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mrpeardotnet /
Created December 17, 2019 18:03
Proxmox PVE Host Config Backup Script

Proxmox PVE Host Config Backup Script

This script can be used to backup essential configuration files from the Proxmox Virtual Enivronment (PVE) host.

The script will create backups using tar with specified backup prefix and date and time stamp in the file name. Script will also delete backups that are older then number of days specified.

Create backup script file

To create backup script that will be executed every day we can create backup script in /etc/cron.daily/ folder. We need to make it writeable by root (creator) only, but readable and executable by everyone:

touch /etc/cron.daily/pvehost-backup
malte-v / settings.json
Last active November 18, 2019 12:55
Material-style semantic C++ syntax highlighting for VSCode (cquery)
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.types": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.freeStandingFunctions": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.memberFunctions": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.freeStandingVariables": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.memberVariables": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.namespaces": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.macros": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.enums": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.typeAliases": true,
"cquery.highlighting.enabled.enumConstants": true,
rudolfovich / csvfile.h
Last active June 13, 2024 08:39
CSV file generator
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
class csvfile;
inline static csvfile& endrow(csvfile& file);
inline static csvfile& flush(csvfile& file);
QuantumGhost / example.puml
Last active September 21, 2024 19:19
A simple template for PlantUML to draw ER diagram.The basic idea comes from
' uncomment the line below if you're using computer with a retina display
' skinparam dpi 300
!define Table(name,desc) class name as "desc" << (T,#FFAAAA) >>
' we use bold for primary key
' green color for unique
' and underscore for not_null
!define primary_key(x) <b>x</b>
!define unique(x) <color:green>x</color>
!define not_null(x) <u>x</u>
petrklus /
Last active February 15, 2025 16:25
Kelvin to RGB in python
Based on:
Comments resceived:
Original pseudo code:
Set Temperature = Temperature \ 100
Calculate Red:
If Temperature <= 66 Then
hofmannsven /
Last active February 7, 2025 13:12
Git CLI Cheatsheet
gabro / git-working-history
Last active March 27, 2023 09:47
Github-like working directory history
FILES=`git ls-tree --name-only HEAD .`
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
for f in $FILES; do
if [ ${#f} -gt $MAXLEN ]; then