This chart installs foo, the app with the most bar. This is just a standard foo setup.
The following secrets are configurable:
- username
- password
You can use the following labels for maximum fun.
- lol=cat
The foo pods also have the following environment variables:
- getfired
- false: does something totally reasonable.
- true: close your laptop and walk out.
Once installed, you can access the application by (hitting a url | executing a command) as follows:
export NODEPORT=`kubectl get svc --selector='app=foo,heritage=helm' --output=template --template="{{ with index .items 0}}{{with index .spec.ports 0 }}{{.nodePort}}{{end}}{{end}}"`
export NODE=`kubectl get nodes --output=template --template="{{with index .items 0 }}{{}}{{end}}"`
curl http://$NODE:$NODEPORT
export PODNAME=`kubectl get pod --selector='app=foo,heritage=helm' --output=template --template="{{with index .items 0}}{{}}{{end}}"
kubectl exec $PODNAME command
The foo pods can also be scaled:
kubectl scale rc foo --replicas=10
The Baz Foundation is the best resource for all things Foo: