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No Tech For ICE

Emma Humphries emceeaich

No Tech For ICE
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emceeaich /
Last active September 29, 2015 07:59
Based on Matt May's Advocacy Template from his Open Web Camp talk


This is the problem

Your systems call your patients, clients, and customers by a name they no longer use, but is difficult for them to change or they are in the process of changing.

and this is how it effects people

Calling someone by the incorrect name can inadverntenly expose their gender status. Exposing someone's trans status without permission can get them fired from their job, renounced by their family, or threatened by strangers.

emceeaich / Things_that_make_everything_better.txt
Last active December 15, 2015 16:50 — forked from quephird/Things_that_make_everything_better.txt
Things that make everything better
Things that make everything better:
• 💙 Blue
• 🍫 Chocolate
• ☕️ Coffee
• 👭 Cynthia
• 🎸 Shoegaze
• () JavaScript
• 👗 Dresses
• ❌ Cancelled meetings
emceeaich /
Created December 22, 2015 18:55 — forked from willurd/
Big list of http static server one-liners

Each of these commands will run an ad hoc http static server in your current (or specified) directory, available at http://localhost:8000. Use this power wisely.

Discussion on reddit.

Python 2.x

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
emceeaich /
Created March 15, 2016 00:32 — forked from yorkxin/
Amazon S3 Redirect Rules Generator

Amazon S3 Redirect Rules Generator

A Ruby script to generate simple Amazon S3 Redirection Rules XML file.

Update: There is an app for that now! Use Amazon S3 Redirector (Web app) and you can generate the XML without any knowledge about Ruby. Thanks to @rainforestapp. BTW, It's open source too.


  • Nokogiri
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
emceeaich / Triage Queries
Last active July 14, 2016 00:44
Google Sheet formulea for making all the triage links which feed the template
=CONCATENATE("{{TriageLeads", CHAR(10), "|product=", A2, char(10), "|component=", B2, char(10), "|lead=[mailto:", D2, " ", D2, "]", char(10), "|backup=", char(10), "|toolurl=", F2, char(10), "|untriaged=", G2, char(10), "|needinfo=", H2, char(10), "|reviews=", I2, char(10), "|needdecision=", J2, char(10), "|needrange=", K2, char(10), "}}")
Bugs to Triage
=HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2, " ", "%20"), ":", "%3A"), "&", "%26"), "&component=", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B2, " ", "%20"), ":", "%3A"), "&", "%26"), "&priority=--&n1=1&"))
Stale Needinfos
emceeaich /
Last active July 15, 2016 22:04
Python Script to get Firefox Related Components
import json
import urllib2
import csv
fd = urllib2.urlopen(",name,components,is_active")
d = json.load(fd)
components = []
for p in d['products']:
if not p['is_active']:
emceeaich /
Last active August 12, 2016 16:40
Setup for Working from Bed While Recovering from Surgery

I recently had major surgery that requires I stay prone for long periods while I recover.

Here's what I ordered, at the suggestion of an ergonomics specialist, to be able to work from a prone position.

emceeaich / gopher.js
Last active August 26, 2016 05:13 — forked from mcroydon/gopher.js
// gopher.js - a gopher implementation using node.js
// Released under the 3 clause BSD license by Matt Croydon <[email protected]> (
// Forked by Emma Humphries ( for stupid Internet of Things tricks
var net = require('net');
net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on("data", function (data) {
if (data === '\r\n') {
emceeaich / wiki-to-leads.js
Created September 20, 2016 22:06
Parse out the triage leads from the wiki. Cut and paste into the javascript console.
var report = [];
document.querySelectorAll('table.wikitable').forEach(table => {
product: table.querySelector('tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2)').textContent.trim(),
component: table.querySelector('tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4)').textContent.trim(),
lead: table.querySelector('tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)').textContent.trim()
report.forEach(item => {console.log(item.product + ', "' + item.component + '", ' + item.lead) });