Understand your Mac and iPhone more deeply by tracing the evolution of Mac OS X from prelease to Swift. John Siracusa delivers the details.
You've got two main options:
Edit: This doesn't work for lists > 20 items, because pagination does not work. Please see here
This script allows extracting name and coordinates for gmaps shared lists. It is incredibly unstable and may break anytime. Good luck figuring out why, because the syntax is extremely confusing and basically makes no sense at all. Thanks to google for not providing an api for this after LITERALLY 12 YEARS
How to use this script:
google.com/maps/@<your coords>/data=....
-portion and paste it into the following link:
1.60 で Source-based code coverage が安定化した (stable で使えるようになった)。
どうやって使うのかといった話は リリースノート に書いてある通り。なんだけど、ちょっと面倒くさい。
簡単に使うには https://github.com/taiki-e/cargo-llvm-cov の力を借りる。
と cargo-llvm-cov
# -------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Recursively find pdfs from the directory given as the first argument, | |
# otherwise search the current directory. | |
# Use exiftool and qpdf (both must be installed and locatable on $PATH) | |
# to strip all top-level metadata from PDFs. | |
# | |
# Note - This only removes file-level metadata, not any metadata | |
# in embedded images, etc. | |
# | |
# Code is provided as-is, I take no responsibility for its use, |
aback | |
abase | |
abate | |
abbey | |
abbot | |
abhor | |
abide | |
abled | |
abode | |
abort |
macOS で mruby をやるための手順。
mruby が依存するツールを入れる。 See: https://github.com/mruby/mruby/blob/master/doc/guides/compile.md#prerequisites
xcode 入れて Ruby を入れたらだいたい動くと思う。
[% aregeword = ['アレゲはアレゲ以上のなにものでもなさげ -- アレゲ研究家', | |
'吾輩はリファレンスである。名前はまだ無い -- perlの中の人', | |
'犯人は巨人ファンでA型で眼鏡をかけている -- あるハッカー', | |
'犯人はmoriwaka -- Anonymous Coward', | |
'クラックを法規制強化で止められると思ってる奴は頭がおかしい -- あるアレゲ人', | |
'日本発のオープンソースソフトウェアは42件 -- ある官僚', | |
'あつくて寝られない時はhackしろ! 386BSD(98)はそうやってつくられましたよ? -- あるハッカー', | |
'未知のハックに一心不乱に取り組んだ結果、私は自然の法則を変えてしまった -- あるハッカー', | |
'皆さんもソースを読むときに、行と行の間を読むような気持ちで見てほしい -- あるハッカー', | |
'ナニゲにアレゲなのは、ナニゲなアレゲ -- アレゲ研究家', |
[...document.querySelectorAll('object[data*="/dewplayer.swf"]')].forEach(dew=>{const a=new Audio(new URL(dew.data).searchParams.get('mp3'));a.controls=true;a.style.width='200px';a.style.height='20px';dew.replaceWith(a);}) |
That will ensure you can check and test that a specific hotkey assignment is actually definately working independantly of the specific desired action. This is important because the desktop environment can also occupy pre-configured 'system keys' and if they are already being mapped to something other default system wide actions then (likely) will silently be ignored.
So being independant here from the subsequent specific desired target actions in some special app or whatever. Which themselves definately might have other own different issues or not behave correctly. And especially when being invoked from the compositor via this method (rather than a logged in user terminal etc.)