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Emily Horsman emilyhorsman

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module Termination where
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Sum
data Unit : Set where
unit : Unit
record Stream : Set where
*Note*: I will call this ~sprintf~ instead of ~printf~ since we are not dealing with IO.
I will use the terminology from the [[][man page for ~sprintf~]].
~sprintf~ takes a "format string" which is any number of "directives".
A directive is either a character other than ~'%'~ or a "conversion specification" consisting of a ~'%'~ and conversion specifier (such as ~d~ for integers).
The design chosen during lecture failed since our level of abstraction was at characters instead of directives.
For instance, the string ~"%d"~ has two characters but only a single directive: the integer conversion specification.
We can start with a data type to represent directives.
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (refl to definition-chasing)
open ≡-Reasoning
open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Function
defn-chasing : ∀ {i} {A : Set i} (x : A) → String → A → A
defn-chasing x reason supposedly-x-again = supposedly-x-again
syntax defn-chasing x reason xish = x ≡⟨ reason ⟩′ xish
infixl 3 defn-chasing
emilyhorsman /
Last active February 10, 2019 00:12
Literate Agda in Org mode documents

Literate Agda in Org mode documents

Note: These instructions will be unnecessary after Agda 2.6.0 is released.

PR agda/adga#3548.

  1. Clone the Agda repository.
    git clone
    cd agda
# Abstract Data Type
class PointT:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.__point = (x, y)
# sum : PointT -> R
# sum is an instance method.
# It acts on one instance.
# In Python we call an instance an object.
# An object from the class PointT is an object
open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality renaming (refl to definition-chasing)
record List (A : Set) : Set where
-- Explicitly coinductive.
-- The fields of this record are the destructors of this coinductive type.
-- Notice: /No/ cons!
car : A
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Rose a) where
arbitrary =
numChildren :: Gen Int
numChildren = (`mod` 6) . abs <$> arbitrary
makeRose :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen (Rose a)
makeRose n = rose $ n `div` 2
branch :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen [Rose a]
TEST_CASE("Refraction straight through center from outside") {
Vec3f rayDirection({ 0, 0, -1 });
Vec3f normal({ 0, 0, 1 });
bool isTotalInternalReflection;
Vec3f refraction = refractionDir(rayDirection, normal, 1.2f, isTotalInternalReflection);
REQUIRE(refraction[0] == 0);
REQUIRE(refraction[1] == 0);
REQUIRE(refraction[2] == -1);
uint8_t byteRead;
uint8_t byteIndex;
uint8_t checksum;
uint8_t buttonNum;
bool buttonVal;
bool validState;
void loop() {
t = millis();
Axiom “Demo”: Q ⇒ P
Theorem “Contrapositivity is the antitonicity of logical not”: ¬ P ⇒ ¬ Q
¬ P
⇒⟨ “Contrapositive” with “Demo” ⟩
¬ Q