the CNCF configuration file for

This YAML file will specify which projects are checked, which repos are considered as part of each project, and which subset of checks are executed for each repo.

If you would like realtime checks while working, it is recommended that you take one of the following options.

Local Installation of the CLOMonitor Web Service

This option is detailed exhaustively in the documentation for CLOMonitor, which can be found on the website here or the project repo here. This process may require a bit of effort, but will give you a complete CLOMonitor web service locally that is identical to the web platform that runs scheduled checks.

Dockerized Local Execution of CLOMonitor

This is probably the best option, though it took me a bit of prodding before I wasn't missing any details. I included instructions to get it running quickly in on this gist.

Dockerized CI Execution of CLOMonitor

This can be helpful once you've gotten far enough to add automated checks.

I've included github-clomonitor-ci.yml below as reference for this.

Notes on

  1. scans all of it's target projects every hour
  2. Target projects are comprised of one or more repositories
  3. A list of projects and the associated repositories for CNCF can be seen here
  4. At least one repository on the project should have code scans
  5. At least one repository on the project should have community scans
  6. code-lite can be used on secondary repositories that need to follow best practices, but are not held to the same security standards
  7. Most projects already have their repo type set in the configuration, you just need to check and see what standards each repo is being held to
  8. Exemptions are tolerated so long as a justification is included. See example here:


  • Only the "security" checks need to get to 100%


Let me know if you have more helpful notes to drop on here!

Local Dockerized Execution of CLOMonitor

This is the way.


1. Create your GitHub API personal access token

The token should have public_repo scope.

  1. < > Developer Settings
  2. Personal Access Tokens
  3. Generate a new token
  4. Give it a name and a finite expiration date
  5. Check the box for "public_repo" scope (and nothing else)
  6. Generate Token
  7. Add the token to an environment variable file to pass to your docker container (I keep mine in ~/dev)
# ~/dev/env.list

2. Run the CLOMonitor image

Run it, and mount the directory you wish to scan. Add winpty to the beginning if you're using a terminal is not a TTY (specifically, if you get an error message saying this).

$ docker run -it --env-file ~/dev/env.list --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/myapp
~ $ clomonitor-linter --help
Output (click to expand)
clomonitor-linter 0.7.0
Checks repository to verify it meets certain project health best practices

The CLOMonitor linter runs some checks on the repository provided and produces
a report with the result. Some of the checks are done locally using the path
provided and some remotely as they rely on external APIs. Only GitHub repos
are supported at the moment. For more information about the checks, please see The exit code will be 0 if the
linter runs successfully and the score is equal or higher than the pass score
provided, or non-zero otherwise.

This tool uses the Github GraphQL API for some checks, which requires
authentication. Please make sure you provide a Github token (with public_repo
scope) by setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

    clomonitor-linter [OPTIONS] --path <PATH> --url <URL>

        --check-set <CHECK_SET>      Sets of checks to run [default: code community] [possible
                                     values: code, code-lite, community, docs]
        --format <FORMAT>            Output format [default: table] [possible values: json, table]
    -h, --help                       Print help information
        --pass-score <PASS_SCORE>    Linter pass score [default: 75]
        --path <PATH>                Repository local path (used for checks that can be done
        --url <URL>                  Repository url [] (used for some
                                     GitHub remote checks)
    -V, --version                    Print version information

3. Profit

~ $ clomonitor-linter --path /myapp --url
Output (click to expand)
CLOMonitor linter results

Repository information

│ Local path ┆ /myapp                                                      │
│ Remote url ┆ │
│ Check sets ┆ [Code, Community]                                           │

Score summary

│     Section    ┆ Score │
│ Global         ┆   48  │
│ Documentation  ┆   53  │
│ License        ┆   75  │
│ Best practices ┆   25  │
│ Security       ┆   50  │
│ Legal          ┆   0   │

Checks summary

│                 Check                ┆   Passed   │
│ Documentation / Adopters             ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Changelog            ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Code of conduct      ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Contributing         ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Governance           ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Maintainers          ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Readme               ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Roadmap              ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Website              ┆      ✗     │
│ License                              ┆ Apache-2.0 │
│ License / Approved                   ┆      ✓     │
│ License / Scanning                   ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Analytics           ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Artifact Hub badge  ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / CLA                 ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / Community meeting   ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / DCO                 ┆   Exempt   │
│ Best practices / GitHub discussions  ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / OpenSSF (CII) badge ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Recent release      ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Slack presence      ┆   Exempt   │
│ Security / Binary artifacts          ┆      ✓     │
│ Security / Code review               ┆      ✓     │
│ Security / Dangerous workflow        ┆      ✓     │
│ Security / Dependency update tool    ┆      ✗     │
│ Security / Maintained                ┆      ✓     │
│ Security / SBOM                      ┆      ✗     │
│ Security / Security policy           ┆      ✗     │
│ Security / Signed release            ┆      ✗     │
│ Security / Token permissions         ┆      ✗     │
│ Legal / Trademark disclaimer         ┆      ✗     │

✗ Failed with a global score of 48 (pass score is 75)

Optional: Specify your check set

Since your project is likely comprised of multiple repos, you probably won't want to run every check on every repo.

Use --check-set to limit which tests are run. You can specify multiple options by passing the flag multiple times.

~ $ clomonitor-linter --path /myapp --check-set community --check-set code-lite --url
Output (click to expand)
CLOMonitor linter results

Repository information

│ Local path ┆ /myapp                                                      │
│ Remote url ┆ │
│ Check sets ┆ [Community, CodeLite]                                       │

Score summary

│     Section    ┆ Score │
│ Global         ┆   59  │
│ Documentation  ┆   55  │
│ License        ┆  100  │
│ Best practices ┆   56  │
│ Security       ┆   0   │
│ Legal          ┆   0   │

Checks summary

│                 Check                ┆   Passed   │
│ Documentation / Adopters             ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Changelog            ┆     n/a    │
│ Documentation / Code of conduct      ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Contributing         ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Governance           ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Maintainers          ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Readme               ┆      ✓     │
│ Documentation / Roadmap              ┆      ✗     │
│ Documentation / Website              ┆      ✗     │
│ License                              ┆ Apache-2.0 │
│ License / Approved                   ┆      ✓     │
│ License / Scanning                   ┆     n/a    │
│ Best practices / Analytics           ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Artifact Hub badge  ┆     n/a    │
│ Best practices / CLA                 ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / Community meeting   ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / DCO                 ┆   Exempt   │
│ Best practices / GitHub discussions  ┆      ✓     │
│ Best practices / OpenSSF (CII) badge ┆     n/a    │
│ Best practices / Recent release      ┆      ✗     │
│ Best practices / Slack presence      ┆   Exempt   │
│ Security / Binary artifacts          ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Code review               ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Dangerous workflow        ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Dependency update tool    ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Maintained                ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / SBOM                      ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Security policy           ┆      ✗     │
│ Security / Signed release            ┆     n/a    │
│ Security / Token permissions         ┆     n/a    │
│ Legal / Trademark disclaimer         ┆      ✗     │

✗ Failed with a global score of 59 (pass score is 75)
# .github/workflows/clomonitor.yml
name: CI
on: [push, pull_request]
permissions: read-all
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
options: --user root
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run CloMonitor linter
run: clomonitor-linter --path . --url
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